Reigon: Devil of the Seabed

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Reigon: Devil of the Seabed
Script cover for Reigon: Devil of the Seabed
Planned 1966
Concept history Giant Monster Gigant
Giant Squid Arkitius
Monster Momonra
Region: Devil of the SeabedGappa

Reigon: Devil of the Seabed (海底の魔王 レイゴン,   Kaitei no Maō Reigon) is an unmade 1966 Nikkatsu film, and a precursor to Gappa.


Reigon was the fourth and final unmade film in a series of concepts Nikkatsu Company had before making Gappa.[1][2][3]

Reigon got the furthest into the development out of the four scrapped projects, receiving a plot synopsis, speculative screenplay, and kaiju ideas.

Planning was done by Hideo Kodama and the draft was written by Shunichi Yukimuro and Ryuzo Nakanishi.


A giant manta ray dubbed "Reigon" appears one day and wreaks havoc across the world--and then fights a giant iguana.


This is a list of references for Reigon: Devil of the Seabed. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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