Resurrection of Godzilla (1983)

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Resurrection of Godzilla (1983)
Artwork by Hurricane 'Ryu' Hariken from "Encyclopedia of Godzilla (Mechagodzilla Edition)"
Alternate titles The Reawakening of Godzilla,
The Return of Godzilla
Planned 1984
Concept history King of Monsters:
Resurrection of Godzilla

Resurrection of Godzilla (1980)
Resurection of Godzilla (1983)
The Return of Godzilla
Candidate for deletion
This article has been marked for deletion.
Reason: Integrate into The Return of Godzilla page.

Resurrection of Godzilla (ゴジラの復活,   Gojira no Fukkatsu) is an unrealized Godzilla film proposed in 1983 and planned for a 1984 release. It is the second distinct version of a 1980 proposal of the same name.


In 1980, Tomoyuki Tanaka and Akira Murao proposed a revival film for the Godzilla franchise, titled Resurrection of Godzilla. While Tanaka felt the story he and Murao created embodied a great deal of what he wanted for the next Godzilla film, it underwent revisions over the next several years. In 1983, Murao and Hideichi Nagahara collaborated to write a new draft, which while very close to Tanaka's 1980 proposal differed in a few ways. Ultimately, the idea was discarded and replaced by what would become the 16th Godzilla film and the first of the Heisei series, The Return of Godzilla.


A shapeshifting mystical creature called Bakan appears in Japan and battles the JSDF, switching between its three forms: an ape, a dragon and a fish. Meanwhile, illegal nuclear dumping in the Pacific Ocean awakens Godzilla, who travels to Japan in search of more nuclear fuel. When Godzilla arrives, he encounters Bakan, who is unable to defeat Godzilla. Bakan transforms into a totem-like composite of his three forms and fights Godzilla again. This time however, Godzilla destroys Bakan for good. With Bakan out of the way and the JSDF's advanced "super weapons" destroyed, Godzilla rampages through Japan, causing the government to fear he will attack Tokyo. A scientist named Dr. Inamura is convinced to use his nuclear fission device, the Reiconium, in order to hopefully kill Godzilla. The Reiconium is used to lure Godzilla to a remote atoll, and is detonated once Godzilla nears it. Godzilla is consumed in a fiery explosion and falls into the sea, seemingly defeated. However, Godzilla later washes ashore on the west coast of the United States, where he is awakened by a nearby nuclear power plant and lets out a vicious roar.


  • One key difference between this and the original 1980 proposal is that in addition to his three primary forms, Bakan possesses a fourth form known as the "Demon Beast" form, a totem-like combination of his previous three forms.

See also


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