Godzilla vs. Red Moon

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Godzilla vs. Red Moon
Concept drawing based on Godzilla vs. Red Moon by "Hurricane" Ryu Hariken
Alternate titles Godzilla, Red Moon, Erabus, Halfun:
Monster No Man's Land
Planned 1970-1973
Intended release Summer (year unspecified)

Godzilla vs. Red Moon (ゴジラ・レッドムーン・エラブス・ハーフン 怪獣番外地,   Gojira Reddo Mūn Erabusu Hāfun Kaijū Bangaichi, lit. Godzilla, Red Moon, Erabus, Halfun: Monster No Man's Land) is an unmade Godzilla film.


Godzilla vs. Red Moon would have been a collaboration between Toho Studios and Tsuburaya Productions. Sources disagree on whether this film led to the 1972 film Daigoro vs. Goliath, produced by Tsuburaya and distributed by Toho, or would have reused its three monster suits. Godzilla Toho Champion Festival Perfection states that it was in the works as early as 1970, while Toho Tokusatsu Unpublished Works gives it a planned 1973 release date.[1] The film's screenplay was written by Tetsuo Kinjo and Kazuho Mitsuta, and would have been produced by Noboru Tsuburaya and Toyoaki Awa, directed by Shohei Tojo, and with special effects by Kazuo Sagawa. According to the script's opening pages, the film would have been approximately an hour and a half in length, and would have been aimed for a summer release date.[2]


A strange new kaiju emerges from the Moon's surface and quickly flies down to Earth. Upon reaching its destination, the creature is sighted and dubbed Red Moon. Almost simultaneously, another kaiju appears on the nearby Habu Island, located in a part of the Ryukku Island Chain within the Okinawa prefecture. This new monster is then dubbed Erabus.

The Japanese Self Defense Force comes to the conclusion that the two monsters should be led to one another in the hopes that they will kill each other. The plan to lead the two to one another is a success; however, instead of fighting, the two monsters mate, and it's revealed that Erabus and Red Moon are female and male, respectively, of the same species. Erabus then gives birth to Halfun.

With the situation only getting worse, the JSDF is scrambling to create a new strategy to deal with the kaiju. Things go from bad to worse when Halfun is kidnapped by an entrepreneur. Shortly after getting kidnapped, Halfun dies during the moving process. With their child dead, Red Moon and Erabus go berserk and start rampaging the once peaceful Okinawa. Having sensed the two from the beginning, Godzilla finally arrives and does battle with the two kaiju, emerging victorious and bringing peace back to Okinawa. At the behest of a child, the monster king throws Erabus into the sea and spares Red Moon, who retreats back into space.[3]



  • Some sources allege that Erabus and Red Moon would have been depicted using the suits for Daigoro's mother and Goliath from Daigoro vs. Goliath. However, other sources suggest that Daigoro vs. Goliath was the result of Godzilla vs. Red Moon being reworked into an entirely different film. The only known artwork of the monsters was created by "Hurricane" Ryu Hariken decades after the film was scrapped.
  • "Habu" is the Ryukyuan word used as a general category for various species of vipers living in the island chain. Habu Island in the script is home to abnormally long lived pit vipers.

External links


This is a list of references for Godzilla vs. Red Moon. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. John LeMay (2017). The Big Book of Japanese Giant Monster Movies: The Lost Films. Bicep Books. p. 37. ISBN 1548145254.
  2. Godzilla Toho Champion Festival Perfection. ASCII MEDIA WORKS. 29 November 2014. p. 128. ISBN 978-4-04-866999-3.
  3. LeMay, John (15 June 2017). The Big Book of Japanese Giant Monster Movies: The Lost Films. Bicep Books. p. 38. ISBN 978-1548145255.


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