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Behemoth in Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Alternate names Mapinguary, Mammut TitanPFX (game files)
Titanus Behemoth
Species Giant mammalian Titan
Height 354 feet[1] / 107 meters[2]
Weight 90,000 metric tons[2]
Place(s) of emergence Rio de JaneiroGKotM,
Amazon rainforestGD, MD,
Controlled by King Ghidorah (temporarily)GKotM,
Mechagodzilla (temporarily)JLvGvK
Allies Godzilla, MechagodzillaJLvGvK,
ScyllaJLvGvK, TiamatJLvGvK,
King KongJLvGvK
Enemies Amhuluk, Wonder WomanJLvGvK,
Wonder GirlJLvGvK, AmazonsJLvGvK, Bat-MechJLvGvK, Green Lantern RoboJLvGvK
ShazamJLvGvK, Skull DevilJLvGvK
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla: King of the Monsters Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong
For the titular behemoth from The Giant Behemoth, see Paleosaurus.
You think we have the right to just kill a god?

Monarch agent Mariko (Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization)

Behemoth (ベヒモス,   Behimosu) is a mammalian Titan who first appeared in the 2019 Legendary Pictures Godzilla film Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

One of many Titans awakened by King Ghidorah's call in 2019, Behemoth attacked Rio de Janeiro under the evil Titan's command before traveling to Boston with the others. With Godzilla having defeated Ghidorah, Behemoth and the other Titans proceeded to submit to Godzilla as the new alpha Titan. Behemoth established his own territory in the Amazon rainforest, where he was attacked by the Titan Amhuluk. However, Godzilla soon arrived and forced Amhuluk to leave, restoring Behemoth's claim to his territory. Behemoth was also one of the Titans transported to the DC Universe through the Toyman's usage of the Dreamstone. He, along with Scylla and Tiamat, was deployed by Lex Luthor through Mechagodzilla to fight the Justice League.


Behemoth is named after a beast mentioned in the Bible (בהמות Behemot), which is interpreted often as either referring to a mythical creature or a large animal such as an elephant or rhinoceros. Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization also gives Behemoth the alternative name Mapinguary, derived from a Brazilian cryptid believed to resemble a giant sloth. Monarch gave Behemoth the Titan classification Titanus Behemoth.


Behemoth concept art by Xu Tianhua

Behemoth was originally conceptualized as a giant mammoth, with tusks on his lower jaw similar to a Deinotherium and wood-like protrusions on his legs. Eventually, this design was discarded in favor of making the creature more like a giant sloth, although the mammoth-like tusks were retained. According to director Michael Dougherty, "[A]t one point we considered adding massive cuffs and broken chains around his limbs to hint that he was once captured and used as a warbeast by some ancient society."[3] Footage of the Castle Bravo set shows that he was originally meant to emerge in Mexico.[4]

Behemoth was considered for a cameo in Godzilla vs. Kong. According to screenwriter Eric Pearson, "The idea was to have liquored-up, good ol' boys going out with shotguns to hunt one of the tamer Titans. They got crushed by a woolly mammoth thing."[5] Nonetheless, he was included in the Playmates Godzilla vs. Kong toyline.


Behemoth is a mammalian creature resembling a giant sloth with a mammoth head. He knuckle-walks like an ape with his long and muscular forelimbs, which are larger than his hind legs. Mammoth-like tusks jut downward from his cheeks and a stubby trunk-like structure covers his mouth region. Behemoth is covered in light brown fur and appears to have greenish vines or algae growing on his otherwise gray tusks. Behemoth possesses a row of bumpy triangular spikes running along his back, which Monarch describes as being made of "unbreakable granite fortified with metal and ore."[1] He has sloth-like claws and elephantine feet. His eyes are pale grey.

In Godzilla Dominion, Behemoth's design is slightly altered, possessing more human-like, thumbed hands, three-toed feet resembling those of theropod dinosaurs, more saturated fur, and his tusks are absent of the vines dangling down in other media.

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, Behemoth's face briefly resembled that of a bear when he rammed the Skull Devil and his tusks have inconsistent proportions from panel to panel.


Monarch classifies Behemoth's behavior as that of a "protector,"[1] along with fellow Titans Godzilla, Mothra, Kong, and Methuselah. He is a peaceful herbivore who enjoys being groomed.[3]


Behemoth was discovered by Monarch in Brazil, and an outpost was constructed around him. In Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization, a Monarch agent named Mariko states, "There are cave paintings of him that are twelve thousand years old."[6]



Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Behemoth was among the many Titans awakened from his slumber in Brazil by King Ghidorah's call. He attacked Rio de Janeiro before making his way to Boston along with Methuselah, Scylla, the Queen MUTO, and a flock of Leafwings. There, they found the alpha they were following, Ghidorah, slain at the hands of Godzilla. Rodan approached Godzilla to challenge him, but was intimidated by his gaze and ultimately submitted. The other Titans all followed suit, each "bowing" in their own way to the new King of the Monsters. News outlets reported afterward that Behemoth's trail of destruction had begun to restore clear-cut parts of the Amazon rainforest.



Behemoth ramming the Skull Devil with its tusks in Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong

Behemoth possesses two large tusks protruding from his face, similar to a woolly mammoth. He uses these large tusks to destroy structures in his path and bludgeon other Titans.

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, Behemoth uses his tusks to ram the revived Skull Devil, knocking it down for long enough to allow Kong to attack it.


Behemoth's restoration ability in Monsterverse Declassified

Behemoth's radiation can restore the jungles he passes through. After Godzilla took command of the Titans in Boston, he used this ability on the Amazon rainforest, with areas of the Amazon damaged by clearcutting undergoing rapid regrowth.

Bio-seismic nature

Monarch describes Behemoth as "bio-seismic."[1]


Behemoth's feces can be used as a highly effective fertilizer.[1]


After most of Behemoth's tusk is broken off by Amhuluk in Godzilla Dominion, a subsequent panel shows it to be longer than when it was broken. Artist Drew Edward Johnson later clarified that he intended this to be the tusk regenerating,[7] elaborating, "I figured if the tusks are his main weapon, they should grow back quickly".[8] This regeneration was finally shown explicitly in Monsterverse Declassified, with Behemoth's tusk beginning to reform shortly after he awakens from his defeat by Amhuluk. It continues growing over the course of the day until it is fully healed by the end of the comic.


In Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization, Monarch attacked Behemoth with a jet of blue-white fire emitted from a nozzle installed in the ceiling of the outpost housing him. It angered him but left his fur unharmed. In Godzilla Dominion, he was outmatched by Amhuluk, with the other Titan breaking one of his tusks before Godzilla intervened. In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, an Amazonian ballista bolt penetrated his skin, though caused little harm. He also appeared unscathed by blows from Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, and Shazam, though they were enough to oust him from the battle.

Video games

Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers

One of the game's player servers, called regions, is named "Behemoth 1."


Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization

Monarch prepared to terminate Behemoth when he responded to Ghidorah's call. However, an agent named Mariko, who sympathized with Emma Russell's mission and believed Behemoth to be "the most interesting of the Titans," cut the power to the outpost's backup kill switch. Behemoth quickly dispatched a group of soldiers and a nozzle emitting blue-white fire before breaking out of the facility, killing Mariko in the process. From there, his role in the novelization is the same as in the film.


Godzilla Dominion

Behemoth battling Amhuluk in Godzilla Dominion

Behemoth battled the Titan Amhuluk when the latter wandered into his territory in the Amazon. Amhuluk broke one of Behemoth's tusks and knocked him down before beginning to drag him away. However, Godzilla soon arrived and attacked Amhuluk, convincing the creature that he was the alpha Titan and causing it to leave the area. Behemoth then got back to his feet and wandered away.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong

During a battle between the Justice League and the Legion of Doom in the Fortress of Solitude, the Toyman accidentally activated the Mother Box, transporting him and the rest of the villains to Skull Island in the Monsterverse. The Legion fled from a giant Skullcrawler as it battled Kong, finding an abandoned facility. There they found four other Titans displayed on monitors: Godzilla, Behemoth, Scylla, and Camazotz. The Toyman was dismissed by the rest of the Legion when he announced a plan to unleash these creatures against the Justice League, so he angrily used the Dreamstone he had stolen from the Fortress to transport his team, Skull Island, and several Titans back to the DC Universe. The displaced Titans went on the warpath, with Behemoth attacking Themyscira. Spread thin, the Justice League sent Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl to defend the island. They arrived before the Titan had reached the city and tied their Lassos of Truth and Persuasion to a ballista bolt. They rode the bolt to Behemoth and wrapped their lassos around his neck to halt his advance. Wonder Woman tried to explain to Behemoth that her people did not want a fight, but Behemoth simply began moving elsewhere, throwing them off his back in the process, as she realized something was calling the monster. Over a week later, Lex Luthor lured Scylla, Behemoth, and Tiamat to Metropolis with Mechagodzilla, and asserted the mech as their alpha. Lex was soon confronted by the Justice League and a battle commenced, in which Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl faced Behemoth again, managing to knock him down. Later, Behemoth participated in the final battle against the revived Skull Devil, ramming it with his tusks before being subdued by Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, and Shazam.

After the final battle, when Superman used the Dreamstone to send the Titans back to the Monsterverse, presumely it includes Behemoth.


Main article: Behemoth/Gallery.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
China and Taiwan Flags.png Mandarin Chinese 贝西魔斯 Bèixīmósī Transliteration of the English name


Behemoth roars



Wikizilla: YouTube Kaiju Profile: The Other Titans
of Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Unaltered shot of Behemoth
attacking Rio de Janeiro
3D character turntable of Behemoth


This is a list of references for Behemoth. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Monarch Profiles - Behemoth.jpg
  2. 2.0 2.1 电影哥斯拉大战金刚2 (5 March 2024). "哥总用实力说话:我还能打十个!#怪兽之王哥斯拉时隔5年回归 #哥斯拉大战金刚2". Douyin.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Dougherty, Michael (1 May 2020). "TITANUS BEHEMOTH Of all the new monsters created for the film, Behemoth was probably my favorite. Since nearly all kaiju are usually giant reptiles, insects, or some hybrid, it was fun to come up with a new mammal that combined traits of woolly mammoths, apes, and giant sloths. We even came up with rich backstories for each new creature and imagined Behemoth was capable of going bipedal when necessary, allowing him to take a swipe at an opponent with his claws. Normally, he's a peaceful herbivore grazing on giant prehistoric trees with his herd, although at one point we considered adding massive cuffs and broken chains around his limbs to hint that he was once captured and used as a warbeast by some ancient society. He also likes belly rubs and getting groomed by #Kong. #Godzilla #creaturedesign #Behemoth #GodzillaKingOfTheMonsteers @MPC_Film". Instagram.
  4. Nerd Reactor (31 May 2019). "Breaking into Godzilla: King of the Monster's Monarch HQ". YouTube.
  5. Wallace, Daniel (21 May 2021). Godzilla vs. Kong: One Will Fall - The Art of the Ultimate Battle Royale. Insight Editions. p. 20. ISBN 1-64-722140-4.
  6. Keyes, Greg (28 May 2019). Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization. Titan Books. p. 175. ISBN 178909092X.
    1. @GiganusT (29 April 2021). "@Drew_E_Johnson did Behemoth regrow back his tusk later after had gotten broken down by Amhuluk?". Twitter. Archived from the original on 29 April 2021.
    2. Johnson, Drew Edward (29 April 2021). "Yes! Good eye!:)". Twitter. Archived from the original on 29 April 2021.
  7. Johnson, Drew Edward (29 April 2021). "Nope! I figured if the tusks are his main weapon, they should grow back quickly. My easy out for breaking it. I just figured if they're his main weapon, they should regenerate quickly. Kind of like other tusked or antlered animals, but super fast 'cause he's a titan". Twitter. Archived from the original on 29 April 2021.
  8. PlayStation (8 December 2022). "Behemoth - Cinematic Reveal Trailer | PS VR2 Games". YouTube.


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