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The Island of Lost Ships
Species Chimera
Place(s) of emergence Island near Greece
Controlled by Siren Sisters
Allies Siren Sisters
Enemies Godzilla, Godzooky, Calico crew
First appearance Godzilla episode 9,
"Island of Lost Ships"
To be added.

Chimera (キメラ,   Kimera) is a lion-like monster that appeared in the 1978 Godzilla episode, "Island of Lost Ships."


Chimera resembles its mythological namesake, bearing a lion's head and body and a serpentine tail. However, it lacks the mythical creature's goat head on its back and the snake head on its tail, as well as the draconic wings present in some depictions. It has dark gray skin and two ram horns on its head, as well as a an armored countershaded stomach. Chimera also has a forked tongue, large fangs, and ram horns.



"Island of Lost Ships"

The Calico discovered an island on the one night it became visible again after thousands of years of invisibility. The Siren Sisters who inhabited the island wanted to keep the crew prisoner for all eternity, but the crew sumoned Godzilla to save them. Chimera was accidentally released and engaged Godzilla, but it was no match for Godzilla and was pushed back into its prison. Later, after capturing most of the crew, the Siren Sisters all combined into one to awaken and control Chimera. When Chimera gripped Godzooky, Pete managed to awaken Godzilla, who fought Chimera again. Knowing Chimera couldn't beat Godzilla alone, the sirens joined with Chimera to increase its power. This strength made no difference to Godzilla, who tricked it into falling off the cliff and diving into the sea, awakening the Calico crew.


Fire breath

Chimera can release a deadly stream of fire from its maw.


Chimera can grow from human-sized to Godzilla-sized.


In their first fight, Chimera was easily overpowered by Godzilla, so in their second fight, it needed assistance from the Siren Sisters to increase its size and power. It will be destroyed if it enters water, transforming into smoke.


  • Chimera's ram horns may be a reference to the mythological Chimera's goat head.
  • In Godzilla vs. Biollante, Kazuto Kirishima references the mythical Chimera when expressing his concerns with genetic engineering, fearing that scientists may create something dreadful from it.


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