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The Calico in Hanna-Barbera's Godzilla
Subtitle(s) Marine Science Research Vessel
(海洋科学調査船,   Kaiyō Kagaku Chōsasen)[1]
Piloted by Captain Carl Majors
Attaches to Hovercraft, bathysphere, Mini-Copter, Mini-Subs, lifeboat
First appearance Godzilla episode 1, "The Firebird"
Latest appearance "Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug"

The Calico is a fictional marine research vessel that appears in Hanna-Barbera's 1978-1979 animated series Godzilla, as well as the 1999 bumper "Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug."



"The Firebird"

Pete Darian and Godzooky played hide-and-seek aboard the Calico, causing Captain Carl Majors to feel seasick for the first time due to Godzooky's weight rocking the ship. Brock Borden detected a nearby tremor, which caused a large tsunami, but Majors used the Godzilla Signal and called Godzilla, who scooped up the ship until the wave passed. Tracing the tremor to the nearby Alaskan island of Pitkin, the Calico also received an emergency transmission from two stranded scientists on the island and raced to save them. Arriving at the island, Brock and Majors set out in the Calico's hovercraft and rescued the scientists, taking them back to the ship. The geologists warned the volcano could cause a chain reaction if it continued to erupt, and Dr. Quinn Darian and Brock set out in the Mini-Copter to observe the volcano from above. The adult members of the crew and Blake, one of the geologists, went out to the volcano to enter a lava flow and investigate, though Godzooky and Pete followed them anyways to the volcano's core. Once the posse returned to the Calico, Majors drove away right before the volcano erupted and the Firebird burst out. Majors summoned Godzilla, who fought the Firebird while the Calico crew and their guests watched until the Firebird fled. Brock tracked its position and found it heading north to the Arctic, where Blake theorized it would lay eggs. The Calico sped north alongside Godzilla, though rough waters from the two monsters' rematch nearly overloaded the vessel. After the Firebird's defeat, Majors sailed back to Pitkin to drop off the geologists while Pete had Godzooky towed on a wooden boat as punishment for his recklessness.

"The Eartheater"

The Calico voyaged to San Francisco so Quinn could speak at a science conference. Brock and Pete searched all over the ship for Godzooky, eventually discovering him taking a swim in San Francisco Bay. As the Calico entered the bay, the crew received a radio transmission announcing the city's proceeding evacuation. With the Golden Gate Bridge so backed it began to crumble, Captain Majors summoned Godzilla to help hold the bridge, and he and Godzooky carried away the broken parts of the bridge, letting the cars on them drive off to safety. Docking the Calico, the crew decided to go find the cause for the evacuation, which they determined was likely caused by earthquakes. After the Eartheater escaped, the crew briefly returned to the Calico and retrieved some smoke grenades. Once Godzilla destroyed the Eartheater, Pete and Godzooky water skiied off the back of the Calico.

"Attack of the Stone Creature"

Docked at a port in the Nile River, Brock, Pete, and Godzooky went diving while Quinn and Majors talked about ancient Egypt on a nearby boardwalk. The latter two encountered a frostbitten man and took him aboard the Calico so he could recover. He revealed his name to be Gordon Jarvis and that he had been attacked by the Stone Guardians of Ramal, whose location he told them but begged them to not go for their own safety. The crew went anyways, flying off with Godzooky in the Mini-Copter. When Majors later called Godzilla to save the crew from the Stone Guardians, he surfaced near the Calico.

"The Megavolt Monster"

The Calico received an SOS call from an oil tanker over the Valley Trench and changed course to investigate, believing it to be a new energy source. Arriving the next day, the crew spotted an electrical charge near the Calico and Quinn and Brock climbed into the ship's bathysphere to search for the source. Godzooky briefly joined them, but was sent back up to the Calico. The bathysphere's instruments detected the energy source rapidly approaching them, quickly revealing itself to be a Megavolt Monster which broke the cable connecting the sphere to the Calico and knocked out their radio signal. As the bathysphere sank into the trench, Majors pulled the torn rope up to the Calico, quickly followed by the Megavolt Monster, which curled around the Calico. Retreating to the bridge with Pete, Majors called Godzilla, who engaged the Megavolt Monster while Pete instructed Godzooky to retrieve the bathysphere. Meanwhile, the bathysphere landed in a giant air pocket at the bottom of the ocean, and Quinn and Brock left to explore, quickly being cornered by two smaller Megavolt Monsters. Godzilla carried Majors and Pete to the bottom of the ocean in his hand so they could help save the others, and the Calico crew destroyed the Megavolt Monsters' energy source and the air pocket before piling back into the bathysphere. Godzilla carried it back up to the Calico, but was attacked by the first Megavolt Monster, which he fought until it depleted its energy and shrank. Back on the Calico, Quinn lamented the loss of the energy source while Godzooky pretended to push the ship.

"The Seaweed Monster"

Brock and Quinn swam into the Sargasso Sea from the Calico to collect samples of oceanic plants, but were attacked by a Seaweed Monster. Godzooky fell off the Calico and took a swim, finding and rescuing his friends and taking them back to the ship, where Captain Majors' skepticism was interrupted by the Seaweed Monster attacking the vessel. Now even larger, the Seaweed Monster ensnared the Calico, but Godzooky called Godzilla before the monster could destroy it. Quinn collected two samples from the Seaweed Monster after the battle to analyze, discovering that its seaweed is attracted to other seaweed and is incredibly energized. While the crew ate lunch, the seaweed escape and grew into Seaweed Monsters, one of which immediately attacked Pete and the other appearing after the first's defeat inside the Calico. After discovering a whole swarm of Seaweed Monsters forming one giant one, Majors summoned Godzilla again and departed with him to intercept the Seaweed Monster at an island. While the crew watched the battle, Quinn noticed dried seaweed on the Calico's deck and had Godzooky instruct Godzilla to take the battle to dry land, the Calico crew monitoring from the Mini-Copter. After Godzilla burned the Seaweed Monster, Godzooky gathered some seaweed and swam to the Calico, scaring Brock and Pete.

"The Energy Beast"

Sailing up the Big Silty River, the Calico approached the Sundance Mesa Dam. As Quinn and Pete watched fish climb up the dam's steps, Brock pointed out a centipede-like monster at the top of the dam. With the dam threatening to break, Majors summoned Godzilla, who fought the Energy Beast until it hit him with an energy ball and fled, greatly damaging the dam in the process. The walls nearly collapsed and flooded the Calico, but Godzooky awoke Godzilla just before it could happen, and he repaired the dam. The crew left the Calico to gather as much information about the Energy Beast and the circumstances before it appeared as they could before learning Godzilla was attacking a power station, to which the crew flew out in the Mini-Copter to stop him. After the real Godzilla threw the Energy Beast and its UFO back into space, the Calico towed Godzooky on a raft.

"The Colossus of Atlantis"

As the Calico sailed over the mythical location of Atlantis, the crew were divided on their belief in the city, with Quinn disbelieving the tale and Brock and Majors believing. As they argued, several tremors occurred in the area, and Majors barely steered the Calico away as the city of Atlantis itself surged up from the depths. A beam of green light shot from the city at the Calico and began dragging it in; Majors summoned Godzilla to save them, but the beam ensnared him too and dragged both the ship and monster into the city. The Calico was taken to a chamber where the walls began to close, though her crew managed to escape before the ship was crushed. After the Calico crew and Godzilla defeated the Colossus and freed the Atlanteans, Kara-El sent the crew back in time to their ship, where they watched Atlantis fly off into space.

"The Horror of Forgotten Island"

Due to Taylor's Comet, the Calico is caught in a rare magnetic storm. While struggling to control the ship, Majors bumped into a rock, causing a leak which Godzooky attempted to plug. Majors noticed another ship, which Quinn recognized as the Calico itself. As the Calico and its clone neared each other, Brock managed to slow the ship, and Quinn realized the ship was the Calico's reflection against a force field. A bolt of lightning destroyed it, revealing an island which Majors sought refuge on. With the ship taking on water, Godzooky alerted the rest of the crew and called Godzilla himself due to the Godzilla Signal not working from the storm's effects. As the ship sank, Godzilla arrived and brought it to the island, where the crew waited for the storm to pass before going out to repair the Calico, unknowingly being watched by a strange being. The next day, the force field returned, trapping the Calico and forcing Pete, Quinn, and Godzooky to search the island for a way off while Majors and Brock continued their repairs. The Cyclops Creature from the night before cut them off from the Calico and attacked them, but attracted Brock and Majors' attention, drawing them away from the Calico. After Quinn disabled the force field, Godzilla battled the Cyclops Creature while the Calico crew worked on repairing the ship and creating a device to put the force field on a timer. The plan succeeded, and Godzilla and the Calico left the island just before the force field returned, imprisoning the Cyclops Creature once more. Pete later attempted to get Godzooky to listen to a sea shell, though it dumped water on his face instead.

"Island of Lost Ships"

The Calico sailed through rough waters in the Aegean Sea during a storm when Quinn, Brock, Pete, and Godzooky heard a mysterious singing. Quinn joked that it was the Sirens of Greek myth, but as the Calico neared the rocks, the crew checked in on Captain Majors and found him in a trance. Unable to wake Majors, Godzooky called Godzilla, who carried the Calico away to safety near the island. Now freed, Majors said he lost consciousness around the time Brock heard the singing, noting as well the island's absence from all of the Calico's maps. While Majors and Brock checked the ship for damage, Quinn, Pete, and Godzooky went to investigate the island. Majors and Brock later left the Calico and explored themselves. After Godzooky rescued Majors and Brock from a maze, the Calico crew attempted to return to the ship, but were stopped by Morphea and two other women, who attacked the crew. After Godzilla killed the Siren Sisters and the Chimera, the Calico crew barely managed to escape the island before it disappeared at sundown. As the ship pulled away, Godzooky yelled at a school of flying fish and fell into the water.

"The Magnetic Terror"

While in Antarctic waters, the Calico sailed through a mysterious fog that messed with the ship's instruments. Pete noticed a man parachuting down nearby, and Godzooky rescued him after he landed in the frozen ocean. The man introduced himself as Eddie and explained that his plane began to dive down on its own after experiencing similar malfunctions on his way to drop off supplies to an oil drilling station near the South Pole. The Calico sailed towards the base, but found being ravaged by a giant turtle that was the source of the disturbances. Noticing the Calico, the Magnetic Monster attempted to drag it to its mouth. To Eddie's amazement, Majors called Godzilla, who brawled with the Magnetic Monster and engaged in a Beam-Fight, though his laser eyes quickly deflected off of it. Godzilla locked again using his fire breath, which produced several large fireballs that lit the oil from the rig on fire around the Calico, forcing him to abandon the fight to save it. Quinn detected the Magnetic Monster continuing to head south, where she theorized it and the Earth's combined gravitational pull could launch the entire Antarctic ice sheet off the face of the planet. The crew split up, with Majors and Brock following the Magnetic Monster in a Mini-Sub and Quinn, Pete, and Godzooky following on the hovercraft, leaving Eddie behind to monitor the Calico's radio. After the Magnetic Monster's death, Pete was mopping the Calico's deck when Godzooky pulled his bucket away with a magnet, accidentally getting it stuck on his snout in the process.

"The Breeder Beast"

The Calico came across a massive patch of pollution in the ocean, the water bubbling like it was boiling. Godzooky cleaned a seagull while Quinn and Brock took a water sample to study. The Calico hit a patch of rough water, knocking Quinn into the sea and forcing Godzooky to save her. As Quinn recovered, she noted that despite its appearance, the water was freezing cold. Pete and Brock noticed a brown sludge-like creature attempting to climb onto the Calico, which began to suck in Godzooky's limbs once he tried to push it off. Majors summoned Godzilla, who fought off the creature and detonated it with his laser eyes. Taking a surviving sample of the organism, Quinn analyzed it in the Calico's lab before flying off with Brock in the Mini-Copter to better research it at a lab in Washington D.C. The Calico soon received a distress signal from the Mini-Copter, and Majors sent Godzooky to investigate. Godzooky returned with the damaged Mini-Copter, Quinn, and Brock, who informed the rest of the crew that the creature, dubbed the "Breeder Beast," was still alive and rapidly growing from steadily absorbing a natural gas plant. Approaching the plant, the crew determined that if the Breeder Beast exploded like last time it would destroy the entire Eastern Seaboard, and they called the United States military instead of Godzilla. However, the military fired two missiles before the crew could inform them of the risk, forcing Majors to call Godzilla again to grab the missiles. After absorbing the plant, the missiles, and attempting to devour Godzilla, the Breeder Beast surged towards Washington with Godzilla and the Calico crew in pursuit.

"The Sub-Zero Terror"

The Calico sailed up a river in the Himalaya mountains to meet up with Dr. Rourke's expedition. Upon arriving at a village, the crew found him at the dock, who relayed how he and his expedition were chased off by a giant creature his guide and only remaining partner, Ten Sing, called the Great Watchuka. Quinn, Pete, Rourke, and Sing departed the Calico in the Mini-Copter while Majors, Brock, and Godzooky sailed upstream until they came upon a large lake. A avalanche occurred and Majors summoned Godzilla, who shielded the Calico with his body. Brock and Majors noticed a tunnel that was exposed in the avalanche and left the Calico to investigate. Godzilla later carried the Calico crew and Rourke to the Calico and plugged the Watchuki People's volcano with a rock as the vessel sailed away.

"The Time Dragons"

The Calico sailed in the mid-Atlantic Ocean when Brock noticed an object approaching on the ship's radar. The Calico received a radio transmission warning of a nuclear satellite falling to Earth, which Majors determined would land right on the Calico. He summoned Godzilla to save the ship, but he caught the satellite despite the crew attempting to warn him against it. A green aura emerged from Godzilla's hands, and both he and the Calico disappeared.

When the crew reappeared, the ship was in a tropical rainforest and trapped in a tar pit. After saving Godzooky from it, Godzilla carried the Calico crew to safe land, and they went exploring. After one of Torak's people drew a cave painting of the crew and the Calico, they decided to return to the ship and try to get back to the present. The Time Dragon appeared, chasing the crew away from the ship before being distracted by a few cavemen launching mud at it with a catapult. After Godzilla touched some raw uranium and disappeared, Quinn instructed the cavemen to load the catapult with it from aboard the ship, making both the Time Dragon and the Calico reappear in the future right before the satellite fell. Godzilla blew it into the Time Dragon's hands, making sending it back to the past.

"Calico Clones"

While on the way to meet up with Dr. Wayside over an unspecified discovery, the Calico was ambushed by a giant tanker ship which opened a door and captured the smaller vessel. Quinn called Godzilla to save them, but the ship's hull muffled the Godzilla Signal, preventing him from finding them. Majors attempted to use a spotlight to see the rest of the chamber, but a mysterious voice demanded he shut it off. After he did, a laser shot at the crew, forcing them back before a small flying saucer fired streams of blue gas at them, knocking them all out cold.

Later, while being escorted by several identical guards on a catwalk, the crew spotted the Calico far below, the water it had been floating in drained around it. After meeting Dr Voltrang, the crew made a break for the ship, but were apprehended and sent back to their prison, but devised a plan and escaped while Voltrang ordered the clones he made with the crew's DNA to sail the Calico to Wayside and find the location of his oil deposit. The real Calico crew swapped places with the clones and sailed out on their ship, but Voltrang quickly found out and pursued the vessel as well as sending the Giant Squid to slow it down. With the crew's calls no longer muffled, Godzilla arrived and defeated the Giant Squid, sank Voltrang's ship, and seized his get-away ship while Majors radioed the Coast Guard to apprehend him. The Calico then completed its voyage to Wayside's rig.


Quinn tested her new heat-sensitive microscope on a fly before using it on coral samples from a nearby coral reef. The fly flew to the kitchen and harassed Pete, Brock, and Godzooky as they cleaned. An out-of-season typhoon soon appeared, and Majors called Godzilla to carry the ship away from the reef to avoid damaging both. Godzilla carried the Calico through the typhoon and a strange cloud of pink gas, which the fly flew into after being shooed out of the kitchen. The fly landed on the deck and began growing, while Godzilla set the Calico down and departed. The fly flew back inside and attacked Brock and Pete, who with Godzooky's aid locked it in a chest before running to inform Majors and Quinn. By the time the crew assembled, the fly grew even larger and swarmed Godzooky and Brock. Majors summoned Godzilla, who had shrank to roughly half his regular size. Godzooky lured the Giant Fly out of the ship, where Godzilla grabbed it and threw it far away.

Quinn quickly went to work researching what caused Godzilla to sink, taking samples of his blood and analyzing it in the Calico's lab as the monster grew smaller and smaller, until he was small enough to be taken aboard. Quinn determined Godzilla would become subatomic and be lost for good in mere hours and worked fast for a cure, while Godzilla battled increasingly smaller opponents; a rat, a spider, and three bacteria. All the while, the Giant Fly stalked the ship and continued to grow. Quinn discovered electricity would reverse the gas' effect and rapidly synthesized a cure just as the Giant Fly attacked, forcing Majors in the Mini-Copter and Godzooky to distract it until she finished. Brock carried the now rapidly-growing Godzilla to the ocean and threw him in just before he shot back to his full size and battled the Giant Fly. Quinn and Majors shot flare guns loaded with the cure at the Giant Fly, shrinking it back down to its normal size right before it charged at the Calico. Later, Pete, Brock, and Godzooky were unnerved by a buzzing sound from behind a door, but were relieved when it was only Majors shaving.

"Ghost Ship"

The Calico sailed into a patch of freezing fog while in tropical waters. Brock noticed an iceberg on the ship's radar, which Captain Majors was unable to veer away from and the Calico became wedged in it. Exerting all the engine's strength, Majors managed to break free, and as he and the crew scoured the ship for hull damage, he noticed a German U-boat from the first World War, designated U-79. Excited to investigate the vessel, the crew called Godzilla and asked him to melt the iceberg. As Godzilla carefully blasted fire at the ice, Quinn and Majors noticed a massive torpedo on U-79's underside and speculated it was on a secret mission. After the ice melted, Brock and Pete flew up in the Mini-Copter to take pictures from above.

Meanwhile, the still-living crew inside the U-boat woke up and, believing the year was still 1918, quickly manned their positions and identified the Calico as an Allied supply ship. Under the command of Captain Quart Schmidt, the crew shot down the Mini-Copter, took Brock and Pete as prisoners of war, and held the Calico at gunpoint with the demand she surrender and be boarded or resist and be sunk. Reluctantly, Majors conceded. Schmidt boarded the Calico and introduced himself and his executive officer, Fritz Krieger, before declaring the Calico a war trophy for Germany and her crew prisoners of war. Despite Majors and Quinn's best attempts to convince the Germans they were mistaken, they were stalwartly unconvinced until Majors offered to show them technology that didn't exist in the 1910s. After being astonished by a live broadcast with color and sound, as well as the concept of satellites, Schmidt recalled how U-79 became trapped in the ice before he and Krieger admitted they were wrong and apologized. Schmidt used the Calico's radio to call the U-boat and tell the crew to release Brock and Pete; however, he was informed the torpedo was breaking loose on its own.

Majors sped off, but the torpedo chased down the Calico despite her best evasive maneuvers. With no other option, Majors called Godzilla, who grabbed the torpedo and took it to the bottom of the ocean. Schmidt informed the crew that the torpedo would explode five minutes after launch, and shortly after Majors expressed doubt that Godzilla could survive the blast, a burst of water surged up from where Godzilla disappeared. Godzooky dove off to look for Godzilla while the Calico returned to U-79, only to find it besieged by a Giant Octopus. The Calico rammed the creature, which merely flicked it away before fleeing after being attacked by Godzilla, taking U-79 with it. Godzilla freed the U-boat, which floated to the surface, and disposed of the Giant Octopus. The grateful Germans thanked the Calico crew for saving their lives as they towed the U-boat back to Germany.

"The Beast of Storm Island"

A storm off the coast of Canada ravaged the Calico, forcing Carl Majors and Brock Borden to take refuge on Storm Island. The crew noticed a fleet's worth of ships abandoned on the shores before a man ran up to the Calico and was lifted up by Godzooky. The man begged them to leave before Axor discovered them, but he quickly arrived and danced towards the Calico. Majors quickly attempted to flee while the man lamented and Quinn took the Godzilla Signal to call Godzilla. Axor besieged the Calico with his energy bolts, but disengaged as Godzilla approached. The storm let up, and the Calico began to sail away while Axor and Godzilla viciously grappled, but the cobra monster noticed the ship and struck the man with his slave ray, sending him into shock. Axor and Godzilla parted ways while the Calico headed for the Canadian mainland to get the man medical treatment, but he awoke in the middle of the night and restrained Brock, hijacked the ship, and returned it to Storm Island before fleeing.

The next morning, Majors, Brock, and Quinn left the ship to search the island for the man, while Pete and Godzooky stayed behind due to a cold, though they too left to play fetch right next to the ship. The frisbee got stuck on a rock outcrop, and Pete climbed up to retrieve it before noticing a horde of people far away building a massive temple. Godzooky flew up to him before a group of enslaved men passed by and boarded the Calico to try and capture them. The pair fled to try and rescue the rest of the crew while the slaves were occupied. After witnessing Majors, Quinn, and Brock get hypnotized, Pete and Godzooky returned to the Calico and freed it, but Axor appeared and swept the ship inland with a wave generated by his winds. Back in the temple, Godzooky summoned Godzilla, who passed the Calico on the way. After Axor's defeat, all of the slaves were freed, and the Calico crew sailed off to gather a rescue team to bring the rest of the former slaves home.

"The City in the Clouds"

While sailing in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, the Calico crew happened upon a storm which they ventured into in order to test out their new meteorological equipment. They encountered a waterspout which began to suck the ship in, even despite Captain Majors' best efforts. The ship soon lost power due to St. Elmo's fire, and Godzooky called Godzilla to save the ship. Godzilla carried the ship to safety but began to be pulled in himself alongside the Calico, which the storm deposited on a cloud. The crew left the ship to explore.

After Ze-us sealed Majors, Quinn, and Brock in a doorless room with the Thought-Amplifier, Pete and Godzooky returned to the Calico to get some rope to save them. After the Cloud-Dwellers' city's generators began losing power and the storm dispersed, the Calico crew returned to their vessel, which floated back down to the ocean surface.

"The Cyborg Whale"

Brock and Pete boarded the Cyborg Whale after it rendezvoused with the Calico in order to perform test drives. A storm soon arrived, preventing Brock and Pete from flying back to the Calico in their Mini-Copter and forcing Godzilla to carry the ship to safety while the pair sheltered in the Whale. Lightning struck the Cyborg Whale, damaging its AI and causing it to make a beeline for its command post in Honolulu, leaving the Calico crew dumbfounded when they returned after the storm passed. Realizing the likely outcome, Quinn had Captain Majors head to Honolulu to warn the base, though their attempts to stop the Cyborg Whale all ended in failure.

Soon, the Whale came close enough for the Calico to establish radio contact with it, allowing Brock and Pete to tell the rest of the crew what happened. Godzooky flew off to catch the pair while they escaped the Whale. After Godzilla subdued the Cyborg Whale, the Calico sailed back to Hawaii and met with its creator, who assured them it was now safe after its repairs. Godzooky flew off the ship at the Whale, which blasted him with a jet of water into the sea near it.

"Valley of the Giants"

The Calico sailed up the Matumba River, but began to get caught in the riverbed due to Godzooky's added weight. He flew off, allowing Captain Majors to sail it up stream for a short distance before the Calico collided with a sandbar and was beached, forcing the crew to continue out on foot.

Later, Godzilla passed by the abandoned ship and briefly paused to stare at it before continuing on to the Valley of the Giants. After he rescued the crew, Godzilla returned them to the Calico.


The Calico loitered around Quinn's new undersea research lab at night to observe and study a lunar eclipse. The seabase detected activity on the moon and broadcast it to the Calico just as a flurry of white sparks shot towards Earth from the Moon. A chunk of debris landed near the Calico, and Majors called Godzilla to save them from the waves. The Calico soon departed to respond to a distress signal from a nearby ship, the Holiday, witnessing a United States Air Force jet being sucked into the ocean by a strange beam. Once the seabase recognized gravitational anomalies near the landing site Calico changed course and investigated where the meteor landed, only for the Gravity Goliath to emerge from a whirlpool and suck the Calico towards it. Majors hailed Godzilla, who moved the vessel to safety before fighting the Gravity Goliath until it disappeared at totality. After regrouping with Quinn and Brock, the crew formed a plan to stop the creature, though the Calico itself was not included.

"The Golden Guardians"

The Calico voyaged to the Kali-Noor ruins in India to meet up with the archaeological team there, only to find a ravaged, destroyed camp. They left the Calico and began to explore, but were attacked by a Golden Guardian and retreated to their ship. The Guardian cut them off, but Godzilla arrived and prevented the statue from destroying the Calico. After the Guardian disappeared, Quinn, Pete, and Godzooky left to continue their exploration while Majors and Brock stayed to repair the vessel. A Golden Guardian attacked the trio, and Godzooky called Godzilla to fight it; his arrival alerted Majors and Brock, but they were captured by Bhatlam's tribe before they could leave. The Guardian glazed Godzilla over in gold, while Pete, Quinn, and Godzooky ran to alert the duo only to find them missing. After they freed Brock and Majors from the village, Majors determined they could free Godzilla with a laser using an opposite frequency to the monster's own, which the crew rerigged the Calico's radar to create.

"The Macro-Beasts"

The Calico anchored off the coast of Kalapai, the world's youngest island, to conduct research on it. An undersea eruption occurred, requiring Godzilla to save Pete and Brock from the island and return them to the Calico, and then the ship itself to calmer waters. Pete and Godzooky soon noticed several giant animals, including a herd of Giant Seahorses and a Giant Jellyfish near the Calico. Quinn and Brock departed in the Mini-Copter and later a Mini-Sub, finding an large assortment of massive marine life and a purple substance which grew them. They were attacked by a Giant Crab, but managed to safely return to the Calico, where Quinn analyzed a sample of the purple substance. She tested it on a goldfish, which quickly grew to the size of its bowl, before introducing ice cubes into the water to return it to normal. The crew formed a plan, leaving the Calico in the Mini-Copter and both Mini-Subs to herd and shrink the Macro-Beasts. Later, the crew cleaned up the purple substance, though they kept a single sample aboard the ship. Pete brought a seahorse from the ocean and dumped it in a fishbowl, while Godzooky accidentally knocked the purple substance into the bowl, causing the seahorse to grow. He ran off and returned with ice cubes, pouring them into the seahorse's mouth and returning it to normal.

"Pacific Peril"

The Calico crew sailed to the Pacific Ocean in search of the epicenter of a series of abnormal volcanic eruptions all around the Ring of Fire. An earthquake occurred directly below the ship, requiring Majors to call Godzilla to shield the ship from the ensuing tsunami. The earthquake spawned a volcano, and the Calico deployed a Mini-Sub piloted by Quinn and Brock to examine it. They entered the volcano, which erupted soon after and rapidly grew into an island, beaching the Calico on its shores. Majors, Pete, and Godzooky departed the Calico to search for their missing teammates in the volcano.

After Majors summoned Godzilla again to save the crew, he emerged on the island's shoreline and stared at the empty Calico before a fissure opened under him and dragged him down. The Calico crew managed to escape the volcano and solve the eruption epidemic by riding the Jupiter Probe Rocket back to the surface, where they emerged right next to their ship.

"Island of Doom"

The Calico floated off the coast of Australia to watch as a new satellite meant to map the entire South Pacific, only to detect it being shot down. The crew set sail for the origin of the missile to investigate, detecting increased radiation as they approached the source, leading to Quinn to hypothesize whoever was on the island had nuclear weapons. The Calico was soon trapped in a minefield, but Godzilla was summoned and destroyed them all, giving the ship free passage. Majors and Brock departed the ship on a hovercraft and explored the island, discovering enormous weapons caches and a nuclear power plant belonging to COBRA before being captured. Growing worried, Quinn, Pete, and Godzooky left the Calico, but were captured as well.

Once Godzilla utterly trounced COBRA and freed the Calico crew, they informed the Australian government, who notified them of an impending United Nations task force heading to the island to round up COBRA's remnants as the Calico sailed off.

"The Deadly Asteroid"

Two Inuit hunters told the Calico crew about a strange meteor which landed in the far north. Majors woke up the rest of the crew as he returned, and the Calico quickly sailed off, her crew noting a global decrease in temperatures and sea levels, Arctic animals fleeing southwards, and giant icebergs appearing far to the south. The Calico discovered a whole wall of ice before the icebergs began to block the ship in, forcing Majors to call Godzilla for help. Godzilla burst from the ice and smashed the icebergs to pieces, but Majors had to get Godzilla to calm down once his fun endangered the Calico even more. He lifted the vessel and carried it to safety. Since the Calico couldn't break through the ice, the crew departed in a Mini-Sub to travel through the tunnels.

Pete instructed Godzooky to swim through the ice again after Majors and Quinn were captured by the Frios aliens and Brock was captured. Godzooky landed on the Calico and called Godzilla, and the two left to confront the Frios aliens. Once Godzilla sent the Frios asteroid back to space and forced the aliens to retreat, the crew returned the the Calico while the effects Frios had on Earth returned to normal.

"Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug"

The Calico crew was celebrating the new millennium when the Y2K Bug suddenly appeared above the vessel. Carl Majors attempted to summon Godzilla, but the Godzilla Signal was dysfunctional due to its computer chips not being updated.



The Calico was undamaged by being grabbed by various monsters, multiple punches from a Golden Guardian, ramming into the Giant Octopus, and many instances of the ship being beached and thrown around in rough waters.


The Calico carries an airboat-like hovercraft, which managed to approach COBRA's island without being detected by their advanced radar.


The Calico has a crane, capable of lifting the bathysphere Godzooky had trouble lifting.


The Calico is equipped with two Mini-Subs.


The Calico possesses a helipad which holds the Mini-Copter.


The Calico was armed with a bathysphere. Unlike most bathyspheres, the Calico's was spacious and riddled with many different buttons. It was destroyed by the Megavolt Monsters and never seen again after.


In addition to the hovercraft, the Calico has at least one lifeboat, operated with oars.

Launch bay

The underside of the Calico can open up and deploy Mini-Subs.

Scientific equipment

The Calico is equipped with many scientific instruments, including sonar, an on-board laboratory, a heat-sensitive microscope, and external cameras.

Radio beam

The Calico crew rewired their ship's radio communications to produce a laser beam opposite in frequency to Godzilla's, which successfully destroyed the gold encasing him.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flagicon Japan.png Japanese カリコ号 Karikogō[1] Translation of English name




This is a list of references for Calico. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works. Shogakukan. 1 January 2000. p. 184. ISBN 978-4091014702.
  2. Dougherty, Mike (25 November 2019). "👍🏻". Twitter. Archived from the original on 30 January 2020.


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