Mysterian UFO
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The Mysterian UFO (ミステリーアンUFO is an alien spacecraft featured in the Misuterian Yūfō)1957 Toho film, The Mysterians.
- The Mysterians (1957)
- King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962) [U.S. version; erroneous stock footage]
Showa era
The Mysterians
To be added.
Pulse Energy Ray
The Mysterian UFO possesses a Pulse Energy Ray beam.
Mysterians card featured in the Godzilla 3: Fierce Fighting Edition line of Toy Card 100 trading cards.
- The Mysterian UFO props were later repainted and reused for the Natarl UFOs in the 1959 sequel to The Mysterians, Battle in Outer Space.
- A Mysterian UFO appears through stock footage in the American version of King Kong vs. Godzilla, where footage of the Mysterian Space Station is inserted to double as a United Nations communication satellite. The UFO can be seen flying above the station, casting a shadow on its surface.
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