Mysterian UFO
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The Mysterian UFO (ミステリーアンUFO is an alien spacecraft featured in the Misuterian Yūfō)1957 Toho film, The Mysterians.
Showa era
The Mysterians
To be added
Pulse Energy Ray
The Mysterian UFO possesses a Pulse Energy Ray beam.
- The Mysterians
- King Kong vs. Godzilla (Stock footage, erroneous)
Mysterians card featured in the Godzilla 3: Fierce Fighting Edition line of Toy Card 100 trading cards.
- The Mysterian UFO props were later repainted and reused for the Natarl UFOs in the 1959 sequel to The Mysterians, Battle in Outer Space.
- A Mysterian UFO appears through stock footage in the American version of King Kong vs. Godzilla, where footage of the Mysterian Space Station is inserted to double as a United Nations communication satellite. The UFO can be seen flying above the station, casting a shadow on its surface.
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