Godzilla Signal
The Godzilla Signal is a small handheld device utilized by the Calico crew in the 1978-1979 Hanna-Barbera animated series Godzilla. The device was capable of summoning Godzilla to its location.
- Godzilla (TV 1978-1979) [episodes 1-26]
- "Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug" (TV 1999)
The Godzilla Signal was frequently employed by Captain Carl Majors to summon Godzilla to their location in times of crisis, from facing down severe storms to encountering other giant monsters. Majors often kept the Godzilla Signal equipped to his belt, though other members of the crew have also used it at various points when Majors did not have it on him. It was often employed multiple times per episode, though in the event that it did not work or could not be reached, Godzooky would call for Godzilla instead.
"Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug"
When a physical manifestation of the Y2K Bug attacked the Calico, Captain Majors' attempts to summon Godzilla failed as he did not replace the Godzilla Signal's embedded microchips in time for the new millennium.
Summoning frequency
The Godzilla Signal emits a special frequency that draws Godzilla to its exact location. Godzilla often responds within seconds of its activation.
In the episode "Pacific Peril", the Godzilla Signal's high-frequency tone was also capable of shattering crystals.
On several occasions, the Godzilla Signal's frequencies have not been able to penetrate its surroundings, such as when the crew were trapped in the hull of an oil tanker in "Calico Clones"; though Godzilla could faintly hear it in that case, it only confused him. The Godzilla Signal has also been jammed on multiple occasions, such as in "The Horror of Forgotten Island" and "The Magnetic Terror", in which magnetic fields prevented it from functioning. Fortunately, Godzooky was able to summon Godzilla in every instance where the Godzilla Signal failed, except in the "Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug" bumper, where the resolution is not shown.
The Godzilla Signal was quite fragile, having been destroyed by nothing more than a man stomping on it in "The Beast of Storm Island." The Y2K Bug bumper also establishes that the Signal's microchips must be replaced routinely.
Production art
The Godzilla Signal in "The Magnetic Terror", erroneously drawn without two red buttons
- In the episode "The Cyborg Whale", Brock was able to replicate the Godzilla Signal's unique frequency using the Cyborg Whale's audio alarm signal.
- In the episode "The Beast of Storm Island", the Godzilla Signal was smashed by a mind-controlled servant of Axor, marking the first and only time the device was completely destroyed. However, it appeared in subsequent episodes without explanation, indicating that it was either repaired offscreen or that multiple Godzilla Signals exist.
- The Godzilla Signal has occasionally been drawn incorrectly, such as in the episode "The Magnetic Terror", in which it lacks the two red buttons on the bottom. As with other elements of the series' animation, its size has also been inconsistent at times, although nowhere near as inconsistent as the monsters themselves.
- The sound effect for the Godzilla Signal was reused for a tracking device in the 2003 direct-to-video film Scooby-Doo! and the Monster of Mexico.
- The G-Signaler from Godzilla: Legends #1 is a possible reference to the Godzilla Signal.
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