M1 Abrams

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M1 Abrams
The M1 Abrams in Godzilla (2014)
Height 3.2 meters
Length 12 meters
Weight 69.5 tons
First appearance Latest appearance

The M1 Abrams is a main battle tank currently in use by the United States Army, as well as the militaries of several other nations around the world. It has appeared in multiple American-made giant monster films such as Paramount Pictures' Cloverfield and Legendary Pictures' Godzilla.


Godzilla: The Series

An M1 Abrams in Godzilla: The Series

Only a few months after Godzilla's rampage, the U.S. military received intelligence stating that the monster's last surviving offspring was still alive and living in the New York area. The military deployed several M1 Abrams tanks along with a couple of Humvees and AH-64 Apaches. The vehicles attacked the new Godzilla and chased it into the Hudson River, where two F-18 Hornets appeared to kill him with their missiles. However, Godzilla survived the attack and simply disappeared under the waves.


An M1 Abrams in Cloverfield

A strange giant creature attacked New York, and the U.S. Army's first reaction was to send in a couple of Bradleys, Humvees and Abrams to deal with the creature. Most of their efforts were useless, while the creature was allegedly finally taken down during the HAMMERDOWN protocol, which involved leveling all of New York.


Godzilla (2014)

An M1 Abrams in Godzilla (2014)

When Godzilla was sighted in San Francisco Bay, several M1 Abrams were deployed onto the Golden Gate Bridge to open fire on the monster as civilians attempted to escape the city by crossing the bridge. When Godzilla surfaced, the tanks began firing at him, though their shots appeared to have no effect. One artillery blast struck Godzilla directly in his gills, causing him to reel back in pain and smash through the bridge, breaking it in half.

Monster Hunter

To be added.



M1 Abrams are armed with a 120mm smoothbore cannon.

Machine guns

M1 Abrams are equipped with a .50 cal HMG and a 7.62mm LMG.

Selected filmography


Godzilla: The Series



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