The Taiho (大鵬 is a powerful mobile missile launcher which first appeared in the Taihō)2001 Toho Godzilla film, Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack.
Millennium era
Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
Initially, the Taiho was first used to seek out survivors from an earthquake caused by Baragon. The twin D-03 Missiles fired from the vehicle burrowed through the ground to make the search easier.
As the battle between Godzilla and the two guardian monsters Mothra and King Ghidorah raged in Yokohama, the JSDF decided to assist the two guardians in their fight, and deployed a set of Taihos along with several units of infantry. After Godzilla knocked out both guardians, the Taiho bombarded the demonic beast with their payloads, though the drills failed to penetrate his skin before the missiles detonated. Godzilla returned fire with his atomic breath, obliterating every Taiho in the city.
D-03 Drill Missiles
Each Taiho is loaded with two D-03 Missiles.
See also
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