United States nuclear submarine

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United States nuclear submarine
United States nuclear submarine in Godzilla: Tokyo SOS
First appearance Godzilla: Tokyo SOS

A United States nuclear submarine (アメリカ合衆国の原子力潜水艦,   Amerikayoshukoku no genshiryoku sensuikan) appears in the 2003 Toho Godzilla film Godzilla: Tokyo SOS.


The submarine model from The Return of Godzilla and Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah was reused to represent the United States nuclear submarine. New 1/25 scale miniatures were built for close-ups.[1]


Millennium era

Godzilla: Tokyo SOS

Off the coast of Guam, a United States nuclear submarine detected an unidentified object 280 meters off the port bow, approaching rapidly. The sonar crew confirmed an acoustics print, and the commanding officer ordered full right rudder and all ahead full. One of the sonar crew heard large heartbeats before Godzilla attacked the vessel. Godzilla clawed the outer hull and bit on the submarine's conning tower, holding onto the vessel as it sunk and imploded.



The United States nuclear submarine was armed with torpedoes and nuclear missiles but wasn't able to use them against Godzilla.

Pressure resistance

The United States nuclear submarine could operate hundreds of meters beneath the ocean.



Godzilla: Tokyo SOS


Godzilla: Tokyo SOS






This is a list of references for United States nuclear submarine. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Asahi Sonorama 2003, p. 64-66


  • Asahi, Sonorama (30 December 2003). Fantastic Collection - Godzilla: Tokyo SOS. Asahi Sonorama. ISBN 4-257-03688-5.


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