Moon All Terrain Vehicle

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Moon All Terrain Vehicle
A Moon All Terrain Vehicle in Battle in Outer Space
Piloted by Multiple
Launched from SPIPs
First appearance Battle in Outer Space

The Moon All Terrain Vehicles (月面探検車,   Getsumen Tanken-sha, lit. Moon Exploration Vehicles) are lunar exploration vehicles created by Toho that first appeared in the 1959 tokusatsu film, Battle in Outer Space.


Showa era

Battle in Outer Space

Once the SPIP and SPIP-2 landed on the surface of the Moon, both ships deployed their own Moon All Terrain Vehicles, Car 1 from the SPIP and Car 2 from the SPIP-2. The crews drove their respective vehicles about the Moon until arriving on the site of a large underground tunnel. They decided it is best to continue on foot, and temporarily abandon the vehicles.

Later on, after the crews engaged in a shootout with the Natarl Mother Ship, one of the All Terrain Vehicles was entered into the battle and its laser combined with the others managed to damage the Mother Ship. The inflicted damages allowed the crews to safely escape back to the exploration vehicles, but not without attacks from the Natarl UFOs. The ships' roof-mounted laser cannons were quickly utilized to begin shooting down the attackers. However, one of them managed to obstruct Car 2's mobile functionalities, leaving them with no choice but to migrate to Car 1. Eventually, Car 1 made it back to base and the crews escaped back to Earth on the SPIP-2.



Moon All Terrain Vehicles can emit high pressured gas from the underside allowing the vehicle to hover; this can be useful for avoiding harmful substances or getting to higher ground.

Heat ray gun

Each vehicle has a laser cannon mounted to its roof.




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