The Eiko (えいこう号 is a fictional fishing vessel which appears in the Eikōgō)2021 animated Godzilla series, Godzilla Singular Point.
The Eiko's name is never spoken, but is visible on the ship's hull. Eikō (栄光) translates to "glory" in Japanese; it is likely named after the Eiko Maru from the original Godzilla.
- Godzilla Singular Point (TV 2021) [episodes 2, 4-5]
Reiwa era
Godzilla Singular Point
Two fishermen aboard the Eiko sailed through the sea, a large patch of which had now turned a deep red. One complained that despite catching shoals of deep sea fish the previous day, they had gotten no bites today. Suddenly, something began to move under the surface of the water; a Rodan emerged and flew into the sky, to the dismay of the sailors. More Rodan began to fly out from the water, and before long the skies were filled with a swarm of the creatures.
On another day of fishing, the Eiko sailors attempted to reach blue waters. The readings on the ship's depth gauge began to plummet; they did not simply reach shallow waters as the men assumed, however, but rather something was beneath them. The ship was engulfed in massive waves as a group of serpentine creatures passed by them.
The Japanese Coast Guard sent a rescue helicopter for the fishermen, who were now stranded in the water. Before the men could be retrieved, however, one of the serpents' tails erupted into the air from below, sending them flying and narrowly missing the helicopter. The Eiko, now completely submerged, sank to the seafloor as the giant creatures carried on through the water.
Godzilla Singular Point
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