Li Guiying

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Dr. Li Guiying
Li Guiying in Godzilla Singular Point
Species Human
Nationality Chinese
Aliases Lee Guiying
Affiliation SHIVA.consortium
Occupation Researcher
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla Singular Point
episode 4, "Gadabout"
Godzilla Singular Point
episode 10, "Encipher"
Played by Japanese: Kaho Koda
English: Anne Yatco
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Dr. Li Guiying (李 桂英 (リー・ケイエイ)博士,   Rī Keiei Hakase) is a researcher and a supporting character in the 2021 animated Godzilla series, Godzilla Singular Point.


Li Guiying's surname is shared with that of Mu Guiying, a legendary Chinese heroine. Despite her name being written in English as "Li Guiying" in episode 2 of Singular Point, Netflix's subtitles for the series' second promotional video spells her surname as "Lee."


A researcher on temporary transfer to the joint international venture the SHIVA.consortium. After reading Mei's thesis posted online, she fell in love with her talents. Her specialty is computational chemistry.


Reiwa era

Godzilla Singular Point

To be added.



Concept art

Godzilla Singular Point




This is a list of references for Li Guiying. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. "Characters". Retrieved 31 March 2021.


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