Michiyuki Ashihara
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Michiyuki Ashihara (
A central figure in the research of the mysterious substance "Archetype" who suddenly disappeared 50 years ago. Though his name has been etched into every corner of the world, his true identity is shrouded in mystery. A heretic researcher, he left behind numerous theses, but not even their most fundamental concepts are yet understood.
(50年前に突如行方不明となった、謎の物体“アーキタイプ”研究の中心人物。世界各地に名前を残しているが、その正体は謎に包まれている。数々の論文を残すも、要旨さえ誰にも理解されていない、異端の研究者。)[1] |
Reiwa era
Godzilla Singular Point
To be added.
- Godzilla Singular Point (TV 2021) [episode 13]
Concept art
Godzilla Singular Point
This is a list of references for Michiyuki Ashihara. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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