Nikki Kasumi
Nikki Kasumi was an Archaeology PhD student and was a main protagonist in IDW Publishing's 2016 Godzilla comic series Godzilla: Rage Across Time.
Godzilla: Rage Across Time
Issue 1
Kasumi was a University student working on her PhD in archaeology when she agreed to accompany Dr. Benjamin Thompson on an expedition to Hakata Bay for an archaeological investigation. When they went under to examine Mongol ships that had sunk there in 1274 when the Mongol armies had perished in a freak typhoon that Thompson suspected to be the work of Godzilla. When observing the wreckage of the Mongol ships, Thompson observed that they had been preserved incredibly well because there was evidence of super-heating, which supported his theory that Godzilla was the culprit. Kasumi hypothesized that Godzilla was in fact a species, and that there have been multiple Godzillas throughout history.
Issue 2
While scavenging the ruins of Pompeii for clues on their theories, they came upon an incredibly well preserved body looking in terror at Mount Vesuvius. Near him, they discovered an illustration of Godzilla.
Issue 3
While researching theorized Godzilla appearances in England, Thompson and Kasumi unearthed the remains of a knight and an unidentified kaiju. Thompson and Kasumi acknowledged that the knight had kept a dire situation from becoming worse, but also believed that he could not have killed it without help.
Issue 4
While searching a treacherous pass in the Alps, much to Kasumi's dismay, they discovered scorched rocks in the northern passage used by Hannibal Barca on his trek to Rome, which led them to believe that he faced more than Romans in his voyage.
Issue 5
While on an archaeological dig in northern Israel, Thompson and Kasumi uncovered remains of a velociraptor next to two Homo erectus, which should have been impossible. This raised concern because it brought the entire theory of human evolution into question.
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