Tyrannosaurus rex

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Tyrannosaurus rex
A Tyrannosaurus rex in Rebirth of Mothra 3. This image has been brightened for clarity
Alternate names T. rex, T-Rex
Species Tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur
Height 4 meters/13.12 feet (at the hip)
Length 13 meters/42.65 feet
Weight 9.7 tons/8.79 metric tons
Place(s) of emergence Slumber MountainTGoSM, AmazonasTLW,
Mondo IslandTKKS,
jungle beneath the ArcticTLD,
Skull IslandTMK, Kong IslandKTAS, KRttJ,
IsraelGRAT, center of EarthKKotA
Relations Vastatosaurus rex (descendant)KK05[1]
Played by Toru KawaiTLD
First appearance Latest appearance
For the Tyrannosaurus-like theropod from the original King Kong film, see Meat-Eater.

Tyrannosaurus rex (ティラノサウルス·レックス,   Tiranosaurusu rekkusu) is an extinct species of large carnivorous theropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period. A renowned predator in popular culture, it has been featured in countless films and TV series, including Fantasia, The Land Before Time, the Jurassic Park franchise, and Walking with Dinosaurs. King Kong battled a Tyrannosaurus-like theropod in his debut film, and similar creatures have appeared in other pieces of Kong media since then. One Tyrannosaurus individual was featured as the main antagonist of the 1977 Rankin/Bass-Tsuburaya co-production The Last Dinosaur. Tyrannosaurus, along with Stegosaurus and Iguanadon, served as influences for Godzilla's design.


Charles R. Knight's 1919 Tyrannosaurus rex reconstruction versus a modern 2020s Tyrannosaurus rex reconstruction by RJ Palmer

The general depiction of Tyrannosaurus in pieces of fiction is the appearance of a large bipedal theropod with small 2-3 fingered arms, a large rounded head with pronounced round brow ridges, and large sharp teeth. Traditional depictions give T. rex an upright posture consistent with reconstructions of it and other theropods at the time, while modern depictions from the 1990s onwards give it a more horizontal stance adherent of later studies on theropod posture and anatomy.

In real life, recent studies and thorough research from fossils have painted the genus Tyrannosaurus in a different image: a large, muscular and bulky theropod with lips that protected its teeth from infection and dehydration-induced damage, a lack of vocal organs necessary for "roaring", a relatively large brain casing inside its skull, a broad facial structure, a rounded snout with an enormous nasal cavity, thick banana-shaped teeth towards the front of the jaws, three-toed feet with a dewclaw on each ankle, and powerful binocular eyes that are located on the front of their face as opposed to other theropods that have their eyes on the sides of their head.

Selected history

The Ghost of Slumber Mountain

A Tyrannosaurus rex in The Ghost of Slumber Mountain

A Tyrannosaurus rex dueled a Triceratops as a man recorded them nearby.

The Lost World

A Tyrannosaurus rex killed an Agathaumas, then a Pteranodon flying nearby. Another T. rex attacked a Brontosaurus as a volcano erupted.

The King Kong Show

A Tyrannosaurus rex in The King Kong Show

To be added.

The Last Dinosaur

A Tyrannosaurus rex in The Last Dinosaur

During routine drilling in the Arctic, a Polar-Borer found itself boring through the seafloor and suddenly surfacing in a lake. The Polar-Borer's crew exited the craft to search the strange area in which they had found themselves, only to be eaten by a huge Tyrannosaurus rex. The crew's sole survivor, Chuck Wade, managed to escape and tell his story to Masten Thrust Jr., head of Thrust Industries, the company that created the Polar-Borers. Thrust, an accomplished big game hunter, was interested in hunting and killing the Tyrannosaurus, and so organized a research party that he said would travel to the bizarre underground world where the Tyrannosaurus was seen and try to document and study it. When Thrust and his crew arrived in the prehistoric world, they quickly came upon the Tyrannosaurus in the jungle, which proceeded to chase them. Thrust fired several shots from his rifle at the Tyrannosaurus, which only seemed to enrage it. Bunta, an African tracker employed by Thrust, managed to stick a spear into the creature and draw blood, but still could not bring it down. The team escaped from the Tyrannosaurus, which then traveled to their camp and destroyed it. After destroying the camp and killing expedition member Dr. Kawamoto, the Tyrannosaurus came upon the Polar-Borer and brought it to its lair. As the Tyrannosaurus tried to bury the Polar-Borer in a cave, it was suddenly attacked by a Triceratops. The Triceratops gored the Tyrannosaurus with its horns and caused it to bleed profusely, but the Tyrannosaurus gained the upper hand and bit the Triceratops on the neck, causing it to fall on its side. The Tyrannosaurus clawed into its enemy's flesh with its feet, then delivered the killing bite to the creature.

The Tyrannosaurus later came upon a member of the Polar-Borer expedition, Francesca Banks, as well as a primitive woman called Hazel, while they were near a lake. The Tyrannosaurus chased Francesca into a cave, but its head was too large for it to be able to reach her. Thrust, Bunta, and Wade witnessed the Tyrannosaurus threatening Francesca, and quickly tied a huge boulder to the Tyrannosaurus's tail and tried to get it to chase after them. As the Tyrannosaurus chased the men, the boulder rolled down a hill, pulling the Tyrannosaurus off its feet and dragging it down the hill, after which it wandered off. Determined to kill the Tyrannosaurus once and for all, Thrust followed it into the jungle and constructed a makeshift catapult, which would launch a huge boulder directly at the Tyrannosaurus's head once it appeared from the jungle. Bunta attempted to search for the Tyrannosaurus in the jungle, only for it to appear behind him and eat him alive. When the Tyrannosaurus emerged from the jungle and became entangled in a vine trap, Thrust launched the boulder at the creature's head, causing it to fall over. However, the Tyrannosaurus simply rose to its feet and destroyed the catapult, then left. After Wade repaired the Polar-Borer and left with Francesca, Thrust stayed behind with Hazel and wandered off into the jungle to continue to hunt the Tyrannosaurus, which he could hear roaring menacingly in the distance.

The Mighty Kong

A Tyrannosaurus rex in The Mighty Kong

After Kong departed into the jungles of Skull Island with Ann Darrow, the enormous primate paused for a moment to inspect her after she briefly passed out. While tending to her, a Tyrannosaurus rex ambushed the ape and charged it. The two had a brief battle in which the dinosaur headbutted the ape before toppling him with a tail smack. Trying to bite Kong in the face, the theropod was thrown off and the two squared off once more. After the Tyrannosaurus charged its rival again, Kong ended the duel by landing a powerful blow to its head that knocked it out. The ape then gathered up Ann before leaving.

Rebirth of Mothra 3

As Rainbow Mothra arrived in the Late Cretaceous Period, a Tyrannosaurus rex pursued a herd of Triceratops nearby. As it bit into a straggler's neck, Cretaceous King Ghidorah seized it in his central head. Before it could be devoured, Rainbow Mothra made his presence known with a volley of Cross Heat Rainbow Lasers, causing the space monster to drop the screaming dinosaur.

After Rainbow Mothra severed part of Cretaceous King Ghidorah's tail with another Cross Heat Rainbow Laser, a Triceratops and a Tyrannosaurus observed the appendage as it burrowed underground and stared at each other in concern.

Kong: The Animated Series

A population of Tyrannosaurus rexes lived on Kong Island. They were naturally aggressive and would often attack the Island Guardian Kong if he came too close to them.

Kong: Return to the Jungle

A Tyrannosaurus rex in Kong: Return to the Jungle

To be added.

Kong: King of the Apes

A Tyrannosaurus rex Biono-bot in Kong: King of the Apes
Main article: Biono-bot Tyrannosaurus.

Dr. Richard Remy created an army of Biono-bots in the form of several dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus rex. While Remy used the Biono-bots in his attempts to establish a new world order united under his control, real T. rex lived on in the center of the Earth.


Physical abilities

Tyrannosaurus rex was renowned for its strength and powerful jaws. The most recent scientific recreations of the species in real life depict the animal as very muscular and bulky, with its bite force being estimated at about 34,522 newtons[2], giving them one of the highest estimated bite-force of any known terrestrial organism. It is generally theorized that Tyrannosaurus killed its prey by biting down into its neck to either break it or suffocate the other animal.


In real life, the most recent studies and discoveries regarding T. rex infer that the powerful predator would have been highly intelligent, with an estimated telencephalic neuron count comparable to that of a baboon.[3][4]


Specimens of Tyrannosaurus including Stan, Jane, and the renowned Sue, have displayed evidence of injuries sustained from their lives such as broken ribs, bite marks, puncture wounds in jaws, broken shoulder blades, torn tendons, and even holes in the jaw of unknown origin.


Godzilla: Rage Across Time

A T. rex pursuing a ceratopsian before being killed by Ebirah in Godzilla: Rage Across Time

One hundred thirty-six million years ago, in present-day Israel, a Tyrannosaurus rex chased a ceratopsian across the shore. Gezora and Ebirah, locked in battle, burst out of the water next to them, with Ebirah seizing both dinosaurs in a claw. Rodan then swooped in to snatch up the dinosaurs in his beak, only to be shot out of the sky by Godzilla's atomic breath. The Tyrannosaurus was presumably killed by one of these attacks.


Main article: Tyrannosaurus rex/Gallery.


The roars for the Tyrannosaurus rex in The Last Dinosaur were derived from Argidera from Mirrorman, which themselves are a combination of King Kong and Godzilla roars, and the lower-pitched roars of Ultra Series kaiju Red King and Zumbolar. In Rebirth of Mothra 3, the T. rex uses Kaishin Muba's roars from Orochi, the Eight-Headed Dragon. In Kong: The Animated Series, T. rex utilize the roars of the Tyrannosaurus rex from Jurassic Park, which themselves would also be utilized by Komodithrax in Godzilla: The Series.

The Tyrannosaurus rex's roars
in The Last Dinosaur


Related characters

External links

See also


This is a list of references for Tyrannosaurus rex. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 62
  2. Geggel, Laura (17 May 2017). "T. Rex Could Pulverize Bones with a Force of Nearly 8,000 Pounds". LiveScience. Retrieved 17 April 2024.
  3. Ortega, Rodrigo (10 January 2023). "Some dinos may have been as brainy as modern primates, controversial study argues". Science. Retrieved 17 April 2024.
  4. Herculano-Houzel, S. (2023). Theropod dinosaurs had primate-like numbers of telencephalic neurons.
    Journal of Comparative Neurology, 531, 962–974. https://doi.org/10.1002/cne.25453
  5. Morton, Ray, (2005). King Kong: The History of a Movie Icon from Fay Wray to Peter Jackson, p. 37
  6. Milner, David (December 1995). "Shinji Nishikawa Interview". Kaiju Conversations. Translated by Shibata, Yoshihiko. Archived from the original on 18 May 2021.
  7. litesaberkunai789 (19 August 2015). "LEGO® Batman™ 3: Beyond Gotham There's a T-Rex in the batcave..." YouTube.



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