Lord Howe Monster

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Lord Howe Monster
The Lord Howe Monster battling Godzilla in Godzilla #15
Alternate names The Creature
Species Crustaceous monster
Enemies Godzilla
First appearance Latest appearance
General:What- What is that thing, Kagaku?
Dr. Kazushi Kagaku:I don't know. This is a new one, and since we don't know what it can do... I suggest we brace ourselves, and let Godzilla find out whether it's hostile!
― An Australian general and Dr. Kazushi Kagaku react to the Lord Howe Monster's arrival (Godzilla #15)

The Lord Howe Monster is a giant, humanoid crustacean who first appeared in the 15th issue of Dark Horse's Godzilla comic series.

Discovered by the enigmatic Dr. Yamazaki, the Lord Howe Monster lived in a nuclear reactor on its island namesake before battling Godzilla in Sydney, Australia. The monster proved to be a formidable foe for the King of the Monsters, though Godzilla eventually overcame the crustaceous challenger.


The monster is never named within the comic itself and is only ever identified as "the creature". Its name comes from the cover of Godzilla #15, where it was revealed to be named after the monster's place of origin on Lord Howe Island.


The Lord Howe Monster resembles a large, scarlet, humanoid crustacean with two legs and three arms. Its body and limbs are segmented much like a lobster's, and its tail ends in a spike. Its right arm ended with a single, giant claw while its left bore two much smaller arms, both of which were also adorned with claws. The beast has no neck with its head merely being situated atop its torso, possessing a giant mouth, mandibles, a pair of whiskers, and eyes atop short eyestalks.


A new species of crustacean was discovered by Dr. Yamazaki several miles from Lord Howe Island. However, the crustacean required vast amounts of radiation to survive and lived in a nuclear reactor in Yamazaki's facility.



"The Yamazaki Endowment"

Dr. Yamazaki invited four people to view her abomination in its containment area on her island base, secretly planning to release the horror upon the world. She deceived one of the men to release the monster into the open ocean, where it ravaged a nearby yacht. It then began traveling to Sydney, Australia.

Meanwhile, Godzilla stood like a monolith on the Sydney shore. His mind seemed distant, as though he were awaiting some unknown event. Suddenly, a G-Force satellite spotted a large, unidentified object heading for the coast, revealing what Godzilla was waiting for. It emerged from the surf, and gazed deeply into its quarry's saurian soul. The epic battle between the Lord Howe Monster and Godzilla had begun.

Smacced by train.png

The loathsome, lobster-like leviathan fired its optic lasers at Godzilla and struck the gruesome gargantuan across the face. Retaliation came in the form of Godzilla's atomic ray, but the malicious monstrosity rose and slammed its foe into the Sydney Opera House. The immense invertebrate continued to push its adversary into the heart of the city, knocking him to the ground, but Godzilla countered with a swing of his tail, sending his opponent off-balance. Taking advantage of the situation, the thundering theropod blasted his foe into a building, and slammed its head with a train. The contemptible crustacean gripped Godzilla's neck, and began to continually blast the beast with its eye lasers. Godzilla roared in agony, and it seemed as though the King of the Monsters was about to be dethroned; however, the powerful colossus managed to procure in his claws one large pincer and tear it from the thorax of the Lord Howe Monster, killing the beast. Victorious, Godzilla returned to the sea, leaving his latest victim dead in his wake.

A Decade of Dark Horse #4

The Lord Howe Monster was seen on a monitor in G-Force's Artic base while Dr. Kazushi Kagaku contacted Dr. Yamazaki. Kagaku later voiced his suspicions that Dr. Yamazaki was responsible for unleashing the Lord Howe Monster.


The Lord Howe Monster attacking Godzilla

Energy beams

The Lord Howe Monster possessed the ability to fire powerful emerald-green energy beams from its eyes, which never failed to knock Godzilla off his feet.


Its shell was also quite tough, as it showed no damage from Godzilla's atomic ray.

Physical abilities

The Lord Howe Monster made frequent use of its claws against Godzilla.


Naturally, as a crustacean, the Lord Howe Monster was quite adept at swimming.


The Lord Howe Monster was quickly killed after Godzilla ripped its right arm off, causing it to bleed to death.


  • As a crustacean kaiju who battled Godzilla, the monster naturally bears similarities to Ebirah. Its defeat also mirrored Ebirah's with the final blow being the removal of the monster's claw.
  • While the monster's official height is never revealed in the issue, multiple panels clearly depict the Lord Howe Monster as being nearly the same height as the 100-meter Godzilla.


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Dark Horse