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George in Rampage
The infant George in Rampage
George prior to mutation in Rampage
Alternate names Monkey
Subtitle(s) Strong-Armed Ape Beast
(豪腕猿獣,   Gōwan Sarujū)[1]
Species Genetically-altered albino gorilla
Height 12.1 meters[2]
Weight 9.06 metric tons[2]
Forms Infant, pre-mutation, medium, giant
Place(s) of emergence Africa
Relations Deceased mother, other sanctuary gorillas (troop), Davis Okoye (caretaker)
Allies Davis Okoye, Kate Caldwell, Harvey Russell, Ralph (initially), Lizzie (initially)
Enemies Pablo (briefly), grizzly bear, Harvey Russell (formerly), U.S. military (formerly), Claire Wyden, Ralph, Lizzie
Conceived of by Brian Colin, Jeff Nauman
Written by Ryan Engle, Carlton Cuse,
Ryan Condal, Adam Sztykiel
Played by Jason Liles (motion capture)
First appearance Rampage

George is a giant albino gorilla monster featured in the 2018 New Line Cinema film Rampage. He is based on the character of the same name from Midway's Rampage video games.


George is an albino gorilla, possessing white fur and light peach-colored skin. Unlike Ralph and Lizzie, who developed many new physical characteristics as part of their mutation, George mostly just grew. George primarily knuckle-walks like a real gorilla, though after his mutation he sometimes stands upright like a human.


Before his mutation, George was described as gentle and incredibly intelligent, demonstrated by his strong relationship with Davis Okoye, the primatologist who raised him. He has an extensive knowledge of sign language, allowing him to converse with Davis. George is also shown to have a sense of humor, as he often teases Davis and enjoys making crude gestures with his hands. The Energyne pathogen increased George's aggression in addition to his size, causing him to uncharacteristically lash out against humans and destroy structures in his path as he grows in size. After consuming an antidote that halts his growth and unchecked aggression, George returns to his original personality and risks his life to help David stop Ralph and Lizzie.


George was an albino gorilla discovered as an infant by primatologist Davis Okoye after his mother was killed by poachers. Davis realized that George would never survive in the wild and decided to raise him. George took up residence at the San Diego Zoo and grew up under Davis' care. George was exposed to a pathogen emitted from an Energyne probe, which altered his genetic code and caused him to rapidly grow in size.



George was saved from poachers by Davis Okoye as an infant, growing up in San Diego Wildlife Sanctuary for most of his life. When the CRISPR Pathogen crashed on Earth, he was one of the three animals to be mutated by it. Growing uncontrollably larger and stronger over time, he also developed levels of aggression not seen in his species before. The Department of Homeland Security captured him, and he was taken onto a plane. However, as the pathogen's defects progressed, he broke loose again, destroying the plane transporting him. George later met up with Ralph, and the two mutants went on a rampage as they traveled to Chicago. George and Ralph were joined by Lizzie, and the three ascended Willis Tower to destroy what was emitting the waves that annoyed them. Meanwhile, Davis Okoye and Kate Caldwell managed to give George R-19, a serum that halted George's aggression, which was put into Claire's purse before she was devoured by George. After the tower's destruction and the "Chill Pill"'s effects took hold, George and Davis Okoye worked together to stop Ralph and Lizzie. Ralph got the upper hand over George, but Davis Okoye managed to lure Ralph to Lizzie's, who killed the mutant wolf. George then engaged Lizzie, but her sheer size and strength overwhelmed him. Before Lizzie could kill George, Davis Okoye drew the crocodile's attention away, allowing George time to recover. Grabbing a metal protrusion, George stabbed Lizzie through her eye and pierced her brain, killing her once and for all. With the final battle between the three monsters ended, George reigned victorious, helping an innocent bystander off a destroyed building.


Physical abilities

Already a very large and strong silverback gorilla before being exposed to the CRISPR pathogen, George was capable of easily asserting his dominance over Pablo. After being genetically-edited, he possesses immense physical strength. The same night that he was exposed to the pathogen, George brutally killed a grizzly bear, which Davis considered to be one of the most powerful terrestrial predators in the world. Over time, George grew capable of smashing through walls and breaking steel bars with ease. During his rampage in Chicago, George destroyed buildings and vehicles, and also demonstrated impressive agility, scaling the Willis Tower. While dwarfed by Lizzie, George was capable of outmaneuvering her by jumping onto her back. He also had the strength to tear off one of her tusks and stab her with it, though the attack did little harm. Aside from his raw power, George possessed the leg strength to leap far above Lizzie as well as the dexterity to impale her directly in the eye and into the brain with a thin metal protrusion.


The pathogen that infected George used the genes of the spiny mouse to grant him an extremely rapid healing factor. George completely heals from serious slash wounds sustained in a battle with a grizzly bear and cuts on his hands sustained during his escape from the zoo in a matter of hours. He is also unfazed by military gunfire and artillery. In his battle with Lizzie, George is impaled on a metal spike, but his regeneration allows him to recover from the seemingly-lethal wound after he removes the spike.


George is an extremely intelligent animal, which grants him an advantage over the much more savage Ralph and Lizzie. George coordinated with Davis to battle both monsters, and ultimately killed Lizzie by stabbing her through the eye with a metal protrusion after his physical blows failed to pierce her armored hide.


George was harmed during his overnight battle with the San Diego Wildlife Sanctuary's grizzly bear. Conventional firepower caused him visible irritation as a giant mutant. He was impaled by a metal spike during his fight against Lizzie. His smaller size left him vulnerable against the giant crocodile.

Video games


In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flagicon Japan.png Japanese ジョージ Jōji Transliteration of English name


  • George's design in the Rampage film is very different from his appearance in the video games. In the games, he is depicted as a giant bipedal ape with brown fur, a clear homage to King Kong. The change in his design may have been intentional in order to avoid too much similarity to Kong, as Warner Bros. already acts as a distributor for the Monsterverse films featuring Kong.
    • He may have also been based on Snowflake, the world’s only known albino gorilla to date. Like Snowflake, George has pink skin and white fur.
  • In the Rampage video game series, George is a human mutated into a giant ape monster by the experiments of Scum Labs, while the film changes his origin to being a gorilla mutated by Energyne's genetic editing experiments.


This is a list of references for George. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. DeBqr4iUQAAu93d.jpg
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 @warnerjp (4 April 2018). "≪巨獣スペック紹介≫ ◆ジョージ(ゴリラ) ・全長:12.1m ・体重:9.06トン [解説] ジョージは元々優しいゴリラだった。しかし謎の緑煙を体に浴び、特殊生物へと変貌を遂げてしまうのだ。最終的には、全長12m、体重9.06トンというあり得ない大きさに成長する…!つよいぞジョージ!! #巨獣大乱闘". Twitter.


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