Something approached. He saw it scurrying forward. A bug of some kind. Only - it was enormous! From its head to the tip of its tail, it was practically the size of Godzilla. Was he dreaming?
Sasori is a giant scorpion kaiju from the 1997 novel Godzilla Invades America by Scott Ciencin.
Sasori's name comes from the Japanese word for scorpion.
Sasori is a mutated scorpion with a shiny black carapace. His exact species is unknown.
Upon initially coming into contact with Godzilla, the scorpion attacked Godzilla after observing him for a moment. However, Sasori gained respect for the reptilian and temporarily allied with Godzilla, after witnessing him fight Kamacuras and Kumonga, even turning the tide of battle against the duo. Afterwards, Sasori playfully wrestled with Godzilla and worked with him to destroy U.S. fighter jets that ambushed them. However, Sasori's disregard for human life resulted in their friendship dissolving, with Sasori relentlessly attacking Godzilla afterwards.
Sasori grew to enormous size following an accidental explosion at a Cryo Chemical test site in Nevada, where scientists were experimenting with changing the sizes of animals and objects. Unlike Kamacuras and Kumonga, he had no interest in gathering food for the smaller monsters mutated in the explosion, and set off on his own, eventually making his way to Blackstone.
Godzilla Invades America
Sasori attacked the town of Blackstone, Nevada, during a dust storm, where he was filmed by two teenage boys who made his existence known to the world. Godzilla, lured to the United States by the calls of the younger monsters created by Cryo Chemical, first encountered him in a barren stretch of desert. To the King of the Monsters' dismay, Sasori immediately attacked, though the scorpion was quickly overpowered by his brute strength. Impressed, Sasori intervened when Godzilla was attacked by Kamacuras and Kumonga, blasting the spider with lightning from his stinger and hurling the praying mantis away. Both monsters quickly retreated.
To celebrate their friendship, Godzilla and Sasori romped through Death Valley National Park, wrestling and rolling through sand dunes. After Godzilla played a prank on Sasori, surrounding the scorpion with cacti while he slept, they were attacked by heavily armored fighter jets and a drill-nosed tank called the Grinder. Sasori was unable to crush the Grinder with his claws, and both kaiju were thrown back by the machine's energy field. As they neared a 750-foot-deep crater, they changed tactics, with Godzilla knocking the Grinder on its side, allowing Sasori's stinger to deal a decisive blow. To dispatch the jets, Godzilla swung Sasori into their midst, who destroyed the majority with his lightning. The two enraged kaiju stomped towards Las Vegas.
Kamacuras and Kumonga were in the process of trapping hundreds of people in the Las Vegas Strip when Godzilla and Sasori came upon them. Sasori engaged Kamacuras and quickly gained the upper hand, driving the mantis into the webbing closing off one side of the Strip - but with no regard for the people stuck in it. Godzilla, made to understand the gravity of the situation by a psychic boy named Tomoyuki, turned his atomic breath on Sasori. As the scorpion prepared an electrifying counterattack, he was frozen and returned to his normal size by the Deep Freeze weapon fielded by a second Grinder.
Physical abilities
Sasori destroyed numerous buildings with his claws during his rampage through Blackstone. When fighting Godzilla, Sasori swept his feet out from under him and clamped down on his wrists. He was also able to pluck Kamacuras out of the sky with his claws and throw him away from Godzilla. Sasori used his stinger on Godzilla when trying to get him away from an unstable crater, which proved effective. Sasori's claws were unable to pierce through the Grinder's armor, although his tail severely dented it after the tank was flipped on its side. While attacking Las Vegas, Sasori used his tail to smash through buildings. During their Las Vegas fight, Sasori cut into Kamacuras's body with his claws, and was able to wrestle him into Kumonga's webbing, before bashing the mantis's head and underside with his claws.
Electrical abilities
Sasori can fire bolts of white and blue electricity from his tail, which crackles across the surface of the appendage before he releases it. They are both accurate and powerful, able to hit eight fighter jets in midair, destroy several buildings, send Godzilla falling to the ground, make Kumonga's legs twitch uncontrollably. Sasori can also charge up his tail and physically shock opponents with it; this technique disoriented Kamacuras.
Sasori was launched backwards by Godzilla's atomic breath, but was able to quickly get back up. He continued fighting after Godzilla slammed him against the ground and continued pummeling him, although he was dazed and freed Godzilla from his grip. Sasori was briefly thrown into Kumonga's webbing after being struck by an atomic breath, but immediately charged towards Godzilla afterwards, and endured another blast of it along with a building crashing down on top of him.
Extreme cold, such as the freeze ray, "Deep Freeze", fired by the modified Grinder, will reverse Sasori's mutation, reducing him to the size of a regular scorpion.
- Prior to Sasori's creation, a proposed draft for Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992) included a Scorpion Monster.
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