Krollar is a giant alien monster who first appeared in the twelfth issue of the 1977-1979 Marvel comic series Godzilla.
One of the great Mega-Monsters, Krollar was sent to Earth alongside its brethren Triax and Rhiahn to plunder the planet for its resources at the behest of their masters, an alien race known as the Megans. However, the alien monsters were forced to contend with Godzilla and Red Ronin before the Megans' invasion could begin.
Krollar is a vaguely insectoid monster with numerous tiny legs. He has orange-yellow skin and a red underbelly. His mouth is full of sharp fangs. He also has a large retractable horn on his forehead.
Alongside the other Mega-Monsters, Krollar was captured from an unknown alien world and used as a war-monster in a centuries-long conflict between the Megan aliens and their sworn enemies, the Betans. The Megans made various "biomech genetic alterations" to their war-monsters, giving them additional powers and weapons. With the war exhausting the Megans' resources, they sent Krollar and two other war-monsters to Earth to plunder the planet for its resources.
- Godzilla #12-14 (1978)
"The Mega-Monsters from Beyond! Part One: The Beta-Beast!"
After Godzilla defeated the Beta-Beast, the Betan aliens told Godzilla of their history, explaining that for centuries their people have been at war with another race known as the Megans and that both sides often employed giant war-monsters in conflict. Though both sides have suffered heavy losses, the Betans were on the brink of defeat. The Megans, having exhausted their resources, were preparing to plunder Earth for its own resources which, in addition to conquering Earth, would provide them with the means of defeating the Betans once and for all. The Megans sent the Mega-Monsters, a trio of their strongest war-monsters, to accomplish this goal. The Betans pleaded with Godzilla to protect Earth and defeat the Mega-Monsters.
"The Mega-Monsters from Beyond! Part II: Triax"
After their first Mega-Monster - Triax - was overwhelmed by the combined might of Godzilla and Red Ronin, the Megans sent Krollar and Rhiahn into battle. Krollar burrowed into the ground and attacked Red Ronin from below. The burrowing behemoth later battled Godzilla directly before attacking Red Ronin again by sucking buildings into its mouth and spitting them back out. Shortly after Rhiahn decapitated Red Ronin, the Megans fired an "Energex-Ray" at their monsters, increasing their strength and size as the three alien monstrosities loomed over Godzilla, now alone in the fight.
"Mega-Monsters Part III: The Super-Beasts"
Krollar immediately spat buildings at Godzilla before Rhiahn tried to continue the assault from above, only to be swatted away by Godzilla's tail. After Godzilla attempted to attack Krollar, he was knocked back by Triax, which allowed Krollar to retaliate with an underground attack. Witnessing Godzilla's struggle, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Dum Dum Dugan and Gabe Jones decided to join the fray. Jones distracted Triax while Dugan distracted Rhiahn, allowing Godzilla to concentrate on Krollar. Despite Krollar's best efforts, Godzilla's strength proved superior as he stomped the monster into oblivion and eliminated the first Mega-Monster for good.
Krollar's most notable ability was burrowing, preferring to tunnel beneath opponents and catch them by surprise.
Physical abilities
Krollar was able to suck objects into its mouth before expelling them at a great velocity, turning ordinary buildings into dangerous projectiles. It also used its mouth to latch onto Godzilla in battle, with Godzilla struggling to pry it off. The monster also possessed a retractable horn that the beast would withdraw when burrowing. When Godzilla attempted to pull Krollar out of the ground, the beast used its horn to anchor itself underground.
Like the other Mega-Monsters, Krollar can survive in space.
- After being struck by the Megan's Energex-Ray, all three Mega-Monsters dramatically increase in size and utterly dwarf Godzilla. However, when Godzilla subsequently engages them again mere pages later, all three seem to have reverted to their previous sizes and are never shown at an increased size again.
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