Mister Meringue

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Mister Meringue
Mister Meringue in The Movie Monster Game's instruction manual
Species Mutant Dessert
Relations Meringue Junior (child)
First appearance The Movie Monster Game

Mister Meringue is a meringue monster created by Epyx that appears in the 1986 video game The Movie Monster Game.


Mister Meringue's name comes from mister and meringue, a type of desert.


The Movie Monster Game

While his origin is unknown, it is theorized that he was created in the Chernobyl disaster. In the Rescue scenario, he has a son that the humans have captured and he must rescue.


Meringue globs

Mr. Meringue can spit globs of meringue.


Mr. Meringue can float in the water.


Mr. Meringue floats in the water, and will start floating away if he's too far from shore.[1]




This is a list of references for Mister Meringue. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Mister Meringue instruction Manual.jpeg


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