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MGR-IInd render
Alternate names MOGUERA the Second
Species Mecha
Height 100 meters
Weight 160,000 metric tons
Controlled by G-Force
Relations G-Force (creator)
Enemies Godzilla

MGR-IInd is a G-Force mecha created by Toho that appears in the 1999 video game Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact.


MGR-IInd's name probably is derived from MOGUERA. The "IInd" part of its name most likely means "second," making its full name "MOGUERA the Second".


MGR-IInd is radically different from MOGUERA. It is very massive and bulky, with a very small head which has no neck and has a small non-drill 'mouth' which is permanently placed on top of its huge chest. Underneath that, there is a metal circle which resembles the one MOGUERA has. Its upper body is connected to its lower body via a thin waist. Its lower body is nothing more than tank treads with blue MOGUERA-like 'thighs' or 'hips' covering them. Its shoulders are spherical and have two limbs each, which in turn each have stiff 'drills' which open to release ammunition against targets.


Diamond coating

MGR-IInd has NT-1 artificial diamond coated armor.

Maser cannons

MGR-IInd possesses several large maser cannons for arms, as well as a central one in its chest similar to that of MOGUERA.

Hyper Vibration Missile

MGR-IInd is armed with a Hyper Vibration Missile.

Plasma Cannon

MGR-IInd is armed with a Plasma Cannon.

Nuclear fusion reactor

MGR-IInd is powered by a laser nuclear fusion reactor, allowing it to reach speeds of 140 kilometers per hour.

Video games



  • MGR-IInd has three pilots.


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