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Jigora in episode 13 of Godzilla Island
Alternate names Ancient monster
Species Reptilian alien
Controlled by Zagreth
Allies Torema
First appearance Godzilla Island episode 13,
"Torema's Will"
Latest appearance Godzilla Island episode 114,
"Go, Torema!"

Jigora (ジゴラ,   Jigora)[1] is an alien kaiju who appears along with other members of his species in flashback in the 1997 Toho series Godzilla Island.


Jigora's name is an anagram of Godzilla's Japanese name, Gojira. He is first named in episode 19, though Torema previously described his kind as "ancient monsters" (古代生物,   kodai seibutsu, lit. "ancient organism") in episode 14. Commander Jinguji also alludes to them as "an ancient species that resembled Godzilla" (ゴジラと似た古代生物,   Gojira to nita kodai seibutsu). The 2014 book Toho Special Effects All Monster Encyclopedia does not mention Jigora's proper name, listing him as "ancient monster of Planet Torendeiru" (トレンディル星の古代生物,   Torendiru-sei no kodai seibutsu).[2]


Jigora and his ilk appear to have been portrayed by one or more repainted Bandai The Godzilla Collection Godzilla Junior figures.


Jigora closely resembles Godzilla Junior, having a similar skin tone and the same pattern of dorsal fins on his back. However, he uniquely possesses a yellow stripe on either side of his dorsal fins.


Godzilla Island

Jigora was a member of a kaiju species once found on Planet Torendeiru that peacefully coexisted with the people living there and was friends with Torema. However, when the Xilien agent Zagreth came to Torendeiru and installed a series of Berserker Wave Towers to broadcast a control signal, she was able to turn Jigora's species into an army that desolated the entire planet. Torema, now the sole survivor of the Torendeiru, would be forced to kill the brainwashed Jigora with a rocket launcher to survive and escape the planet. This traumatic memory played a part in her coming to Earth as the physical similarities between Jigora and Godzilla reminded her of home. Godzilla Junior's even closer resemblance to Jigora resulted in her forming a bond of friendship with the young monster.


Jigora's roar is a reversed Showa Godzilla roar.


Main article: Jigora/Gallery.


This is a list of references for Jigora. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jigora.png
  2. Toho Special Effects All Monster Encyclopedia. Shogakukan. 23 July 2014. p. 169. ISBN 4-096-82090-3.


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