Garoga Gorilla

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Garoga Gorilla
The Garoga Gorilla in Zone Fighter
Subtitle(s) Giant Ape Terror-Beast
(巨大猿恐獣,   Kyodaien Kyōjū)
Species Mutated Gorilla
Height 58 meters[1]
Weight 68,000 metric tons[1]
Forms Gorilla, Garoga Gorilla
Relations Garoga Spider (Creator)
Allies Garogas
First appearance Zone Fighter episode 9, "Find the Secret of the Red Spider!"

The Garoga Gorilla (ガロガゴリラ,   Garoga Gorira) is a mutant ape kaiju who first appeared in the ninth episode of the 1973 Toho tokusatsu kaiju show Zone Fighter, "Find the Secret of the Red Spider!".


The Garoga Gorilla is a gigantic deformed gorilla. He has patches of brown fur and beige skin, with numerous lumps and scars littering his body. Two of his bottom teeth are protruding from his mouth much like Gamera, forming short tusks.


Showa era

Zone Fighter

"Find the Secret of the Red Spider!"

Unlike most of the other monsters in Zone Fighter, the Garoga Gorilla was not created by the Garogas. He was originally a normal zoo gorilla, but the Garoga Spider bit it, causing it to mutate. Yoichiro, Zone Angel, and Zone Junior all fought a band of Garogas as the Garoga Gorilla slowly made its way towards them, while Zone Fighter was battling Spideros. Together, the three defeated the Garoga agents, and later the Garoga Gorilla after a few blasts from the Maser Shot and Zone Beams from Angel and Junior. Afterwards, they went on to help Zone in his fight against Spideros.


Physical abilities

While the Garoga Gorilla lacks any special abilities, he is very strong and capable of inflicting serious damage to the surrounding area using just his fists as well as being able to shatter boulders with his fists. This is expanded upon in All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume), which states the Garoga Gorilla has superhuman strength sufficient to crush a 400,000 metric ton tanker.[2]


The Garoga Gorilla was easily injured by the Maser Shot fired by Yoichiro, with a second blast flooring the ape, both blasts aimed at the simian's eyes. The Garoga Gorilla was ultimately killed by a combination of a third blast from the Maser Shot and Zone Angel and Zone Junior's Zone Beams, resulting in the ape exploding, with bits of flesh raining down afterwards.


Main article: Garoga Gorilla/Gallery.


Garoga Gorilla's roars are shortened Gaira and King Kong growls.


  • Despite the Garoga Gorilla being a Terror-Beast, Hikaru never transforms into his giant form to fight with it at any point in the episode. Instead it is Zone Angel, Zone Junior, and Yoichiro Sakimori who fight and kill the mutated ape. This makes the Garoga Gorilla one of the two villanous kaiju in the series that Zone Fighter never defeated in battle (due to him never encountering it), with the other one being Shadorah.


This is a list of references for Garoga Gorilla. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 SciFi Japan: ZONE FIGHTER Series Guide
  2. "Garoga Gorilla". Toho Kingdom. Retrieved 7 January 2024.


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