Grandpa Zilla
- Three Dorat Brothers: “We come from the future. We won't lose to some old monster from the past!”
- Grandpa Zilla: “Tah! I'm not a monster from the past. I'm a witness to history who connects the past to the future.”
- ― Grandpa Zilla preparing to fight the Dorats (Godziban, episode 14, "Godzilla Fest 2019 Show")
Grandpa Zilla (ショゴ
Grandpa Zilla's Japanese name is "ShoGoji," which likely comes from shodai (初代), meaning "first generation," and Godzilla's Japanese name, Gojira (ゴジラ). The name is itself partly a shortening of ShodaiGoji, a nickname for the original Godzilla suit. The -jī (
Grandpa Zilla is modeled after the ShodaiGoji design from the original 1954 Godzilla film. His giant form is likewise based on this suit, but even more closely.
Grandpa Zilla is a wise and kind old monster who helps the Three Godzilla Brothers in their adventures. He calls upon his wisdom to help the brothers learn the location of Mothra's egg, and transforms into his giant form to defend it from King Ghidorah. Grandpa Zilla also works as one of many Santa Clauses on Christmas Eve, being put in charge of delivering gifts to children who like monsters.
- Godziban (web 2019-) [episodes 14, 20, 33-34, 40, 47, 50, and 54-56; special episodes 3 and 10-12]
"Godzilla Fest 2019 Show"
Grandpa Zilla came upon the Three Godzilla Brothers, who were investigating a strange medallion. Using his staff, Grandpa Zilla determined it came from Infant Island. When Minilla and Little went to the island and found Mothra's egg there, they were attacked by the Three Dorat Brothers, who wanted to eat the egg. Grandpa Zilla soon arrived and fought the Dorats, who combined into the three-headed King Ghidorah. Grandpa Zilla transformed into his giant form and fought off the dragon, allowing the Three Godzilla Brothers to safely claim the egg, which hatched into the larval Moshu-Moshu.
"The Godzilla Who Came on Christmas Eve!"
After revealing himself as a Santa Claus, Grandpa Zilla brought the Three Godzilla Brothers along with him on his sleigh on Christmas Eve to deliver presents to monster-loving children around the world. On their travels, they end up picking up Kamachi to bring him back home to Godzi Godzi Island.
"Moshu-Moshu Connected Forever"
When Mothra died, the image of her seal lit up the night sky and was visible on Godzi Godzi Island, where it was noticed by Grandpa Zilla. The elderly Godzilla, knowing what it meant, said goodbye to his old friend.
Stage shows
- Godziban Godzilla Fest performances
Grandpa Zilla wields a mystical staff. While its exact powers are unknown, he uses it to identify a medallion as originating from Infant Island as well as use it to perform a Christmas miracle and revive Kamachi.
Giant form
Grandpa Zilla can transform into a giant form in order to fight larger enemies such as King Ghidorah.
Atomic breath
While in his giant form, Grandpa Zilla can fire atomic breath at his foes.
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