Dragon King
- For the GigaBash monster also known as the Dragon King, see Rawa. For the other Dragon King in GigaBash killed by Skorak, see List of minor monsters#Video games.
Dragon King (ドラゴンキング is an avian-like Doragon Kingu)kaiju who first appeared in episode 7 of the 1973 Toho tokusatsu kaiju series Zone Fighter, titled "The Zone Family's Critical Moment!"
Dragon King is more avian in appearance than what his name suggests. He has a large, feathered head, two orange horns protruding from the top of his head, a beak with countless teeth and mandibles similar to Gigan's, with his mandibles having two indents. He also has pincers for hands, which are shaped much like wrenches. Dragon King also sports multiple yellow thorns across his chest, two on his shoulders, along with more trailing down his back and tail. Near his waist are two circles containing two red stripes above and beneath a blue stripe. Aside from that, most of Dragon King's body is a mossy green.
- Zone Fighter (TV 1973) [episodes 7 and 12]
Showa era
Zone Fighter
"The Zone Family's Critical Moment!"
Dragon King was deployed by the Garogas with orders to destroy a dam and flood the city. His mission was short-lived though, as he was stopped in his tracks by Zone Fighter. After a short battle, the monster was defeated.
"The Terror-Beast Base: Invade the Earth!"
Dragon King appears via flashback as the Garogas contemplate the many defeats they have suffered at the hands of Zone Fighter. The two battle surrounded by red mist, with Dragon King offering no resistance as Zone Fighter pummels him. An unseen attack causes him to explode.
Physical abilities
Dragon King possesses immense strength. He was able to move a large hill and stick it next to another in an attempt to crush and trap Zone Fighter after the hero was pinned underneath rubble. Even after the hero started to push it back, he was able to match his strength and eventually overpower Zone Fighter, leaving him stuck as he went back to destroy the dam. According to All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume), one of Dragon King's battle tactics is to run his enemies through the horns covering his body.
Dragon King pushing a hill to trap Zone Fighter
Dragon King can use his sharp pincers in battle. Just one backhand from one of his claws was able to send Zone Fighter falling backwards and daze him for a bit. Later, Dragon King attempted an overhead strike with one of his pincers after Zone had freed himself from the hillside rubble, but the avian kaiju missed. When he combines his strength with his pincers, he can punch through metal. According to All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume), Dragon King could sever a giant tanker in half.
Dragon King can emit a stream of flames from his mouth, with the temperature being able to reach 10,000 degrees Celsius according to All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume). The flames not only ignited objects but also caused large boulders and buildings to explode on contact, generating rubble that Dragon King used to bury Zone Fighter. Despite its destructive properties, it did not appear to harm Zone Fighter at all, with the hero simply turning his back to prevent Dragon King from destroying a dam with his flames.
Dragon King's flames washing over Zone Fighter's back
While fighting against Zone Fighter, Dragon King feigned his death, leaving the hero to walk over to the kaiju's body and inspect it, before Dragon King reawakened and backhanded the Meteor Man.
During his fight with Zone Fighter, Dragon King withstood many blows from the hero, including repeated kicks to the head and being launched a good distance from a kick to the chest. Dragon King's most impressive feat was withstanding a Meteor Proton Beam to the back of the neck and merely falling over, although the beam destroyed other Terror-Beasts like Spyler instantly. He was finally defeated by two volleys from Zone's Meteor Missile Might.
- Main article: Dragon King/Gallery.
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