El Gusano Gigante
El Gusano Gigante is a giant annelid monster who first appears in episode 3 of Godzilla: The Series, "D.O.A.."
El Gusano Gigante's name means "the giant worm" in Spanish. The "Gigante" in its name is sometimes omitted, and it is thus only referred to as El Gusano, which simply means "the worm." The version of El Gusano that first appears in "Monster Wars: Part 1" is referred to as Regenerated El Gusano (再生エル・グサノ in the Japanese book Saisei Eru Gusano)Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works.[2]
El Gusano Gigante has a bulky blue body with a tan underside with two rows of spikes running down its back. El Gusano Gigante has twelve legs with three claws on each leg. El Gusano Gigante's head features six orange eyes and four antennae on the top of its head, along with a mouth filled with sharp teeth and a spiked tongue. El Gusano Gigante has four spikes in the middle of its tail. El Gusano Gigante's tail ends with club tail with four spikes.
In its Powered-Up form, El Gusano Gigante is larger along with its claws becoming bigger and sharper. El Gusano Gigante now has two rows of bumpy triangular spikes running down its back along with the larger spikes becoming sharper. El Gusano Gigante has three claws on eight of its twelve legs and one claw on its other four legs. El Gusano Gigante's antennae also look more like its back spikes in its second form, along with its skin becoming more rough and its eyes getting bigger. The spikes on El Gusano Gigante's tail are bigger along with the spikes on its clubbed tail. El Gusano Gigante's teeth also become more needle-like.
In its Heat-Shrunken form, El Gusano Gigante is severely shriveled up to the point it is smaller than Godzilla's foot. The two rows of bumpy triangular spikes and larger spikes are much smaller. El Gusano Gigante's antennae still look like its back spikes. The spikes on El Gusano Gigante's tail and club are also smaller. El Gusano Gigante has three claws on six of its twelve legs and one claw on its other six legs. El Gusano Gigante's teeth are still needle-like but its mouth has decreased in size with only four teeth being visible.
In the 2000 video game Godzilla: The Series - Monster Wars, El Gusano was a worm mutated by feeding on plants that were used in the development of chemical weapons.
Godzilla: The Series
Beginning life as an ordinary worm, El Gusano Gigante fed off a rare poisonous orchid in the Central American country of Costa Rojo which enabled it to grow to incomprehensible proportions. It proceeded to ravage the local farmland. It was then chased by H.E.A.T., and eventually the Costa Rojon military decided to use a chemical weapon against it. Because the weapon was concocted using the same poisonous plant that the worm fed on, it had the opposite effect of what was desired, as it powered up El Gusano Gigante even further. El Gusano Gigante was later lured onto a cliff where the humans discovered its weakness to fire. In its weakened state, El Gusano Gigante was subjected to a sustained blast of Godzilla's atomic ray, and shrank down to normal size.
"Monster Wars: Part 1"
The regenerated El Gusano Gigante was called from wherever it had been to the Leviathan Aliens' Site Omega, where they began to put into effect their plan to use the monsters to dominate Earth.
"Monster Wars: Part 2"
On discovering Godzilla on the island, El Gusano Gigante, King Cobra, the Queen Bee, and the Huge Mutant Rat all ganged up on him and prepared to fight before the Leviathan Aliens halted the imminent conflict and all the monsters were sent into the world's major cities to cause destruction. El Gusano Gigante was sent to Moscow along with the Queen Bee.
"Monster Wars: Part 3"
El Gusano Gigante continued its rampage until H.E.A.T. deactivated the Leviathan Aliens' mind control beacon. At that point, it began to attack Leviathan Alien vessels until their capital ships fired their lasers at its face. El Gusano Gigante did not appear on Monster Island afterward like the other monsters freed from the aliens' control, so it is possible it was killed by their weapons.
El Gusano Gigante is an excellent burrower.
Fire/toxin blasts
El Gusano Gigante can emit fire or toxin blasts from its mouth in the video game.
El Gusano Gigante can create large shockwaves by slamming its head into the ground in Godzilla: The Series - Monster Wars.
El Gusano Gigante has a symbiotic relationship with the flowers it feeds on. Since the chemical weapon that was used on it was made from the flowers it fed on, instead of killing it, the bio-weapon powered it up.
Due to El Gusano Gigante being a worm, heat can weaken the monster. A few gouts from a flamethrower was enough to make El Gusano Gigante recoil, and later it was left in a severely shriveled-up state after Godzilla kept blasting the monster with his atomic breath. He was also susceptible to the laser weaponry of the Leviathan Aliens' capital ships, which ultimately felled him.
Video games
- Godzilla: The Series - Monster Wars (2000) - Nintendo Game Boy Color
Godzilla: The Series - Monster Wars
After eating plants commonly used in chemical weapons, a simple worm became El Gusano Gigante, and terrorized the people in a dry region of Nigeria before the government called H.E.A.T. to take care of him. When Godzilla arrived to defeat him. El Gusano Gigante fought back against him with blasts of fire and by slamming its head on the ground to create shockwaves, but the worm was ultimately incapacitated by the offending monster and his fire balls.
- Main article: El Gusano Gigante/Gallery.
In other languages
- El Gusano Gigante is the only kaiju in the Godzilla franchise whose name is in Spanish.
- El Gusano Gigante bears remarkable similarity to the caterpillar species Citheronia regalis, more commonly referred to as the horned hickory devil.
- At 400 meters in length, El Gusano Gigante is the largest American Godzilla monster with a confirmed size. However, it is almost certainly smaller than both the Magnetic Monster and Magita, based on comparisons with Godzilla.
This is a list of references for El Gusano Gigante. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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