Giant Antlion

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Giant Antlion
The Giant Antlion in Hanna-Barbera's Godzilla
Species Mutated antlion
Place(s) of emergence Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
First appearance Godzilla episode 20:
"Valley of the Giants"

The Giant Antlion is an insect monster created by Hanna-Barbera that appeared in episode 16 of the 1979 animated series, Godzilla, titled "Valley of the Giants."


The Giant Antlion resembles a more colorful regular-sized antlion. Its head and body are red with yellow lumps dotting its back, and a black stripe follows the top of its head to the mid back. Its head, top side, and black legs are all hairy. Its limbs have four curving claws on them. Its underside is grey, and the larger mandibles are yellow with spikes lining the inside edge while a second smaller white pair sit just above its mouth, which is human-like with four white teeth and a tongue on its lower jaw.



"Valley of the Giants"

Pete attempted to climb into the Giant Bees' hive to rescue Quinn and Captain Majors, but he slipped and slid down the rocky slope towards the Giant Antlion's pit. The Antlion laid in wait while Pete continued to slowly fall down towards it, eagerly snapping its jaws. Unfortunately for it, Brock and Godzooky soon arrived and pulled Pete out with a vine. Sensing the disturbance, the Giant Antlion tried to skewer Pete with one of its mandibles but just barely missed, and it unearthed itself from the ground to roar in frustration.



Just like real antlion larvae, the Giant Antlion can burrow in the ground to create pitfall traps with walls of fine sand, which allows prey to fall right on top of its mouth.


  • The Giant Antlion is one of the few monsters in Godzilla to not encounter Godzilla.
  • In real life, the bulky burrowing antlions are only larvae, while adults are far smaller and resemble dragonflies.


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