Giant Fly
The Giant Fly (巨大バエ is a fly Kyodai Bae)monster that appeared in the 1979 Godzilla episode, "Microgodzilla."
The Giant Fly closely resembles a flesh fly. It has a hairy abdomen, a greyish underbelly, translucennt wings, and bulbous red eyes.
- Godzilla (TV 1978-1979) [episode 15]
The Giant Fly had been aboard the Calico for some time as an ordinary-sized fly, but was enlarged by a strange pink gas after Brock shooed it out of the vessel. The fly began to grow due to the gas and returned to attack Brock and Pete, who with the help of Godzooky locked it in a chest, which it quickly outgrew. Captain Majors summoned Godzilla to stop the Giant Fly, only for the crew to discover that Godzilla was shrinking because of the same gas. Godzilla disposed of the Giant Fly, but it returned and stalked the Calico, eventually growing to Godzilla's ordinary size while he was the size of a fly. Fortunately, Quinn discovered that electricity would reverse the size-changes and quickly regrew Godzilla, who engaged the Giant Fly. The crew enraged the fly and used the cure on it, shrinking the pest back down to its normal size and ending its threat.
Like most other flies, the Giant Fly is capable of flight.
The Giant Fly continuously grew larger and larger due to the pink gas.
Electricity returns the Giant Fly to its original size.
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