Giant Ant (Hanna-Barbera)

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Giant Ants
A Giant Ant
Species Mutated ants
Place(s) of emergence Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
First appearance Godzilla episode 20,
"Valley of the Giants"
To be added.
For the giant ants from Scott Ciencin's Godzilla Invades America, see Giant ant (Random House). For other giant ants, see the disambiguation page.

The Giant Ants (巨大蟻,   Kyodai Ari) are ant monsters created by Hanna-Barbera that appeared in the 1979 Godzilla episode, "Valley of the Giants."


The Giant Ants resemble generic ants. Their bodies are entirely black and separated into a head, thorax, and abdomen, and they possess six limbs and two red eyes. The Giant Ants' mandibles are large, bluish-grey, and toothed like pliers or wrenches. The undersides of their abdomens have hair-like filaments, and their forelimbs are tipped with crescent-shaped claws.



"Valley of the Giants"

While clearing land for the construction of a highway near Kilimanjaro, some construction workers detonated some dynamite, only for more of the mountain than they expected to crumble, revealing a hollow fissure. Later, multiple Giant Ants emerged from the cave and forced the workers to flee.

Later, while searching for Godzilla, the Calico crew stumbled upon the Giant Ants' nest, where they had gathered supplies pillaged from the construction site. Realizing there must be another exit to the Valley of the Giants, the crew left in search of it. They soon encountered a party of Giant Ants returning to the nest with giant leaves, wooden planks, and crates of supplies. The group soon split up, with Captain Majors and Brock staying to free Godzilla while Quinn, Pete, and Godzooky scouted ahead and found even more Giant Ants marching in and out of the valley. A scout noticed them, and Godzooky boxed with it to allow his friends to escape before he ran himself. The trio passed under the Giant Black Widow, who descended and cornered them with the Giant Ant. Godzooky distracted the Giant Spider but was trapped in its web, while the Giant Ant chased the rest of the crew. Godzilla freed himself and saved Godzooky before placing him near the Giant Ant to scare it off.



The Giant Ants were able to lift large steel beams, barrels of oil, crates, and other construction supplies, which they carried all the way back to their nest.


The Giant Ants appeared to have reinforced some of their tunnels with the steel beams they stole. They also orderly placed the rest of their stolen materials and cooperated when they ran the construction workers from their site.


A Giant Ant was scared off by the far smaller Godzooky after he repeatedly roared and swung at it.



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