Gigan Miles
People forgot, but thought it was fine because it has been peaceful. But, here they come.
— Narrator (Godzilla vs. Gigan Rex) |
Gigan Miles (ガイガンミレース is a species of cyborg alien Gaigan Mirēsu)kaiju who appeared in Takuya Uenishi's 2022 short film Godzilla vs. Gigan Rex. After a group of Gigan Miles attacked Earth and was repulsed by Godzilla,[2] the more powerful Gigan Rex arrived with an army of the cyborgs to challenge the King of the Monsters.
- See also: Gigan#Name.
Gigan Miles' name is a combination of "Gigan" and "miles," the Latin word for "soldier."
The design of Gigan Miles draws heavily from the Gigan design used in Takuya Uenishi's fan film G vs. G, although the golden scale pattern on their stomachs is changed, appearing largely similar to the character's original Showa design. The greenish coloration on their bodies is more metallic and blue-green than in Gigan's Showa design, with their golden scales protruding less. Gigan Miles are also more muscular than previous Gigan designs. They sport smaller, more streamlined heads with rotund bodies and short legs. They have a pair of metal teeth on either side of their beaks on the tops and bottoms in their mouths. Their sails are sharpened with small red membranes, appearing more like spiny growths than fins, while the blades on their buzzsaws are metallic crimson. Their buzzsaws can also extend at the command of Gigan Rex, retracting the yellow-scaled portion of the torso to allow for the lengthening and widening of the buzzsaw. Gigan Miles also have a sort of core or heart which glows a pink-orange color that their internal buzzsaws center around.
Reiwa era
Godzilla vs. Gigan Rex
A squadron of JSDF F-35 fighter jets launched missiles at the Gigan Miles' leader, Gigan Rex, only for a Gigan Miles to destroy the projectiles with its forehead laser before flying toward the jets, slashing its claw through one. It chased one of the surviving jets, with the other maneuvering itself behind the target, launching a missile that exploded uselessly against its hide. The cyborg quickly dispatched the pursuing craft with its laser, before flying ahead of the remaining jet and abruptly turning, slicing through it with its bladed forearm. At the same time, two more Gigan Miles were destroying a city and its defending forces. As tanks fired shells at one of the cyborgs, it retaliated with a laser. The other tanks attempted to flee, but the other Gigan Miles stabbed through two of them. Another Gigan Miles descended from the sky, crushing a jet in its mouth. Suddenly, a damaged Gigan Miles flew through the air, crashing down in front of its allies. The three others looked toward the point of origin to see Godzilla roaring a challenge, with one Gigan shrieking in return. A Gigan Miles then leapt into the air, slamming its hooks into Godzilla's side while trying to stab him with the spike on its tail. Godzilla simply threw his attacker to the ground and crushed its head under his foot. Another Gigan leapt at and attempted to slash Godzilla with its hooks, only to miss and instead slice a building in half. Godzilla slashed at the Gigan Miles, with the latter blocking each strike with its metal forearms. As Godzilla's attention turned towards his current opponent, the third Gigan Miles slammed into Godzilla and held onto his back, activating its buzzsaw. The Gigan Miles pinned Godzilla, allowing another to repeatedly blast him with its laser. Godzilla's dorsal plates glowed and emitted a nuclear pulse that blasted the Gigan apart, and Godzilla obliterated the other with his atomic breath. Gigan Rex smashed down on the ground behind Godzilla, and the two engaged in battle.
As Godzilla began to overcome Gigan Rex with his atomic breath, the red Gigan called for reinforcements, summoning nine more Gigan Miles. The Gigan Miles interrupted Godzilla's onslaught with their lasers. Gigan Rex sent out a command to the Miles, causing the golden-scaled skin on their stomachs to peel back into the rest of their bodies, extending and widening their buzzsaws. Godzilla attempted to blast one of the Gigan Miles out of the sky with his atomic breath, but its larger buzzsaw deflected the blast. Some of the Gigan Miles began to repeatedly dive down and slash at Godzilla with their buzzsaws, while Gigan Rex and other Gigan Miles fired their lasers at him. Three Gigan Miles then piled onto Godzilla, shredding at his back with their buzzsaws. However, Godzilla began glowing a bright white before emitting a powerful nuclear pulse and blasting another Gigan Miles out of the sky with a white-hot beam. As the now brightly glowing Godzilla faced Gigan Rex, the red cyborg extended his Rex Blades around himself. He telekinetically extracted cores from the six remaining Gigan Miles and attached them to his blades, empowering his chest beam. Gigan Rex locked its beam with Godzilla's white atomic breath, but Godzilla managed to win out, killing Rex in an explosion.
Gigan Miles have the ability to fly via levitation, maneuvering through the air with speed and grace. One individual outpaced a military aircraft before performing a quick 180-degree turn to swipe at it.
Bladed forearms
The Gigan Miles possess Gigan's signature forearm blades, which extend to slightly below their elbows. These blades were able to cleave buildings in half, obliterate jets, and grip onto Godzilla as well as cause sparks when slashed across his hide.

Gigan Miles also possess Gigan's chest saw. They used these in an attempt to cut into Godzilla's body, though they merely caused sparks. Uniquely, Gigan Miles also have the ability to extend their buzzsaws; at the command of Gigan Rex, their golden scaled-skin retracted into their bodies, revealing complex mechanisms that formed a massive extended buzzsaw around their cores.
A Gigan Miles attempted to stab Godzilla with its tail spike, but was countered by Godzilla's fast reflexes.
Gigan Miles have the ability to fire pinpoint, yellow lasers from the forehead apertures above their eyes. These caused explosions and visibly interfered with Godzilla's locomotion and balance, though they never pierced his skin.
Gigan Miles possess fleshy orbs at the center of their bodies. These seem to act similar to a heart or battery, keeping the Gigan Miles alive.
Gigan Miles are commanded by Gigan Rex, who appears to telepathically communicate with and control them using his forehead aperture.
The Gigan Miles withstood conventional weaponry with no sign of damage. One Miles also blocked some of Godzilla's swipes with its forearms, while another deflected his atomic breath with its extended buzzsaw.
Despite the Gigan Miles' feats of durability, they were mostly defenseless against Godzilla, who smashed multiple to pieces and blew apart more with his nuclear pulse and atomic breath. Once Godzilla attained his special state, he used his white-hot pulse and atomic breath to utterly vaporize the remaining Miles. Additionally, the Miles are unable to survive without their energy cores, as six of them disintegrated upon having their cores extracted by Gigan Rex.
Video games
- Godzilla Battle Line (2021; added in 2024) - Android, iOS, PC
Concept art
Gigan Miles emit a selection of Gigan's roars and shrieks from the Showa series.
See also
This is a list of references for Gigan Miles. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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