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Gojirin in Get Going! Godzilland
Alternate names Godzillin
Species Female Godzilla
Place(s) of emergence Godzilland
Relations Godzilla (love interest)
Allies Godzilla, Baragon, Mothra, Anguirus, Rodan, Mechagodzilla
Enemies Mechagodzilla (initially)
Played by Akemi Okamura (voice)
First appearance Latest appearance
Get Going! Godzilland episode 3, "Let's Play with Godzilla! Addition" Get Going! Godzilland episode 4, "Let's Play with Godzilla! Subtraction"

Gojirin (ゴジリン,   Gojirin) is a female Godzilla who appeared in Gakken Video's two 1996 educational Get Going! Godzilland original video animations (OVAs). As a resident of Godzilland, Gojirin lived alongside many juvenile kaiju, such as her close friends Godzilla, Anguirus, and Baragon, who often competed for her affections. She was also a target of the island's social outcast Mechagodzilla, who on one occasion attempted to force her to become his friend by kidnapping her, though the monsters were able to make amends in the end.


Gojirin's name comes from Godzilla's Japanese name, Gojira (ゴジラ), and -rin, a common Japanese endearment suffix added to the ends of names, usually used for females. The English equivalent of this would be adding the letter y to the end of a name to denote affection, therefore a possible English approximation of Gojirin's name would be "Godzilly."


The pink female Godzilla from the 1984 Godzilland merchandise line who likely inspired Gojirin

Gojirin was most likely adapted from a pink female Godzilla who appears in Bandai's original 1984 Godzilland merchandise line. Like Gojirin, this female Godzilla was often shown to have a mutual romantic attraction to the green male Godzilla in artwork. Her design slightly differed from Gojirin, as she possessed normally-shaped red dorsal fins rather than light pink heart-shaped fins and wore a blue bow on the top of her head, while lacking visible eyelashes.


Gojirin resembles Godzilla in her appearance, but has several key differences. Her skin is bright pink, and her dorsal plates are a lighter shade of pink, and are also heart-shaped. In keeping with a common cartoon trope, her gender is also identified by her longer eyelashes.


Gojirin is very kind and cheerful, and is good friends with most of the other monsters on Godzilland. Godzilla is shown to have a crush on Gojirin, and she seems to return his feelings. Occasionally, Gojirin is a source of conflict among Godzilla and his friends, as both Baragon and Anguirus compete with Godzilla to impress her. However, Gojirin attempts to resolve conflicts among her friends, as she scolded Godzilla for fighting with his best friend after he got into a fight with Anguirus. Gojirin is shown to be fond of fruit, as the other monsters frequently give her fruit in an attempt to gain her approval.


Heisei era

Get Going! Godzilland

"Let's Play with Godzilla! Addition"

Gojirin was one of Godzilla's closest friends. After Godzilla and Anguirus got into a fight, Mechagodzilla kidnapped Anguirus in efforts to force him to be his friend. Gojirin asked Godzilla why he was fighting with Anguirus when suddenly Baragon appeared and informed them that Mechagodzilla kidnapped Anguirus. Mothra told the other kaiju that they needed to go rescue Anguirus, but Gojirin's stomach growled and she indicated that they should eat first. While the monsters tried to collect food, they learned to count and add the different items, such as fruit and fish. Afterward, Gojirin accompanied the others to the cave where Mechagodzilla had taken Anguirus, but were stopped along the way by an army of ants, who attacked Godzilla with their spears. After Mothra communicated with the ants and made peace with them, the monsters continued on until they reached the volcano, where Mechagodzilla challenged them to a game where they needed to answer addition problems correctly in order to save Anguirus.

Gojirin and the others successfully solved all of the problems, allowing for Anguirus' release. After Mothra convinced the other kaiju to forgive and befriend Mechagodzilla, Gojirin and the others took part in a song about addition.

"Let's Play with Godzilla! Subtraction"

One day, Godzilla approached Gojirin with a handful of fruit, and she responded by taking all of the fruit for herself and eating it instantly, much to Godzilla's dismay. Godzilla then gathered five pieces of fruit and approached Gojirin again, this time using subtraction to know how much each of them should get. Later, Godzilla, Rodan, Baragon, and Mothra celebrated Gojirin's birthday with a cake. Anguirus arrived late with a basket of fruit and gave it to Gojirin, making Godzilla and Baragon jealous. While Anguirus tried to flirt with Gojirin, Godzilla and Baragon attempted to gather more fruit than him in an attempt to impress Gojirin. Eventually, Mothra and Gojirin convinced the three kaiju to stop fighting, and they all continued to celebrate Gojirin's birthday. Still determined to impress Gojirin, Godzilla placed three flower pots in the window of Gojirin's house while she was asleep. The next night, Godzilla placed five more flowers in her house and revealed that they were his gift to her. Gojirin thanked Godzilla, but upon discovering that Godzilla had dug up the flowers from her garden in the first place, angrily chased him with a watering pail.

Later, while standing on a dock by a lake, Gojirin was approached by Mechagodzilla, who wanted her to come with him and become his friend. Gojirin refused, and Mechagodzilla responded by firing his lasers into the lake near her, startling her. He then grabbed her and attempted to carry her away. Fortunately, Rodan happened to fly overhead to witness this, prompting him to alert Godzilla and Anguirus. Godzilla and Anguirus ran to the dock to confront Mechagodzilla, where the robot challenged them to a quiz revolving around subtraction problems to rescue Gojirin. After both monsters answered the problems correctly, Mechagodzilla released Gojirin and flew away in tears. Later, Gojirin and the others were playing jump-rope when they were approached by Mechagodzilla and Mothra, who told Mechagodzilla to apologize for his actions. After doing so, the other kaiju forgave him and allowed him to play with them.


Physical abilities

Gojirin is quite strong for her size and was able to knock fruit from a tree simply by hitting its trunk.


Like Godzilla himself, Gojirin was capable of swimming. She played in the water with Godzilla in "Let's Play with Godzilla! Addition".


Main article: Gojirin/Gallery.


  • According to the subtraction OVA, Gojirin is six years old.
  • Gojirin is the only kaiju in Get Going! Godzilland to have not appeared in a film prior.
  • Gojirin was only the fourth female member of Godzilla's species to be introduced officially, after Bijira, Majira, and Rozan, and the first to not be depicted through static images.

See also


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