Siren Sisters
The Siren Sisters (サイレンシスターズ, individually named Morphea Sairen Shisutāzu) (モルフィア, Minaton Morufia) (ミナトン, and Kaidora Minaton) (カイドラ, are sirens who appeared in the Kaidora)1978 Godzilla episode "Island of Lost Ships."
- Godzilla (1978-1979) [episode 9]
"Island of Lost Ships"
Captain Majors was enticed to bring the Calico to a newly-appeared Greek island by a mysteriously beautiful singing. Upon arriving, the crew discovered that the island was the home of the Siren Sisters. Although the leader of the Sirens, Morphea, initially seemed to welcome the crew, they soon learned that the Sisters planned to turn them to stone and keep them on the island when it disappeared at sunset. After the crew opened the doors to a chamber against the warnings of Morphea, the Sisters unleashed the leonine monster Chimera. Morphea exclaimed that not even the Sirens could control the Chimera, Majors summoned Godzilla to battle the creature.
Godzilla swiftly defeated the Chimera and resealed it in its prison, only for the angry Sisters to entrance him in return. They soon bewitched the entire crew except for Pete and Godzooky, who fled into a maze and, at the behest of the sisters, were attacked by the Minotaur, who they quickly imprisoned. To prevent the pair from escaping, the Sisters decided to destroy the Calico, only to find their powers weren't strong enough on their own. The Sisters combined into one to solve the issue and became powerful enough to control Chimera, who they ordered to destroy the ship. Godzooky and Pete suddenly appeared, the former stalling Chimera and the latter waking Godzilla, who immediateoy engaged Chimera. To save the creature from defeat, the sisters merged with it too. With its newfound strength, Chimera began to overpower Godzilla, but he outsmarted it and tricked it into leaping off a cliff. Chimera fell into the sea and perished, taking the Sisters' lives with it and freeing the rest of the Calico crew from their trance.
Hypnotic beam
The Siren Sisters can unleash a hypnotic trance beam from their hands. Though it was able to turn humans into statues, it merely put Godzilla to sleep.
The Siren Sisters can all merge into one being to become more powerful in both size and strength; this also allowed them to influence Chimera. They later merged with Chimera itself to increase its size and power, and take complete control of it.
The Siren Sisters were unable to control the Chimera separately. After merging with it, they vanished into smoke along with it when Godzilla tricked it into diving off a cliff. Their deaths also ended their trance spells.
- The Siren Sisters are among the most human-like monsters in the Godzilla franchise, along with the Giant Dr. Serizawa and the enlarged Charles Barkley.
- In Greek mythology, Sirens were depicted as having bird-like bodies with humanoid heads. This depiction is notably included in Homer's epic The Odyssey.
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