Utsuno Ikusagami

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Utsuno Ikusagami
Utsuno Ikusagami in Orochi, the Eight-Headed Dragon
Alternate names Ikusagami, Utsu no Ikusagami[1], UtunoIkusagami[2]
Species Giant warrior
Height 12.5 meters[3]
Weight 10,000 metric tons[3]
Place(s) of emergence Moon[4]
Played by Wataru Fukuda

Utsuno Ikusagami (宇宙戦神 (ウツノイクサガミ),   Utsuno Ikusagami, lit. Space War God) is a giant warrior created by Toho that appears in the 1994 film Orochi, the Eight-Headed Dragon.


This magical fusion—formed from prince Yamato Takeru, the magical shrine sage Oto Tachibana, and the enchanted bird deity Amano Shiratori—takes the form of a samurai in gilded, plated metal armor that covers them from head to toe. Utsuno Ikusagami is chiefly silver in color, with gold accents on their limb guards, rim of the skirt, studded belt, and shoulder pads. Across their back a pair of retractable golden wings with ruby studs can emerge. All three of the sacred treasures are represented on their armor, with the mirror forming a sun symbol on their helmet's forehead, the jewel becoming a green stud on their chest plate, and the sword growing to size to suit them. Initially the sword is not summoned with the transformation's onset and is invoked.


Heisei era

Orochi, the Eight-Headed Dragon

After humoring them in a battle with his human sized form at his lunar fortress, the evil moon kami Tsukuyomi shifted into his gigantic, monstrous form of Yamata no Orochi. Though the heroes chosen by Tsukuyomi's peers Susano and Amaterasu, Yamato Takeru and Oto Tachibana, attempted to fight the demonic hydra using the three sacred treasures given to them by the kami, they and their divine steed Amano Shiratori were out-matched. Tachibana rescued her companion after Yamato fell from the sacred bird and the party found themselves blasted into space. With Tachibana gifting her power to the prince, Yamato Takeru realized their combined power and bond was the prophesied "third light" needed to defeat Tsukuyomi. Holding the three treasures, he channeled all of their combined power as a gigantic form began to materialize around him.

As the sunburst of light spread across the ground, Utsuno Ikusagami appeared. In its massive frame that could stand on eye level with the demonic dragon, the humanoid giant contained the three legendary lights of Yamato and his party. Orochi wasted no time going on the offensive, attempting to char the new hero to a crisp with his hellish flames. To defend himself against Orochi's fire, Ikusagami activated his wings and raised a shield. The shield was blasted by Orchi until it exploded. As the demonic hydra closed the distance, Ikusagami managed to grab a hold of one of Orochi's necks to try and keep him at bay. The lasers of Orochi were fired, but the the holy warrior defended and fought back. Summoning their holy sword, they sliced off several of Orochi's eight heads. With only three heads left, Orochi was blasted with Utsuno Ikusagami's divine rays until smited back to his weaker, human and shaped form of Tsukuyomi. With their job done, Yamato Takeru, Oto Tachibana, and Amano Shiratori's fusion divided back into their individual forms to seal away Tsukuyomi and return to Earth.



Ikusagami can fly at light speeds, able to traverse one million light-years.[5]

Time-Splitting Sky Waves

Ikusagami can project Time-Splitting Sky Waves (時裂空漸波,   Jiretsu Kūzanpa), reflective barriers which disrupt spacetime.[6]

Fury-Splitting Bombflash Cannon

Ikusagami can unleash an energy beam from his entire body called the Fury-Splitting Bombflash Cannon (砲怒裂爆閃砲,   Doretsu Bakusen Hō).[7]

Heavenly Demon-Crushing Rays

Ikusagami can fire bolts of energy from his forehead crest called Heavenly Demon-Crushing Rays (魔砕天照光,   Masai Tenshō Kō).[8]

Orochi no Karasainotsurugi

Ikusagami wields a giant version of the Orochi no Karasainotsurugi (蛇の (オロチノ) (カラ)鋤剣 (サイノツルギ)), a legendary sword.[5]

Beam shield

Utsuno Ikusagami can create a invisible barrier to protect against attacks.

Energy spear

Utsuno Ikusagami can create an energy spear to throw at his enemies.


Main article: Utsuno Ikusagami/Gallery.


This is a list of references for Utsuno Ikusagami. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Godzilla Toho Giant Monster Pictorial Book. Shogakukan. 1 April 2005. p. 117. ISBN 4-09-280052-5.
  2. Picture Book of Godzilla & All Monsters. Kodansha. 2 July 2021. p. 307. ISBN 978-4-06-523491-4.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Toho Special Effects All Monster Encyclopedia. Shogakukan. 23 July 2014. p. 88. ISBN 4-096-82090-3.
  4. All Toho Monsters Pictorial Book. Yosensha. 27 April 2014. p. 256. ISBN 978-4-8003-0362-2.
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Shogakukan 1994, pp. 18-19
  6. Shogakukan 1994, pp. 20-21.
  7. Shogakukan 1994, pp. 22-23.
  8. Shogakukan 1994, pp. 24-25.



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