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Barakidon in Zone Fighter
Alternate names Balakidon
Subtitle(s) Strongest Terror-Beast
(最強恐獣,   Saikyō Kyōjū)
Species Mutated chicken
Height 73 meters[1]
Weight 63,000 metric tons[1]
Controlled by Garogas
Relations Garogas (Creators)
Allies Garogas
Enemies Zone Fighter
First appearance "Zone Fighter episode 12, "The Terror-Beast Base: Invade the Earth!"

Barakidon (バラキドン,   Barakidon) is a mutant chicken kaiju created by Toho that first appeared in the 12th episode of Zone Fighter, The Terror-Beast Base: Invade the Earth!.


Barakidon resembles a massive chicken with a green covered hunch-back. His eyes are an emerald green, and various eyespots of the same color are located around his body. Mats of brown feathers sit on either side of his neck, and he has massive clawed hands at the ends of his wings. Finally, his skin varies in color from purple to a deep blue, and he has a red comb on top of his neck, similar to the combs found on chickens.


Barakidon was launched from a Terror-Beast Missile as an egg with a secret underground base by the Garogas harvesting the power of chickens and geothermal energy in order to give to the egg. The Garogas accomplished this by abducting numerous coops of chickens to sacrifice and combine with geothermal energy, feeding it to the egg, eventually spawning Barakidon.


Showa era

Zone Fighter

The Terror-Beast Base: Invade the Earth!

Barakidon was emerged from his egg within a Garoga base after he had received enough geothermal energy to grow into his kaiju form. However, as he rose up to fight, he ended up destroying the Garoga base he was housed in. With a new source of heat, moonlight, to spur him on, Barakidon seemed to be unstoppable against Zone Fighter, with the latter being beaten badly. However, Zone Angel and Zone Junior were flying in Smokey, and used the spacecraft to block the moon's rays. With his source of light cut off, Barakidon panicked and attempted to run towards a nearby city, only to be blocked by Zone. As time went on, Barakidon began to weaken in the cold. Zone Fighter finished off the chicken with his Meteor Freezer attack, removing all of the body heat in Barakidon's body and causing the avian to vanish after various lights flashed across his body.


Physical abilities

After bursting out of his egg, Barakidon tunneled out from underground using his body, causing tremors which split apart the ground. During his fight with Zone Fighter, Barakidon was able to backhand Zone off of him after being jumped on, with the hero groaning in pain after hitting the ground. After using his wings to slow down Zone, Barakidon kneed the hero in the face before jumping on and assaulting the hero with his fists. Barakidon was also shown to have impressive balance, as he was able to recover rather quickly when attempting to charge at Zone, with the hero cartwheeling out of the way. Similarly, he was able to roll back to his feet after being kicked by Zone under his beak.

Hurricane winds

By flapping his wings, Barakidon can generate hurricane-force winds. This attack was used against Zone Fighter which was able to prevent the hero from advancing towards Barakidon, while also causing Zone to become disoriented by the dust kicked up. Barakidon slams his tail against the ground multiple times right before and during use of this ability.

Radioactive Mist

Barakidon can expel a white mist from his beak which causes opponents to grow weaker. He used this mist against both Zone Fighter and Smokey, with it having more of an effect on Zone. As stated in All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume), the mist is also radioactive.

Red Light Drain

Barakidon can create a glowing red light from his crest, called Red Light Drain (レッドライトドレイン), that will drain Zone Fighter's energy and counteract his ability to absorb the sun's rays.

Eye Beams

According to All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume), Barakidon can emit beams from his eyes. These went unused in the series, although his eyes are shown to glow green on command.


Barakidon was smart enough to realize that light and heat were what kept him alive, panicking after the moonlight was blocked and quickly running over to a city in order to keep himself alive.


Barakidon was knocked to the ground when Zone Fighter transformed into his giant state. He was also shown enduring numerous Meteor Punches to the face, two Meteor Kicks to the face, and multiple Meteor Chops to his hunchback. Barakidon was sent to the ground twice after being hit with two variants of the Meteor Kick, hitting directly underneath his beak, with the first instance being when the chicken was on top of him, and the second being when the hero did a handstand into the kick. Most impressively, Barakidon was able to survive being fired at by two volleys of Zone's Meteor Missile Might, a move that typically kills most kaiju.


Barakidon derives his power from light and heat from various sources, most importantly the light of the Moon. If the Moon is obscured, he will soon begin to weaken due to a lack of heat and his cellular tissue will break down. After the Moon was obscured by Smokey, Barakidon began to run towards a nearby city in a desperate attempt to get power from its light sources. Barakidon was finally defeated after Zone Fighter used his Meteor Freezer on the kaiju, removing all the heat from his body, leading to numerous lights flashing across his body before the kaiju faded away.


Main article: Barakidon/Gallery.


Barakidon uses slightly modified and higher pitched Mechani-Kong roars.


This is a list of references for Barakidon. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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