Y2K Bug

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Y2K Bug
Y2K Bug in the Godzilla bumper "Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug"
Alternate names Millennium Bug
Species Giant sentient robot insect
Enemies Calico crew
First appearance Godzilla special,
"Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug"

The Y2K Bug is a robot insect monster that appeared in the comedic 1999 Godzilla short "Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug," which served as a bumper during commercial breaks on both Cartoon Network and its sister station Boomerang.


The Y2K Bug is named after the numeronym of the same name. It was a software issue which occurred during the year 2000 across the globe and led to numerous problems in computer systems worldwide. Its secondary name "Millennium Bug," which it claims to prefer, is also another name for the software issue.


The Y2K Bug is a massive insect resembling a bee or winged ant. The monster is colored entirely silver and black and appears to be at least partially mechanized. It has a completely flat underbelly with the words "Y2K BUG" stamped on it.


  • Godzilla (TV 1978-1979) [1999 special short]


"Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug"

Whilst having a party for the new millennium on the Calico, the crew encountered the Y2K Bug. It flew above the ship roaring down at them until Pete announced its presence. The monster clarified that it preferred the name "Millennium Bug" before continuing to roar. Fearing that the monster could wreak havoc on computer-bearing devices, the crew attempted to call on Godzilla for help. However, as Carl pressed the button on the the Godzilla Signal, it began sparking, with no sign of Godzilla. Quinn concluded that Carl must not have updated the device's embedded microchips.


Electronic disruption

According to Quinn, the Y2K Bug has the capacity to wreak havoc on anything which uses a computer, listing examples such as crashing the stock market and causing power grids to fail. Although these events are never shown, it seemed to short out the Godzilla Signal before it could summon Godzilla.


The Y2K Bug can fly.


The Y2K Bug possesses the ability to communicate by using human speech or producing roars.


Main article: Y2K Bug/Gallery.


  • Although having the motif of an insect, which should have six limbs, the Y2K Bug possesses eight limbs like an arachnid.


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