Giant Bee

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Giant Bee
The Giant bee
Species Mutated bee
Place(s) of emergence Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Enemies Calico crew, Godzooky
First appearance Godzilla episode 20,
"Valley of the Giants"
To be added.
Not to be confused with the Giant Mutant Bees from Godzilla: The Series.

The Giant Bees (巨大ミツバチ,   Kyodai Mitsubachi) are bee monsters that appeared in the 1979 Godzilla episode, "Valley of the Giants."


The Giant Bees resemble regular bees, specifically bumblebees. They have grey heads with two black antennae and eyes as well as yellow mandibles; a yellow, fluffy thorax with six black limbs and two transparent wings; and a black, pointed abdomen with two yellow bands on the top.



"Valley of the Giants"

Captian Majors, Quinn, and Pete ventured down a stream in search of an exit from the Valley of the Giants, and came across multiple Giant Bees pollinating a giant flower. The Bees noticed the trio and dove down, capturing both of the adults and flying away with them. Majors called Godzilla to rescue them, but he was ambushed and incapacitated by the Giant Black Widow en route, leaving the two of them helpless.

The Bees carried Carl and Quinn to their hive, where Pete caught up to them and tried to climb up to save them, only to lose his grip and slide into the Giant Antlion's pit. Brock and Godzooky arrived and saved him before devising a plan to smoke out the Giant Bees with Godzooky's smoke rings. The plan succeeded, and Brock and Pete ran through the hive and sliced through Majors and Quinn's wax prison with rocks. Once the crew left, they found an exhausted Godzooky and an incoming swarm of angry Giant Bees, which the Calico crew escaped by running into a forest.



Like ordinary bees, the Giant Bees can pollinate plants.


Despite Carl Majors and Quinn Darian's struggles, the Giant Bees kept a firm grip on them and were fully capable of flying.


The Giant Bees can fly.

Wax walls

The Giant Bees can rapidly form walls of wax, which can be at least a foot thick.


Like regular-sized bees, the Giant Bees can be smoked out of their hives.



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