Fairy Mothra
Fairy Mothra (
In Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla, Mothra spawned numerous Fairy Mothras in space, with one traveling to Earth to help the Cosmos warn Miki Saegusa of SpaceGodzilla's impending arrival. In Rebirth of Mothra, Fairy served as the steed of Moll and Lora, the two Elias sisters who served Mothra and Mothra Leo. While pursuing their human-hating sister Belvera, Fairy was severely injured by Belvera's steed Garugaru, but was eventually revived. Fairy later assisted Moll and Lora during their quest to uncover the treasure of Nilai-Kanai in Rebirth of Mothra 2, and later provided crucial aid to all three Elias sisters in Rebirth of Mothra 3 the following year.
Fairy Mothra has two Japanese names: 妖精モスラ (Yōsei Mosura) and フェアリーモスラ (Fearī Mosura), both of which translate to "Fairy Mothra" in English.
In all three films of the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy, the monster is only ever identified as Fairy (フェアリー. Fearī)
In Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla, Fairy Mothra resembles a chibi Mothra, featuring smaller wings, a larger head, and larger eyes than Mothra had. Unlike Mothra herself, Fairy Mothra's eyes are green instead of blue.
In Rebirth of Mothra, Fairy maintained an appearance very similar to Mothra herself, complete with a similar wing pattern, though she is predominantly yellow with pink on the edges of her wings and parts of her body; she also also has blue eyes. In the following film, Fairy's color scheme was altered to more closely match Mothra Leo's, now with green patches on her wings in addition to green eyes.
In Rebirth of Mothra 3, Fairy was given a markedly different design. This version of Fairy lacks most of Mothra's distinctive wing patterns and instead bears a much simpler pattern. Her eyes are noticeably smaller and darker than previous designs, and the yellow fur on her head was replaced with dark orange. Similarly, the yellow on her body was replaced almost entirely with pink and white, in addition to having primarily magenta wings.
Both Fairy Mothra and Fairy were spawned by Mothra herself to aid her priestesses, the Cosmos and the Elias.
Fairy Mothra is playful and kind to humans, and shows undying loyalty to the Elias, Moll and Lora, who Fairy is quick to protect.
Heisei era
- Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla (1994)
- Rebirth of Mothra (1996)
- Rebirth of Mothra 2 (1997)
- Rebirth of Mothra 3 (1998)
Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla
While in space, Mothra spawned thousands of Fairy Mothras, and one was sent to Earth to deliver a message from the Cosmos. In a park, Miki Saegusa was thinking about Project T - a plan which she wasn't sure of, which aimed to control Godzilla with her psychic powers. Just then, a nearby tree's leaves started glowing, as did Miki's earrings, which sported the symbol of the Cosmos. Fairy Mothra then appeared before transforming into a projection of the Cosmos, who warned her of SpaceGodzilla's impending arrival on Earth and that he was going to try to kill Godzilla. After requesting Miki's assistance to defeat the space invader, the Cosmos and the Fairy Mothra disappeared, leaving Miki to believe it was now necessary to join the project after all.
Fairy Mothra appeared later when Miki was on Baas Island. The Cosmos warned her that everyone needed to work together to defeat SpaceGodzilla. After SpaceGodzilla was eventually defeated, Fairy Mothra materialized before Miki once more. The Cosmos thanked Miki for saving the world, and Fairy Mothra returned to outer space.
Rebirth of Mothra

After sensing that someone had removed the Seal of Elias used to trap Desghidorah in a Hokkaido forest, the Elias sisters Moll and Lora summoned Fairy from Mothra to fly them to Hokkaido. With Fairy as their transport, they tracked the Seal to the Gotos' house, where their older sister Belvera had already seized it with evil intent. Fairy burst into the house and engaged Belvera's dragon steed Garugaru in a destructive dogfight throughout the house. Taiki Goto managed to catch Belvera and Garugaru in a butterfly net, but the dragon wounded Fairy with a blind shot before retreating, leaving her unable to fly. With their transport down, the Elias seeked assistance from the Goto family, who brought them and Fairy to Hokkaido by plane. Moll and Lora later regained the Seal from Belvera and used its power to heal Fairy. Unfortunately, they were too late to stop Desghidorah's awakening, leaving them with no choice but to call upon Mothra.
After a long battle, Desghidorah forced Mothra and her newly-hatched son Mothra Leo to retreat. From atop Fairy, Moll and Lora could do nothing but watch as the elder Mothra succumbed to her injuries while Mothra traveled to the island of Yakushima to metamorphose. Fairy transported Moll and Lora to Yakushima to help Mothra Leo transform into his imago form, and later following him as he challenged Desghidorah again, this time with an overwhelming edge in speed and firepower. As Moll and Lora chased Belvera on Fairy, Mothra shot down Garugaru with a pair of Crossheat Lasers. Flames from the battle approached Belvera and Garugaru, the latter revealed to be a machine, but Fairy carried Belvera to safety just in time. After Mothra defeated Desghidorah and locked him away once more. Belvera wriggled out of Fairy's grasp and warned Moll and Lora never to trust human beings before escaping. After Mothra restored the forest to its former resplendent state, he returned to Infant Island with Moll and Lora following on Fairy.
Rebirth of Mothra 2

After sensing a disturbance on Infant Island, Moll and Lora took to the skies on Fairy and found hordes of red starfish known as Barem spreading throughout the ocean. Fairy later intercepted Belvera as she was menacing a group of children who had come into possession of a small fuzzy creature called Ghogo, which she believed would be crucial in her hunt for the legendary treasure of Nilai-Kanai. The upgraded Garugaru rained down lasers on the lot and tackled Fairy when Moll and Lora tried to block Belvera's path. However, Fairy and the children eventually escaped her wrath. Teaming up with the children, Moll, and Lora journeyed to their school, where they researched Nilai-Kanai - a magical kingdom that sank into the ocean long ago. Translating Ghogo's conversation with Fairy, Moll, and Lora learned that Dagahra, a monster created by Nilai-Kanai who was responsible for producing the Barem, had returned. The next day, the kids located the Nilai-Kanai pyramid and were briefly menaced by a Barem until Fairy blasted it away in the nick of time. As Dagahra arrived, Fairy flew Moll and Lora off to summon Mothra Leo to keep the beast at bay. However, after a lengthy fight, Dagahra overwhelmed Mothra by generating a hurricane which left him covered in Barem. Moll and Lora tried to dislodge them with energy blasts from their hands as Fairy flew them close to Mothra, but there were far too many, and Mothra soon collapsed on top of the pyramid.
A pair of fishermen recruited by Belvera tracked down the kids and Ghogo within the pyramid, but Moll and Lora arrived to stop them, with Fairy destroying their spear gun. Cowed, they apologized, only for Mikio to grab one of the children and Garugaru to shoot down Fairy. Before the battle could continue, the door in front of them all suddenly opened, leading them to a new room. An enormous, regal hologram took form at the center of the room, prompting the Elias to make their cases for possession of the treasure: Belvera wanted to use it to wipe out humanity while Moll and Lora strived to save humans.
The hologram revealed that the treasure was actually Ghogo the entire time as Dagahra began destroying the pyramid outside, prompting the lot to flee. After Belvera and Garugaru saved the group from being trapped in a room, they escaped the pyramid, with Fairy flying Moll and Lora to safety as the humans fled back to land. Ghogo sacrificed itself to imbue Mothra with new strength, allowing him to defeat Dagahra in his Rainbow Mothra and AquaMothra forms, at which point Fairy, Moll, and Lore reconvened with their human allies on land to comfort Shiori, who mourned the loss of Ghogo.
Rebirth of Mothra 3

After Belvera attempted to steal gems from a temple on Infant Island that she believed to be the key to unlocking the power of the Elias Triangle, Moll and Lora called upon Fairy to stop her. Fairy attacked Garugaru and successfully knocked two of the jewels out of Belvera's hands before she fled. Following a meteor shower, Fairy brought Moll and Lora to Japan to investigate the meteorite fragments, which Fairy scanned and found that they dated back to the time that the dinosaurs went extinct. The monster responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs, King Ghidorah, arrived soon after and began abducting human children from across Japan; tailing the alien with Fairy, Moll and Lora summoned Rainbow Mothra, who was quickly overwhelmed and defeated despite his best efforts. After Fairy flew closer to King Ghidorah and blasted him with lasers in an attempt to distract him, the space dragon locked eyes with Lora, taking control of her heart and forcing her to attack Moll. The two promptly fell over a dome where King Ghidorah's captives were being held; while Fairy rescued Moll, but was unable to prevent Lora from becoming trapped within the dome.
Moll and Fairy met a boy who avoided being absorbed into the dome named Shota Sonoda and traveled with him through underground wind tunnels to reach Mothra. Mothra persuaded Moll to send him back in time to battle King Ghidorah 130 million years in the past when the space invader first arrived on Earth, as he would have been much younger and weaker then. The process depleted Moll of her life energy, though Fairy refused to leave her side even after she perished. Shota and Belvera later teamed up with Lora after freeing her from King Ghidorah's control while Mothra successfully defeated King Ghidorah in the past, though he was nevertheless able to return in the present. Belvera mounted Fairy and beckoned for Lora to join her. Together with Fairy, the two used the power of the Elias Triangle to attack King Ghidorah, though their attacks proved ineffective before King Ghidorah batted Fairy away. Fortunately, Mothra managed to return from the past with a new form - Armor Mothra, which gave him the edge in the battle against the King of Terror. After King Ghidorah had been vanquished, Fairy brought Lora and Belvera back to Moll's body, where they used the power of the Elias Triangle to revive their fallen sister. Belvera then departed with Garugaru while Moll and Lora joyously witnessed the children reuniting with their parents from atop Fairy. With the world safe once more, Fairy, Moll, and Lora joined Mothra back to Infant Island.
Fairy Mothra can fly at Mach 1, and the Fairy seen in Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla can also teleport.
Shape shifting
In Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla, Fairy Mothra can change its appearance to that of the Cosmos.

Fairy Mothra has antenna that shoot beams, similar to Mothra and Mothra Leo.
In Rebirth of Mothra 3, Fairy can scan things to find lifeform essences.
Video games
- Mothra Tamagotchi (1997) - Bandai Tamagotchi
- Main article: Fairy Mothra/Gallery.
- Godzilla Singular Point's incarnation of Mothra takes the form of a large flock of tiny moths resembling the Fairy Mothra flock seen in Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla.
- Fairy is referred to as male in the English dub of Rebirth of Mothra.
See also
- ↑ The kanji 妖精 are normally read as Yōsei, meaning "Fairy." However, the furigana フェアリー attached to the kanji indicates that in this case it is read Fearī.
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