Giant Beetle

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Giant Beetle
The Giant Beetle in Hanna-Barbera's Godzilla
Species Mutated beetle
Place(s) of emergence Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Enemies Godzooky, Calico crew, Godzilla
First appearance Godzilla episode 20,
"Valley of the Giants"
To be added.

The Giant Beetle (巨大カブトムシ,   Kyodai Kabutomushi) is a beetle monster created by Hanna-Barbera that appeared in the 1979 Godzilla episode, "The Valley of the Giants."


The Giant Beetle shares a strong resemblance to the Atlas beetle. Its elytra and legs are pure black, while its underside is tan. Its face is another shade of tan closer to orange and possesses two small horns on the sides of its head and one larger serrated horn on its nose. It has two large black eyes, or two large eye sockets with beady white eyes within. It has a vertebrate-like jaw with two prominent white fangs and a small spike on its chin protruding from under its lip.



"Valley of the Giants"

As Godzilla roared in victory after defeating the Giant Black Widow, the Giant Beetle took advantage of the distraction to charge at the Calico crew. Thankfully, Godzilla noticed and grabbed the beetle before throwing it off into the distance.


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