Cyber Fly

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Cyber Fly
A Cyber Fly in Godzilla: The Series
Alternate names Cybernetic Flying Attack Drone
Species Robot Fly
Place(s) of emergence Cameron Winter's facility
Controlled by Cameron Winter (formerly), Randy Hernandez
Relations Cameron Winter (creator)
Enemies Godzilla, H.E.A.T.
Designed by Fil Barlow
First appearance Godzilla: The Series
episode 5, "The Winter of Our Discontent"

The Cyber Flies are robotic fly drones who appear in episode 5 of Godzilla: The Series, "The Winter of Our Discontent."


The Cyber Flies have a blue and white insectoid body with four legs, a tail with a red stinger, as well as a smaller white stinger underneath its tail, and four yellow wings. The Cyber Fly's head has two red eyes, one long antennae, and two small mandibles in front of its head with two larger mandibles beneath them.


The Cyber Flies were created by Cameron Winter as attack drones with the purpose of implanting a neurotransmitter onto Godzilla in order for Winter to take control of the monster.


Godzilla: The Series

"The Winter of Our Discontent"

After Cameron Winter used a recording to lure Godzilla into a trap, the Cyber Flies were used to attack him and keep him distracted long enough for a specially equipped Cyber Fly to discreetly place a neurotransmitter on his body. The transmitter then caused Godzilla to obey Winter's commands to destroy his base so that he could accept the insurance money. The Cyber Flies were later hacked at the end of the episode by Randy Hernandez in order to disable the transmitter, and their creator was arrested.


Green liquid

The Cyber Flies are equipped with a green liquid that appears to weaken Godzilla.


The Cyber Flies can release a bolt of purple lightning from their tails that is powerful enough to knock out a human.

Tail Shot

In the Godzilla: The Series video game, the Cyber Flies are capable of firing four projectiles from their tails.


The Cyber Flies were easily destroyed by Godzilla's atomic fire breath. They were also easily destroyed by Godzilla swatting at them.

Video games

Godzilla: The Series

Cyber Flies were dispatched in droves by Cameron Winter to attack Godzilla as he traversed an unnamed landscape toward a Solstice Technologies Tank. When Godzilla finally arrived at Winter's base of operations, Cyber Flies were dispatched to try and stop him, along with mortar fire, and tanks. Despite Winter's efforts to control and defeat Godzilla, the so-called "fire breathing lizard" brought the entire fortress to the ground.


Main article: Cyber Fly/Gallery.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flagicon Japan.png Japanese サイバネティック・フライング・アタック・ドローン[1] Saibanetikku Furaingu Atakku Dorōn Cybernetic Flying Attack Drone
Flagicon Russia.png Russian Киберосы Kiberosy Cyber Wasp


This is a list of references for Cyber Fly. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works. Shogakukan. 1 January 2000. p. 64. ISBN 978-4091014702.


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Godzilla: The Series