Godzilla (Hanna-Barbera)

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Godzilla incarnations
Godzilla (Second Generation)
Godzilla (Hanna-Barbera)
Godzilla (Heisei)
Godzilla trademark icon
Godzilla in Hanna-Barbera's Godzilla
Species Giant radioactive prehistoric reptile
Height 400 feet / ~122 meters[1][note 1]
Weight 600 metric tons[1]
Affiliation information
Relations Godzooky (relative)
Allies Godzooky, Calico crew, humans (mostly)
Enemies Firebird, Eartheater, Stone Creatures, Megavolt Monsters, Seaweed Monster, Energy Beast, Colossus, Cyclops Creature, Chimera, Siren Sisters, Magnetic Monster, Breeder Beast, Great Watchuka, Watchuki People, Diplodocus, Time Dragon, Giant Squid, Giant Fly, rat, spider, bacteria, Giant Octopus, Axor, Power Dragon, Cloud-Dwellers, Cyborg Whale, Giant Squid, Giant Black Widow, Giant Beetle, Giant Ants, Gravity Goliath, Golden Guardians, Giant Electric Eels, Giant Manta Ray, Magma Lizards, COBRA, Frios aliens
Played by Ted Cassidy (voice)
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla episode 1,
"The Firebird"
Godzilla episode 26,
"The Deadly Asteroid"
Up from the depths, 30 stories high. Breathing fire, his head in the sky! Godzilla! Godzilla! Godzilla! And Godzooky! Godzilla!

— Theme song from Godzilla

Godzilla (ゴジラ,   Gojira) is a giant monster featured in the 1978 Hanna-Barbera animated series Godzilla. He is the first incarnation of Godzilla to be animated, as well as the second incarnation of Godzilla to originate in American media, after the original Marvel Godzilla.

The King of the Monsters aligned himself with the crew of the research vessel Calico, coming to their aid whenever summoned via the Godzilla Signal or by their companion, his relative Godzooky. Godzilla arose many times to fight on behalf of the Calico crew against an array of vicious giant monsters, always emerging victorious. When other monsters threatened innocent lives, Godzilla was often called upon to fend off the creatures and help civilians escape harm.


See also: Godzilla#Name.

Godzilla's Japanese name, Gojira (ゴジラ), comes from a combination of the Japanese approximation of "gorilla" (ゴリラ,   gorira), and kujira (クジラ), the Japanese word for "whale."


The Hanna-Barbera Godzilla, unlike all previous incarnations of the character outside of posters, is green in color. His dorsal fins are unlike those of any other Godzilla in that they begin at the top of his head, and are more triangular in shape compared to Godzilla's traditional maple leaf-shaped fins. They are also green in color rather than bone-white, although they are a darker shade than his skin. The Hanna-Barbera Godzilla's arms are also very long, human-like, and flexible, similar to the Showa Godzilla's. His eyes are black, his claws are light gray, and instead of having atomic breath, he breathes a red, orange, and yellow flame. He possesses prominent muscles in his arms and chest.


One of the most expressly heroic incarnations of the character, the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla is portrayed as a force of good who fends off other more dangerous creatures, similar to later depictions of the Showa Godzilla albeit with a far more explicit concern for protecting humanity. He often travels with the crew of the Calico whom he is fiercely protective of and will always respond to their calls for help without fail. He is similarly protective of his younger relative Godzooky and frequently saves him from trouble. Godzilla is very conscious of human life and will take steps to avoid harming nearby civilians and help them escape during his battles with enemy monsters. He is shown to be gentle when carrying his human allies, often inviting them into his hands directly to carry them from danger or gently lifting the entire Calico to bring it to safer waters when threatened.


The Calico crew discovered Godzilla's relative Godzooky, who was lost and trapped in a coral reef, and rescued him. As a sign of gratitude, Godzilla joined them as a protective companion.[2]



"The Firebird"

Godzilla battling the Firebird

When tremors from a volcanic eruption in the Aleutian Islands caused a series of tidal waves to threaten the S.S. Calico, the crew called on Godzilla to lift them above the wave. Following the tremors to their source on Pitkin and rescuing a group of researchers there, the crew discovered a Firebird nesting in the caldera, which chased them to the surface and forced the crew to call on Godzilla again. As the two dueled on the slopes, Godzilla managed to lose his footing on a collapsing cliffside, allowing the Firebird to escape further north to lay her eggs. Godzilla and the Calico followed the Firebird to this new nest, where Godzilla battled the Firebird in a second round, with some playful interference from Godzooky. Godzilla put Godzooky onto a rock ledge for safety before driving the Firebird into the water below, chasing her into an underwater cave. Godzooky managed to knock a rock down from his perch into the water, which partially blocked the cave's entrance and inspired Godzilla to grab another rock to completely seal the Firebird off. Godzilla surfaced up to the Calico to let out a triumphant victory roar.

"The Eartheater"

When traveling to San Francisco to attend a scientific conference, the Calico crew found the city besieged by earthquakes. When the Golden Gate Bridge became overloaded by people trying to evacuate, Godzilla was summoned to help carry a broken portion of the unstable bridge to safe ground. Investigating the fissures and discovering tunnels, the crew discovered the Eartheater which had been causing the earthquakes. With the crew having lost the Godzilla Signal in their investigations, Godzooky called Godzilla to battle the monster. Though his eyebeams were effective against the Eartheater, Godzilla was disoriented by the Eartheater's sonic waves, allowing it to make an escape back underground. The crew tried to bomb the tunnels, but only lured the Eartheater back to the surface. The crew escaped on a cable car but were propelled at high speed down a hill from Godzooky's weight, though fortunately Godzilla was able to catch the crew. He attacked the Eartheater, but it again used its sonic waves to escape. Godzilla and the team searched the streets for the monster, only to find it climbing atop the Golden Gate Bridge. Godzilla used his eyebeams to try and knock him off his perch while Godzooky baited the Eartheater into making a final destructive blow with his tail club. As the bridge tower crumbled, the Eartheater fell into the San Francisco Bay and melted into mud. Godzilla swam into the depths victorious.

"Attack of the Stone Creature"

The Calico crew met an explorer named Jarvis in Egypt, who had been searching for the Pyramid of Ramal only to be attacked by the Stone Guardians protecting it. The crew failed to heed his warning to stay away from the pyramid and were forced to call for Godzilla after being caught in a sandstorm-turned-blizzard. Godzilla rescued them and then Godzooky after the Stone Guardians attempted to freeze him. Godzilla distracted himself with Godzooky and left after the Stone Creatures were nowhere to be seen. Later on, the Stone Guardians attacked the Calico crew again, and Carl Majors called upon Godzilla to save them once more. Godzilla was overpowered by the two creatures' endless assaults of ice and was briefly frozen, but managed to break free of the ice before the two guardians could ram into his frozen body. Godzilla dodged them as they charged, forcing the Stone Guardians to collide and crumble, leaving behind a victorious Godzilla roaring.

"The Megavolt Monster"

With the Calico and her crew besieged by the Megavolt Monsters, Carl Majors summoned Godzilla to save them. He grappled with one of the monsters which had been menacing Majors and Pete, but was forced to let go when it attacked him with an electric shock. After the monster left, Godzilla acknowledged Majors' thanks and took him and Pete in an air pocket in his hand to rescue Brock, Quinn, and Godzooky, who were trapped and being attacked deep underwater. Unaffected by the smaller Megavolt Monsters' tail beams, Godzilla attempted to burn them only for the creatures to dodge. One lunged at Godzilla, who grabbed it and was shocked into letting go before beam locking with one of the other monsters. Godzilla removed a rock, causing a flood that swept away all but the largest Megavolt Monster, who gave chase while Godzilla escorted the crew to the surface. Godzilla threw it in the air, after which the Megavolt Monster began to lose both its size and strength and quickly retreated from the roaring Godzilla.

"The Seaweed Monster"

Godzilla breathing fire at the Seaweed Monster

After the Seaweed Monster chased Brock and Quinn and attacked the Calico, Godzooky called on Godzilla to aid them. Though the plant monster evaded Godzilla's fire and gained the upper hand, Godzilla physically overpowered it and forced it to retreat. Later, Godzilla was summoned again by Carl Majors after two samples of the Seaweed Monster grew into two separate monsters. Godzilla pushed one into the sea, while the second jumped after it. After Godzilla was hailed again, Godzooky relayed to him that the original Seaweed Monster was heading for an inhabited island, prompting Godzilla and the Calico crew to set out to stop it. The crew devised a plan while Godzilla fought the Seaweed Monster in the sea. Per Godzooky's instructions, the fight poured over to an uninhabited part of the island, where the Seaweed Monster began drying up and could no longer regenerate. Godzilla then burned the plant monster, and though it managed to block his laser eyes, the burning plant finally dried out and died. Godzilla roared in victory and finally returned to the sea in peace.

"The Energy Beast"

After encountering the alien Energy Beast attacking Sundance Mesa Dam, the Calico crew called upon Godzilla to help them. Godzilla promptly climbed the dam and battled the creature, only for their combined weight to damage the dam before the Energy Beast stunned Godzilla with an electric ball. Though Godzilla was able to repair the dam with his eye lasers, the fight left Godzilla weakened and allowed the Energy Beast to escape. Later, the Calico crew found Godzilla attacking the nearby Mesa City Power Plant and were forced to try to stop him, only to find that the monster was not Godzilla at all, but the Energy Beast that had assumed Godzilla's form. Eventually, Godzooky's cries drew the attention of the real Godzilla, who battled his doppelganger until he was buried in a rock slide. After freeing himself, Godzilla chased down the Energy Beast and defeated it before it could recharge at the solar plant, forcing it to assume its true form and shrink in size. The monster then retreated back into the meteorite which brought it to Earth, which was actually a spaceship. Godzilla promptly hurled the vessel back into space, ending the threat of the false Godzilla.

"The Colossus of Atlantis"

While out at sea, the Calico crew happened upon the fabled city of Atlantis rising from the water, which quickly deployed a tractor beam that drew them into the city. The crew called upon Godzilla for help, only for him to be similarly captured, allowing the crew to be pulled into the city unopposed. While searching the abandoned city and learning of its past, the group encountered Atlanteans in suspended animation as well as a giant robot known as the Colossus that kept the city's people trapped. As the team fled the robot, it accidentally exposed Godzilla hidden within a building, revealed to also be in a state of suspended animation. The team then tricked the robot into firing its lasers at Godzilla, freeing him and allowing him to fight the Colossus. During the battle, Godzilla managed to grab the Colossus and threw it off the edge of the city into the ocean below, causing it to short-circuit while freeing the captive Atlanteans in the process.

"The Horror of Forgotten Island"

During a storm, the Calico crew happened upon a mysterious island hidden behind a forcefield that was briefly disabled by lightning. After the Calico was damaged in the storm, Godzooky called upon Godzilla to save the crew. Godzilla was able to safely relocate the ship on the mysterious island before leaving. The next day, the crew found themselves trapped on the island by the forcefield, leaving them at the mercy of the Cyclops Creature that resided on the island while Godzilla was unable to penetrate the forcefield to save them. While hiding from the monster, the crew discovered an alien computer that generated the forcefield, which Quinn disabled. Godzilla arrived just in time to save the crew from the Cyclops Creature, and as the two titans dueled, the team worked to repair their ship and set a timer for the forcefield to contain the creature after they escape. While fleeing the island, the Cyclops Creature briefly restrained Godzilla to keep him confined behind the forcefield as well, making use of its invisibility powers to prevent Godzilla from locating it. Fortunately, the Calico crew were able to drench the monster in paint, allowing Godzilla to fight it off long enough to retreat before the forcefield once again trapped the creature on the island.

"Island of Lost Ships"

En route to Greece, the Calico crew heard a mysterious singing in the aftermath of a storm, which briefly hypnotized Majors and caused him to crash the vessel into rocks. Godzooky called upon Godzilla to free them, where the King of the Monsters safely relocated them near the port of a nearby island. The group eventually discovered the island to be the home of the Siren Sisters responsible for luring them to the island, and after being attacked by a Minotaur and the Chimera, called upon Godzilla for help. Godzilla successfully sealed the Chimera back into its temple, but was put to sleep by a hypnotic beam fired by the Sirens. One by one, the members of the Calico crew were turned into statues by the Sirens, but after failing to locate Pete and Godzooky, the Sirens unleashed the Chimera once more. Hearing Godzooky in trouble, Godzilla was snapped out of his trance and reengaged his foe. The Sirens merged together into one being before additionally merging with the Chimera to increase its size and strength, but even this sacrifice was not enough to stop Godzilla, who threw the Chimera into the sea. With the Sirens defeated, the petrified Calico crew were freed and promptly abandoned the island alongside Godzilla.

"The Magnetic Terror"

Godzilla is dwarfed by the Magnetic Monster

Near Antarctica, a giant turtle monster known as the Magnetic Monster caused electrical interferences that brought down a plane, though the Calico crew were able to rescue the pilot before encountering the monster themselves at a nearby oil rig. Consuming everything in sight, the Magnetic Monster soon set its sights on the Calico itself and attempted to devour the vessel, prompting Majors to call Godzilla. Godzilla struggled to stop his opponent, and once he realized that the Calico crew were in trouble, he abandoned the fight to save them, allowing the Magnetic Monster to escape. The team later tracked the monster down again in the south. After the Magnetic Monster ate a minisub containing Brock and Majors, Godzooky summoned Godzilla to fight the beast once more. Unfortunately, the Magnetic Monster began consuming the magnetic waves of the South Pole, causing it to continue growing until it dwarfed even Godzilla himself. Godzilla continued to fight the monster, narrowly avoiding being swallowed himself, until it was lured directly to the South Pole. There, the monster absorbed more energy than it could handle and exploded, freeing the minisub, which Godzilla personally saved.

"The Breeder Beast"

After encountering the Breeder Beast within a strangely polluted ocean patch, the Calico crew summoned Godzilla, who saved Godzooky from the gelatinous monster before dispatching it with his flames. However, the beast had not been defeated and eventually made it to the United States, where the team learned its highly-combustible body meant Godzilla could not use his flames or lasers against it without risking a massive explosion. After the military fired missiles at the beast, the Calico crew called Godzilla to intercept them, and though he was successful, the Breeder Beast managed to absorb the missiles anyway. The Breeder Beast continued absorbing everything the military threw at it as it headed to Washington, D.C., where Godzilla finally caught up to it and began to fight it. However, Godzilla failed to stop the Breeder Beast from absorbing gold and silver from the United States Mint. While trying to free Godzooky from the beast's tendrils, Godzilla was forced to fire a laser at it to free his relative, which did not trigger the expected explosion. Realizing the Breeder Beast gained control over its internal reactions due to absorbing so much metal, the crew realized Godzilla could now attack its nucleus without fear of an explosion. Though he was nearly completely consumed by the Breeder Beast, Godzilla shot the monster's nucleus with his lasers, causing it to crystallize and halting its rampage for good.

"The Sub-Zero Terror"

In the rivers of the Himalayan Mountains, the Calico was nearly buried beneath a sudden avalanche, only to be saved by Godzilla, who shielded them from the snow. Unbeknownst to the crew, the avalanche had been triggered by the Great Watchuka and the Watchuki people, who have been scheming an attack on humanity. Following several encounters and incidents with the Watchuki people, the group called upon Godzilla to battle the Great Watchuka. After entering the Watchuki people's hidden valley, Godzilla grappled with the Great Watchuka until they bumped into a volcano, triggering an eruption. Godzilla then tricked the Great Watchuka into falling into a fissure, allowing the Calico crew to escape the valley. After Godzilla followed suit, he created a makeshift mallet using a tree and a boulder which he used to seal the entrance to the valley, trapping the Watchuki people within and leaving them at the mercy of the volcano. Godzilla then carried the crew back to their ship.

"The Time Dragons"

Out on the open ocean, the Calico found themselves in danger of being struck by a nuclear-powered satellite falling from the sky, prompting them to call upon Godzilla to save them from being struck. Though Godzilla caught the satellite, it soon exploded in his hands, with the crew and Godzilla subsequently finding that they had been inexplicably transported to a tropical rainforest millions of years in the past. Godzilla rescued the crew and Godzooky from a tar pit before similarly saving them from a Diplodocus following a short bout with the dinosaur. After the group was menaced by the Time Dragon, Godzilla returned to battle the monster, though after grabbing raw uranium ore, Godzilla suddenly disappeared, having returned to the present. The Calico crew used the ore to return to the present as well, but found that the Time Dragon had followed them, and the two monsters resumed their battle. During the fight, Godzilla used the satellite to send the Time Dragon back to its own time.

"Calico Clones"

While shrouded in a thick fog, the Calico crew unexpectedly found themselves being followed by a giant oil tanker that attempted to capture the ship within an open section of its hull; the crew attempted to summon Godzilla, and though he responded to the signal, he proved too late and was unable to locate the ship after its capture. The crew were subsequently menaced by a mad scientist who cloned them until they managed to escape the vessel, at which point they summoned Godzilla to save them from a Giant Squid sent after them by the scientist. Godzilla rescued Godzooky from the squid's tentacles before tying the tentacles together and hurling the squid into the distance. He then set his sights on the oil tanker and sank it, and though the scientist attempted to escape, Godzilla was able to capture him while the Calico crew notified authorities.


Captain Carl Majors holding the shrunken Godzilla

After being summoned to save the Calico from a typhoon, Godzilla was unexpectedly surrounded by a mysterious pink mist, though he safely relocated the ship to safer waters before departing, seemingly unfazed by the mist. Later, the crew realized that a fly that had been on their ship began increasing in size, prompting them to summon Godzilla for help, where the crew discovered that their ally had started shrinking in size. Though Godzilla rid the ship of the Giant Fly, he continued to shrink in size and was eventually brought aboard the Calico as the crew determined the pink mist to have been responsible. Fearing Godzilla would continue shrinking indefinitely, the crew raced to find a cure. While in a fish bowl, Godzilla was menaced by a rat and a spider, though he managed to fight off the former while Pete saved him from the latter. As Godzilla continued to shrink he was forced to battle increasingly smaller enemies, such as bacteria, while the crew was attacked by the now kaiju-sized Giant Fly. Fortunately, Quinn discovered that electricity was the key and returned Godzilla to his normal size before it was too late. Godzilla battled the Giant Fly until Quinn managed to shrink the fly back down to its original size.

"Ghost Ship"

After colliding with a rogue iceberg, the Calico crew were shocked to discover a German U-boat frozen in the ice and called upon Godzilla to free the vessel, which he accomplished with his flames. The group discovered that the U-boat's crew were not only still alive, but had been frozen since 1918 and still believed they were fighting in World War I until being convinced otherwise. However, damage sustained by the U-boat caused it to malfunction and launch a torpedo, and though Godzilla was able to save the crew, the torpedo detonated and knocked Godzilla out on the ocean floor. The explosion awakened a Giant Octopus, which menaced the others while Godzooky helped Godzilla recover. Godzilla then fought the octopus and managed to wrestle the U-boat from its grasp before tying its tentacles together and sealing it back in its cave.

"The Beast of Storm Island"

Off the coast of Storm Island, the Calico crew were threatened by a monster called Axor and summoned Godzilla to save them. After Godzilla sent the beast into retreat following a short duel, the Calico crew set course for mainland Canada with the intention of providing medical aid to an unconscious shipwreck survivor they rescued from Axor's wrath. Unbeknownst to the crew, the man had been hypnotized by Axor, hijacked the ship, and brought them back to Storm Island, where the whole crew except for Pete and Godzooky were placed under Axor's control and forced to work on constructing a temple around a strange vent in the Earth that gave Axor his power. Godzooky called for Godzilla, who besieged the island and engaged Axor in a fierce clash until Axor realized their bout destroyed the entrance to his temple, cutting him off from his energy source. During the fight, Godzilla used his fire breath to turn the side of a mountain into a mirror and tricked Axor into firing his beams at it, which deflected back at Axor and caused him to disappear, freeing his mind-controlled slaves from his influence.

"The City in the Clouds"

After encountering strange electrical problems within an intense storm, the Calico crew called upon Godzilla for help. Both were eventually sucked into a waterspout which brought the Calico to a floating city hidden amongst the clouds that they later discovered to be responsible for generating the storm. While searching for Godzilla, the crew learned that the city belonged to people from another world attempting to flee the Power Dragon, which appeared soon after. Locating Godzilla in the eye of the storm, the city's people used their technology to free him, allowing him to enter the city and fight off the Power Dragon with ease. Awestruck by Godzilla's power the city's leader, Ze-us, teleported Godzilla to the other world, hoping to use him in their planned invasion of Earth. Fortunately, the crew managed to retake the Godzilla Signal as well as Ze-us' Thought-Amplifier, which they used to make a portal and bring Godzilla back to continue fighting the Power Dragon. During the battle, Godzilla lured the Power Dragon back to the storm, where the two monsters fell into the waterspout. The Power Dragon's energy quickly disrupted and broke up the storm, causing the city, its people, and the Power Dragon to disappear and return to their world while Godzilla and the Calico crew safely returned to the ocean below.

"The Cyborg Whale"

While running tests on an aquatic machine known as the Cyborg Whale, Brock and Pete found themselves caught in a lightning storm and attempted to return to the Calico in their Mini-Copter, only for the helicopter to be struck by lightning. Fortunately, Godzilla arrived in the nick of time and saved them from crashing, returning them to the Cyborg Whale where they could seek shelter. He then saved the Calico itself from the same storm by pulling it to calmer waters by its anchor before leaving. However, the Cyborg Whale was struck by lightning in the storm, causing it to malfunction and begin acting on its own. Trapped within the Cyborg Whale, Brock and Pete created a makeshift Godzilla Signal and summoned the King of the Monsters to save them before they could crash into an island; however, when Godzilla was unable to stop the machine, he instead rapidly dug a canal through the island to ensure it would not crash. After Godzooky later evacuated Pete and Brock from the Cyborg Whale, Majors summoned Godzilla to stop the rogue machine, though its weapons still overwhelmed him. Fortunately, the crew relayed a plan to stop it to Godzilla, who promptly bent the Cyborg Whale's tail fin, causing it to harmlessly swim in circles until it would eventually run out of power.

"Valley of the Giants"

With the Calico having run aground in a river in Africa, the crew explored their surroundings and soon discovered a strange valley housing gigantic insects and plant life after scaling a cliff. Upon encountering a dangerous Giant Black Widow, the crew summoned Godzilla, who climbed the waterfall and entered the valley. After saving the crew from the spider as well as a Giant Beetle, Godzilla headed off to explore the valley on his own. Shortly thereafter, the crew was forced to summon him again after encountering other giant insects like Giant Bees and a Giant Antlion, only for Godzilla to be poisoned and incapacitated by the Giant Black Widow instead. The crew was later saved by Godzooky and managed to locate Godzilla trapped in the spider's web, but as they attempted to free him, they were ambushed by more giant insects, including Giant Ants. Fortunately, Godzilla awoke and freed himself before reengaging the Giant Black Widow in a final bout, where he tricked it into poisoning itself. Godzilla then carried the Calico crew out of the valley to safety before sealing the entrance with boulders to ensure the giant insects would never escape.


Godzilla rescued the Calico from a massive tidal wave caused by debris from the Moon striking the ocean. The crew later discovered that the Moon debris contained a monster that lived on the Moon called the Gravity Goliath, which threatened to pull the ship into a whirlpool until Godzilla intervened again. Godzilla then fought the monster until it retreated during a lunar eclipse. The Gravity Goliath later returned, prompting Godzooky to summon Godzilla for another battle underwater. While grappling the Gravity Goliath, Godzilla stunned the monster with his laser beams before hurling it out of the water and into the air, where the Gravity Goliath was caught in the Moon's gravitational pull and brought back to the Moon.

"The Golden Guardians"

Godzilla and a Golden Guardian locked in a Beam-Fight

While exploring the ruins of Kayetnore, the Calico crew found themselves under attack from living statue called the Golden Guardian, forcing them to call upon Godzilla. The two goliaths fought and Godzilla found his eye lasers were countered by the statue's own. After saving Godzooky from crumbling ruins, the Golden Guardian mysteriously disappeared, causing Godzilla to lose interest and leave. After the crew found multiple Golden Guardians and accidentally awakened one, Godzilla was summoned again, only for the Golden Guardians to coat him in a layer of gold and immobilize him. Fortunately, the crew managed to develop a laser using their equipment that freed him, though he was quickly ambushed by all of the Golden Guardians at once. Rather than fight them all, Godzilla instead lured them to a marsh, trapping them and leaving them at the mercy of his flames, which melted them down and turned the lake to solid gold.

"The Macro-Beasts"

On a Malaysian island, Brock, Pete, and Godzooky were caught in a volcanic eruption, where Godzilla was called to save them. After bringing them back to the Calico, Godzilla lifted the ship and carried it away from the volcano. The crew later encountered gigantic sea animals dubbed the Macro-Beasts, which grew in size due to a purple substance leaking from the volcano. A Macro manta ray attacked the team, prompting Majors to summon Godzilla, who defeated the ray. The Calico crew subsequently worked to round up most of the Macro-Beasts to prevent them from disrupting the ecosystem, though they encountered trouble with Macro electric eels, forcing Godzilla's intervention again. After Godzilla scared off the eels, the Macro manta ray returned and sought vengeance against Godzilla, but he again subdued it. Having discovered that cold temperatures would return the animals to normal size, the crew ordered Godzilla to retrieve an iceberg. The plan proved successful, and the animals shrank back to their normal sizes.

"Pacific Peril"

In the wake of mysterious volcanic activity occurring around the globe, Godzilla saved the Calico from a tsunami triggered by an earthquake, which pushed a new volcano to the surface and opened a fissure in the ocean floor that the team believed was connected to recent abnormalities. Later, as the crew explored underground, Godzilla was caught in an aftershock and fell into a fissure where he was similarly trapped underground. Godzilla soon rescued Godzooky from the Magma Lizards and drove them away. After discovering that a rocket wedged between tectonic plates was responsible for the volcanic activity, the Calico crew boarded the rocket and removed it, at which point Godzilla helped them get back to the surface along with Godzooky. Godzilla then destroyed the volcano, putting an end to the chaos.

"Island of Doom"

While investigating a hidden island, the Calico crew suddenly found themselves in a minefield and summoned Godzilla to save them, with the Monster King grabbing and detonating all of the mines without being harmed. The crew later discovered that the island belonged to the terrorist organization COBRA, who captured the crew, though Godzooky was able to summon Godzilla for help. COBRA launched their vast arsenal against Godzilla, but he was unfazed by their best efforts and dispatched the army, forcing the terrorists to flee. After rescuing the team, Godzilla prevented one of COBRA's nuclear reactors from melting down by cooling it in the ocean and using his eye lasers to neutralize the radioactivity.

"The Deadly Asteroid"

In response to unusual global weather phenomenon, the Calico crew investigated reports of a meteor impact near the North Pole that they believed to be connected to recent events. Godzilla was called upon to rescue the Calico when icebergs began closing in on them, with the Monster King smashing many of the icebergs to allow the ship to traverse ahead. Later, in an ice cave, the crew discovered that the purported meteor was actually a UFO containing the ice-like Frios aliens, who were planning to freeze the planet solid and pull their home asteroid to Earth with a magnetic ray generated by their ship. Godzooky summoned Godzilla to put a stop to the aliens' plan, but Godzilla was promptly frozen solid by the alien warriors' freeze ray guns alongside most of the crew. Fortunately, Pete and Brock managed to thaw Godzilla using their minisub's exhaust, allowing him to unfreeze the others using his eye lasers. The Frios warriors attempted to refreeze the monster, but Godzilla used a chunk of ice to shield himself from their freeze rays and forced them to retreat back into their ship. By flipping the Frios UFO upside down, Godzilla reversed the ship's magnetic ray to repel the asteroid away from Earth, saving the planet from destruction. Fearing Godzilla's strength, the Frios aliens abandoned Earth and fled back into space.

"Godzilla vs. Y2K Bug"

When a physical manifestation of the Y2K Bug attacked the Calico, Captain Majors' attempts to summon Godzilla failed as the Godzilla Signal was not fixed in time for the new millennium.


Fire breath

In place of Godzilla's traditional atomic breath, the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla possesses a fire breath. This attack is very powerful and effective against foes. Godzilla's fire breath was potent enough to kill the Seaweed Monster after battling it on land and turned part of a mountain to glass during his battle with Axor.

Laser beams

Godzilla firing laser beams from his eyes

In addition to his fire breath, this incarnation of Godzilla possesses the unique ability to fire red laser beams from his eyes. His irises appropriately glow red just before firing them. He is able to use them in rapid succession, as evidenced by his fight with the Firebird.

Nose flames

On one occasion, Godzilla was able to shoot out flames from his nostrils, using this against the Magnetic Monster.

Physical abilities

Godzilla is incredibly strong, and often relies on physical blows during combat. During his battle with the Firebird he tore chunks out of the volcano that she was perched on, and swatted her out of the air with his tail. His upper body strength was further demonstrated when he lifted the similarly-sized Seaweed Monster out of the water, when he threw the Gravity Goliath all the way to the Moon with the help of a tractor beam, when he lifted and flipped the Frios aliens' spaceship, whose gravity beam sucked the asteroid Frios from the depths of space, and when he held and eventually pried apart a giant fault line closing around him in "Pacific Peril." Godzilla also displays the strength to leap out from under the Antarctic ice, break through it, and land on the surface.


As an aquatic creature, Godzilla is able to swim through water with ease. He has even been shown to leap out of the sea to dive back down again.


Godzilla was only stunned by the Energy Beast's blast, which previously blew up a mountain. He was entirely unharmed by the melee attacks of multiple different monsters, including bites from Axor, beatings from the giant manta ray and Giant Octopus, and entanglement with the Seaweed Monster and Breeder Beast, as well as all of COBRA's advanced weaponry, the latter of which included weapons that were powerful enough to sink a battleship. The German U-boat U-79's one-ton torpedo managed to briefly knock him out, exceeding Carl Majors' expectations that he would be killed.


Though powerful, Godzilla still has weaknesses. He has been incapacitated by several foes, requiring outside help from Godzooky and/or the Calico crew. Examples include being put to sleep by the Siren Sisters and only awakening with the help of Godzooky and Pete, being turned into a golden statue by the Golden Guardians and needing to be unfrozen with a laser by the Calico crew, being trapped in another dimension by Ze-us until he was brought back with a portal by the Calico crew, being put into suspended animation by Colossus until the Calico crew tricked Colossus into waking him up, being knocked out by a World War I-era U-boat torpedo in "Ghost Ship" and needing to be awakened by Godzooky, being temporarily poisoned and paralyzed by the Giant Black Widow and needing to be awakened by the Calico crew, and being frozen by the Frios aliens' weaponry until the Calico crew unfroze him.

Godzilla was also unable to stop the Cyborg Whale using brute force, and only succeeded when the Calico crew relayed a message to him through Godzooky to bend the whale's rudder. In "Microgodzilla", it is revealed that Godzilla will get sick if he stays out of water for too long. In "The Horror of Forgotten Island", Godzilla was unable to break through the force field holding the Cyclops Creature, requiring the Calico crew to lower it.


Main article: Godzilla/Gallery.


Hanna-Barbera was unable to acquire the rights to Godzilla's trademark roar, so the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla is voiced by actor Ted Cassidy instead; however, strangely in some bumpers he uses the Showa Godzilla roar.

Godzilla's roars in the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla animated TV series


  • The 400-foot-tall Hanna-Barbera Godzilla (~122 meters) is the second-tallest Godzilla with a confirmed height, surpassed only by the 300-meter-tall Godzilla Earth (~984 feet). However, he is also the second-lightest Godzilla incarnation, weighing 600 metric tons; he is only heavier than the first TriStar Godzilla, who weighs 500 short tons.
  • ToonFM, a Cartoon Network UK spinoff of the call-in block JBVO starring Johnny Bravo and Brak, would add Godzilla as a weatherman for a ToonFM: Live from Tokyo event in October 2001.
  • Years after Hanna-Barbera lost the Godzilla license, this incarnation of Godzilla and three of his monster foes made a cameo in DC's 2017 comic Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #22, though he was unnamed in order to avoid legal issues with Toho.
  • The incarnation of Godzilla from the later animated TV series Godzilla: The Series shares some similarities with this Godzilla. Like the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla, he is an ally to humanity who is summoned by a team of scientists, often aboard their research boat, in order to fend off other malevolent giant monsters.


  1. Though officially standing at 400 feet, or about 122 meters, the Godzilla theme song suggests him to instead be "thirty stories high." At the standard definition of 4.3 meters per story, this would actually make him about 129 meters (423 feet) tall, if taken literally.


This is a list of references for Godzilla (Hanna-Barbera). These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works. Shogakukan. 1 January 2000. p. 184. ISBN 978-4091014702.
    G5499SCW HB Godzilla 400 feet 600 tons.png
  2. Aiken, Keith. "Hanna-Barbera's GODZILLA Comes to DVD". SciFi Japan.


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