Frios aliens

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Frios aliens
Commander Cryos with another Frios alien
Aliases Walking icicles
Leader Commander Cryos
Homeworld Frios
Enemies Humans, Calico crew, Godzooky, Godzilla
First appearance Godzilla episode 26,
"The Deadly Asteroid"

The Frios aliens are a race of ice-like extraterrestrials who appeared in the 26th and final episode of Hanna-Barbera's animated series Godzilla, titled "The Deadly Asteroid".



"The Deadly Asteroid"

The Frios aliens are a race of beings made entirely of ice hailing from the frozen asteroid Frios. After witnessing the arrival of the Frios UFO in the North Pole, two Eskimo hunters alerted the Calico crew to investigate. Within only two days, the Frios aliens began significantly altering the Earth's climate and freezing significant portions of the ocean. Within an ice cave, the Calico crew discovered the UFO and encountered the Frios aliens themselves, led by Commander Cryos. Captain Carl Majors and Dr. Quinn Darian learned of the aliens' plans to freeze Earth solid and pull their asteroid down to Earth using a magnetic ray being generated by their UFO, intent on merging their homeworld with Earth. Frios warriors subsequently froze Brock Borden, Godzilla, and Godzooky using their freeze ray guns.

Following a vain attempt to appeal to the emotionless Cryos by warning him that the asteroid would wipe out all life on Earth, Majors managed to break free and melted one of the ice people while Pete Darian unfroze Brock, who in turn thawed Godzilla. As the Frios warriors attempted to refreeze Godzilla, he used a chunk of ice to shield himself from the warriors' freeze rays and forced them to retreat back into their ship. By flipping the Frios UFO upside down, Godzilla reversed the ship's magnetic ray to instead repel the asteroid away from Earth, saving the planet from destruction. Fearing Godzilla's strength, the Frios aliens abandoned Earth and fled back into space.


The Frios aliens possess advanced technology that allow them to terraform other planets and freeze them to resemble their own. Within mere days of their arrival, they used their technology to rapidly alter the Earth's climate, freezing oceans and causing the ocean's water level to drop drastically. They can additionally guide their home asteroid through the vastness of space through a powerful magnetic ray generated by their ship. Additionally, they possess freeze ray guns that were strong enough to stop even Godzilla himself by freezing him in his tracks.



  • The Frios aliens are one of few alien races in the Godzilla franchise to not control a monster.


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