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Special Unit of Metropolitan Police
The SUMP logo, as reproduced in Heisei Godzilla Perfection

Status Active
Also known as SUMP, S.U.M.P
Part of Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
Divisions Sigma, Omega
First appearance Godzilla vs. Destoroyah
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The Special Unit of Metropolitan Police, abbreviated SUMP or S.U.M.P (SUMP (サンプ),   Sanpu), is a fictional unit of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department which appears in the 1995 Godzilla film Godzilla vs. Destoroyah. Its two squads, Sigma and Omega, were dispatched to the Telecom Center in Aomi, Koto, Tokyo, where they engaged a group of Juvenile Destoroyahs and ultimately killed one with flamethrowers.


SUMP members wear gray uniforms with black gloves, boots, tactical vests, and visored helmets. Some also wear black knee pads or a strap around their right leg, while others wear neither. Their helmets have a dark green stripe which wraps around the circumference, and they are emblazoned with the text "特54" (Special 54) on the right side and "SUMP" on the left, both in white. They also wear a patch on either sleeve; the one on the right resembes an eagle, while the one on the left is in the shape of a badge and has "S.U.M.P" written across the top, with an emblem resembling three interlocking triangles (see § Gallery) below it.


Heisei era

Godzilla vs. Destoroyah

To be added.

Video games


Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (Rippu Shobo)

Like many other elements of the movie on which it is based, this adaptation condenses SUMP's role; it only encounters one Destoroyah, and the monster never escapes to outside the Telecom Center. The Destoroyah manages to slice a SUMP member in half with its Micro-Oxygen breath, but is burned to death with flamethrowers. As it is being killed, Dr. Ijuin enters the building and demands that SUMP not allow the monster's body to carbonize, as it may lead to untold consequences, but he is ignored.

Known members

SUMP's members use codenames, which incorporate the name of the squad to which the member belongs. Only the below are ever named onscreen:

  • Sigma Leader
  • Sigma 7
  • Omega Leader
  • Omega 3



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