Godzilla Prediction Network

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The Godzilla Prediction Network (ゴジラ予知ネット,   Gojira Yochi Netto), abbreviated GPN, is an independent organization dedicated to tracking and studying Godzilla that is featured in the 1999 Godzilla film, Godzilla 2000: Millennium.


Headquartered at the family-owned Shinoda Sake Brewery, the GPN was founded by Yuji Shinoda with the intention of tracking and studying Godzilla so as to unlock the vast knowledge that can be gained from him and also find ways to both predict his movements and avoid much of the property damage and death that occurs whenever he makes landfall. Shinoda's daughter Io assists her father with the network and also handles its day-to-day business and financial matters.


Godzilla 2000: Millennium

To be added.

Video games


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