Crisis Control Intelligence Agency

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The Crisis Control Intelligence Agency (危機 (きき)管理 (かんり)情報局 (じょうほうきょく),   Kiki Kanri Jōhōkyoku), abbreviated CCI (C (シー)C (シー)I (アイ),   Shī Shī Ai) is an agency founded by Mitsuo Katagiri to study and eliminate threats to Japan, most notably Godzilla. It plays a major role in the events of the 1999 Godzilla film Godzilla 2000: Millennium.

Key people

Mitsuo Katagiri

The insane C.E.O. and founder of CCI. He had wanted the protagonist of the film Godzilla 2000: Millennium, Shinoda, to join his company. However, Shinoda had refused since Katagiri really created the company to kill Godzilla when Shinoda claimed Godzilla must be studied because he's a "gold mine of knowledge". When the Millenian UFO had attacked and assimilated a large building's computer systems in the middle of the film, he ordered the military to destroy the UFO using astro-bombs that had previously been planted on the roof. He ignored Miyasaka's warnings and the pleadings of Shinoda's daughter Io and repoter Yuki Ichinose that Shinoda was still in the building and only 30 minutes were left before the bombs would be detonated. Later, he had watched the UFO emerge unharmed from the bombs' explosion and now able to still be active without needing the Sun's energy to do so. For the first time, he realized that only Godzilla could now defeat and destroy the UFO. At the near-climax of the film, Godzilla killed Katagiri by slamming him into a building when, ironically and with no qualms, Katagiri had tried to kill him. Later, Shinoda claimed that "Godzilla is in each one of us", as he knew that the kaiju protected Japan as well as threatened it.

Shiro Miyasaka

A marine biologist and the head geneticist of the Crisis Control Institute. After graduating college with Shinoda, he was hired by Katagiri to join the company. Miyasaka agreed, while Shinoda refused to work for Katagiri. He had discovered the Millenian UFO first with his research crew. He later blamed himself for letting the UFO escape and attack Japan. He then gave access to Shinoda to enter the building the UFO was on top on, since only a CCI official had the ability to give permission to do so. Then in the end he claimed, referencing the original 1954 film, "We scientists have created this monster, and ever since we tried to destroy him."


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