Shiro Miyasaka

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Shiro Miyasaka
Shiro Miyasaka
Species Human
Nationality Japanese
Occupation Scientist
First appearance Godzilla 2000: Millennium
Played by Shiro Sano,
Jack Ong (voice; TriStar English dub)
We scientists produced this monster, Godzilla. And ever since, we've tried to destroy him.

— Shiro Miyasaka, (Godzilla 2000: Millennium)

Shiro Miyasaka (宮坂四郎,   Miyasaka Shirō) is a character in the 1999 Godzilla film Godzilla 2000: Millennium.


Millennium era

Godzilla 2000: Millennium

Shiro was once a close friend and colleague to Yuji Shinoda, but the two parted ways due to conflicting philosophies; Shiro's being that Godzilla must be destroyed (as this was the philosophy of the organization he joined), and Shinoda's being that Godzilla should be studied.

Shiro is first seen in the film while aboard the submarine that discovers the Millennian spacecraft on the ocean floor. After they bring it to the surface, it becomes Shiro's job to study and monitor it, a task he gratefully accepts, on the grounds that it may lead to new energy sources to replace fossil fuels.

When the spacecraft turns hostile, Shiro receives a visit from his old friend Shinoda, who needs more advanced equipment than what he has available to him, in order to study a sample of Godzilla's tissue. Shiro and Shinoda quickly rekindle their friendship, much to the annoyance of Shiro's superior Tatsuo Katagiri. Shiro is present for the discovery of Regenerator G-1. Shiro grows greatly distraught when he realizes that the Millennian's rampage is his fault, on account of his having decided to lift up the spacecraft from the bottom of the sea. He is ultimately present for the battle between Godzilla and Orga.


  • Shiro Miyasaka was planned to appear in the unmade Godzilla Reborn, an American-made sequel to Godzilla 2000.


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