Shinichi Ozaki
Ensign Shinichi Ozaki (尾崎 真一 is a Ozaki Shin'ichi)Mutant that was a member of M-Organization, which is part of the Earth Defense Force. He served under Captain Douglas Gordon aboard the Gotengo. He serves as the main protagonist of 2004 Godzilla film, Godzilla Final Wars.
Millennium era
Godzilla Final Wars
While on a mission off the coast of Normandy, the Gotengo was attacked by Manda, who Captain Gordon had to burn off by directing the ship into a volcanic vent on the ocean floor. As they surfaced, they discovered that Manda was still pursuing them, and Gordon had the ship turn around to face the beast head on. He ordered Shinichi to fire the Maser Cannon, which froze the beast, and allowed the Gotengo to shatter its fragile body.
Back at base, Shinichi had a training fight with fellow Mutant Kazama, who berated Ozaki for being soft, as he considered a Mutant's place to be in battle, where a heart was a dangerous liability. After the match, Ozaki was summoned to the director of M-Organization's office about a mummified monster found near Hokkaido. With the Gotengo under repair, Ozaki was assigned to escort UN Biologist Miyuki Otonashi to the corpse. After arriving, she learned that the monster was a cyborg, but was also 12,000 years old. Miyuki and the other scientists hypothesized that it might be alien in origin. Miyuki also noted that it had "M-Base", a term for the genetic basis of the "Mutant" classification, which made Miyuki joke to Ozaki that Gigan might be his ancestor. He was not amused. However, the two were then contacted by the Shobijin, who affirm that the monster Gigan was defeated by Mothra, and that Shinichi had the same evil that was in Gigan in him, but assured him that if he did not become like the monster, then Mothra would be his ally. While he initially believed it was a hallucination, the fairies gifted him an amulet.
While on assignment to stop Ebirah at the Tokai Petrochemical plant, Ozaki worked with Kazama, to kill the beast with special cannons while the rest of the team occupied it with lesser blasts. Just before Kazama could kill the beast it was abducted by aliens, and the group returned to headquarters where the Alien mothership returned the missing Secretary General of the United Nations. After the ensuing Xilien "fever" that swept the world, Shinichi remarked to Miyuki that he didn't believe the Xiliens were telling the truth, as they had arrived just after they found the space creature Gigan. Miyuki believed he had no proof, just before her sister the famous news reporter Anna Otonashi arrived with a disc showing that the Secretary General had stopped blinking since his return. The three then met the Secretary, who showed no recognition of Anna, who had interviewed him just before he disappeared. However, before he could walk away, a man attempted to kill him with a knife as he believed that he would bring ruin on the world. Miyuki offered him treatment, but he refused and walked on. Miyuki then ran tests on the blood and determined that the Secretary was a Xilien, however when Ozaki approached Commander Namikawa about the topic, he noticed that she had stopped blinking as well. In the lab, they deduced that the alleged planetoid Gorath that the aliens had warned of was a hologram, and with their leaders replaced Ozaki fetched Captain Gordon from captivity.
They assembled some other Mutants including Kazama to root out the Xiliens in the organization by using Miyuki as bait. They shot both of the invaders down before one fired at Miyuki, however Ozaki quickly dove in front of her, taking the bullet in his arm. They then confronted the Xiliens on live TV, where the Controller of Planet X brought all of the Mutants in the room to their knees with a wave of his hand, except for Ozaki. He quickly attacked, but was defeated before the Controller disappeared. The Mutants then began to attack, and they were forced to leave a Commander behind to fend them off. They managed to escape, but were attacked by Kazama, and Ozaki left to pursue him on a motorbike. Ozaki eventually won, and brought Kazama to the Gotengo's underground dock, where Gordon formulated a plan to release Godzilla from Area G to fight off the invasion. Miyuki remained in the briefing room feeling distraught, and Ozaki came and gave her the Shobijin amulet and told her that she could decide who she was. Miyuki asked him why they fought when they had no chance, and he replied that it was his mission to protect her. They then began their assault on the Mothership, and Kazama flew himself into the shield generator to allow the Gotengo to pierce the hull, but they were captured by the Xiliens when they did. They watched as Godzilla and Mothra fought Gigan and Monster X before the Controller awoke Ozaki's Keizer Energy, the result of Xilien and Human interbreeding, and he turned on his allies. Luckily, Miyuki was able to undo his transformation with the Shobijin amulet.
They began to fight the Xiliens hand to hand before they were saved by the people who were replaced by Xiliens on Earth, and they headed for the Gotengo while Ozaki stayed behind to battle the Controller. Ozaki was nearly defeated until he gained a boost of power from his loyalty to humanity and defeated the alien, who had set the ship to self-destruct. Ozaki made it to the ship with the others, and took over the gunner position from Miyuki, and focused his Keizer Energy into the Gotengo's Maser cannon, which he fired at Godzilla to give the beast a power boost against Keizer Ghidorah. However, Godzilla turned around and shot the Gotengo out of the sky. As they exited the rubble, Minilla came and convinced his father to leave, which Ozaki remarked was the beginning of a new war.
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