Xilien Fighter

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Xilien Fighter
Xilien Fighters in Godzilla Final Wars
Height 7 meters[1]
Length 15 meters[1]
Piloted by Xiliens
First appearance Godzilla Final Wars

The Xilien Fighter (X星人小型戦闘艇,   Ekkusu Seijin Kogata Sentōtei, lit. Small Xilien Battleship) is a fighter ship utilized by the Xiliens in the 2004 Godzilla film, Godzilla Final Wars.


Millennium era

Godzilla Final Wars

Xilien Fighters attacking the Karyu in Shanghai in
Godzilla Final Wars

The fighters were released from the Xilien Mothership to attack Earth. They were released again to attack the Gotengo as it assaulted the Mothership.


Geldex Lasers

Xilien fighters can project powerful Geldex Lasers (ゲルデックス・レイザァ,   Gerudekkusu Reizā)[1] from their undersides.


Concept art



This is a list of references for Xilien Fighter. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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