Energy Refueling Base

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Energy Refueling Base
The Energy Refueling Base's model in Godzilla Battle Line
Use(s) Collecting/storing/supplying energy
First appearance Godzilla Battle Line

The Energy Refueling Base (エネルギー補給基地,   Enerugī Hokyū Kichi, lit. "Energy Supplying Base") is a device that appears exclusively in the 2021 video game Godzilla Battle Line.


The Energy Refueling Base is a silver cylindrical structure with an energy meter on at least one side and four equidistant 'feet' that are black on the bottom and each have a cyan triangular marking. It has a flared top with a cyan rectangular marking on two sides, and four yellow lights that align with the feet below. The roof has a yellow rectangular light and two black antennae with red and silver casings.


Godzilla Battle Line

  • Stars: ★★
  • Energy cost: 5
  • Duration: 65 seconds
  • Generate speed: 8 seconds

On Placement
Facilities' HP decreases over time.
It can last up to 65 seconds on the battlefield, but will be destroyed faster if attacked by enemy units.
Generates 1 energy every 8 seconds, for a maximum of 8 energy.

A special support facility that only serves to generate energy.
It cannot move or attack, so it should generally be placed near your Leader or in the back.
It makes it easier to deploy high-cost allied units, so long as you can prevent it from being ambushed and destroyed.


Energy collection

According to its bio, the Energy Refueling Base "drains energy from the earth for use in refueling." In-game, it gives the player up to 8 energy, generating 1 every 8 seconds.


The building possesses no offensive capabilities and thus can be quickly destroyed by enemy attack.



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